Monday December 19, 2022
National Radio Broadcast:
With Pastors Sanders & Larsen who invited in LOY BRUNSON and Ken Cromar
They discussed the Heavenly spiritual aspects to the Brunson Brothers’ case at the Supreme Court, and Cedar Hills, Utah Citizens’ PROCLAMATION & INVITATION to the Nation for prayer in behalf of the Brunsons and the Supreme Court Justices.
(Loy’s segment begins at: 29:50)
(at about 38 minutes BOTH Loy & Ken agree that Sen. Mike Lee should voluntarily resign and lead by example to admit failure for his error, and encourage other Congressmen to do the same, go back home and help find replacements that WILL obey their oath of office no matter what!)
Pastor Sanders seemed so pleased with the interview that he invited Loy & Ken, either or both, to come back anytime and use his Show to get out their messages.

Imagine that, a couple of “Mormon boys”, neighbors 7 houses apart in little ‘ol Cedar, talking with a couple of Baptist Pastors about Heavenly aspects of a Supreme Court case that could help save America?
God moves in mysterious ways. And we shouldn’t be surprised that we are UNITED by our mutual faith in Christ Jesus! Amen.