After years of controversy regarding the profitability and benefit of the golf course, a fully-informed VOTE by the citizens of Cedar Hills on the future of the Golf Course is now proposed.
Cedar Hills Citizens for Responsible Government (CHCRG) has long sought to help inform citizens regarding important and valuable information city officials appeared unwilling to provide its residents at our website .
Most recently, Councilman Rob Crawley — a CFO financial expert, who has by his own admission spent four years researching and discussing the city’s audited financials and explored alternative to keeping the golf course operating at $550,000 per year in average losses (taxpayer subsidies). He requested that the Mayor and Council allow him to publish his findings in the October newsletter, as an alternative view to other Council member golf-related postings, but was refused.
Crawley decided to courageously take this information to CH residents directly, printing a flyer (with supporting documentation at his blog) with his own money, and distributing it throughout the city. Some of the highlights from his research include:
– The original presentation used to promote citizen support for its purchase from the original developer, said that the golf course would cost taxpayers $0 zero.
– They also forecasted $150,000 in profits in year #1, with $400,000 in annual profits by year #10.
– Ten+ years later, the results are in. According to financial expert and Councilman Rob Crawley's research of the City's audited financial, the golf course to date has cost every household in Cedar Hills an average of $4,739.
– Crawley's research has also shown the golf course has cost Cedar Hills taxpayers $12.3 million in subsidies.
He believes, and we agree, that it’s time for the Voters of Cedar Hills to be fully informed and given a voice in the future of the golf course. We trust you and support your voice!
Last night the Mayor’s so-called “unbiased” Golf Finance Committee voted on final touches to a document it will be publishing countering Rob Crawley’s findings.
Therefore, after much consideration, and patient observation, we, a few of your fellow residents, from Cedar Hills Citizens for Responsible Government are announcing plans to create a Citizens Initiative Petition Drafting Committee, being formed to draft legal language that via the Initiative that will require the city to fully inform citizens on various viable golf course alternative options (including new parks, trails, soccer fields, etc.) and require a citywide vote on future of golf course.
This proposed Initiative Petition requiring a citizen vote will require time to formulate, and will NOT affect this November's City Council election. However, we feel it important to inform the public of this Initiative Petition Drafting Committee so residents can also be aware of three NEW City Council candidates (non-incumbents) we believe most likely to support a successful Initiative Petition that will genuinely promote your being FULLY-informed and have the opportunity to VOTE citywide on the future of the golf course, so that this issue can be settled once and for all.
The candidates we can highly recommend for your voting consideration are:
Paul Sorensen
Angela CC Johnson
Ben Bailey
(Note: None of the candidates sought CHCRG’s endorsement.)
These candidates are selected over the incumbent Council member and avid golf supporter Mike Geddes, and Council member (city public information officer) Jenney Rees, both of whom have refused numerous request to fully inform the public of the year-by-year golf course losses (taxpayer subsidies) and Rob Crawley’s golf financial research and proposed options to the golf course. Despite their request for our votes, have simultaneously stated that they are unwilling to promote a vote by the citizens on the future of our golf course.
The Initiative Petition Drafting Committee plans to hold its first meeting within 10 days, and will be comprised of invitees that may include candidates for Council, members of the Golf Finance Committee, CHCRG members and other interested parties that are genuinely willing to promote a fully-informed citizen vote on the future of the golf course.
For further developments, please regularly visit