Mrs. Smart to Mayor Gygi: “…You don’t have any integrity” – MELTDOWN!

Written By: admin - Mar• 04•16

CANDACE SMART – Is a member of the Smart family that owns the land south of Walmart, have been waiting “3 years” for the city to resolve its concerns regarding their property so they can sell it.  


At the Tuesday March 1st City Council Meeting, in her public comments Mrs. Smart said that Mayor Gygi has said one thing to her family in private and then something different publicly.  Mayor Gygi had a minor melt-down while continually interrupting Mrs. Smart before Councilman Zappala suggested that, “Mayor, I would suggest we let Mrs. Smart make her public comments, like any other resident.  Let’s just let her say her peace.”  To which Gygi snapped at Zappala, “Let me handle this!"  Mrs. Smart was not intimidated by the mayor and continued, “You’re defensive because you don’t have any integrity."

For Mrs. Smart’s complete comments listen to audio highlights compilation below.



KEN CROMAR’s Public Comments (transcribed):

Hi. My name is Ken Cromar – former CH City Councilman from 1994 – 2000.  You know, last time we were here my wife and I spoke.  I must say I was extremely proud of her to stand with me and in frankly what is a very difficult thing to do, to address this body.  We prepared our comments and you listened to them, and I appreciate that.

For Cromar and Mrs. Smart's com

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