Who are RAY EPPS (from Arizona), & JOHN SULLIVAN (from Utah)? And why aren’t they both rotting in D.C. gulag jail with hundreds of other J6-ers?


Why was John Sullivan in a Utah Fourth District Court (Provo) THIS WEEK on January 3, 2023?

See this PDF of this article by G. Edward Griffin here…. John Earl Sullivan – If John Sullivan, the Agitator at the Capitol, Is Not BLM: Antifa, Who Does He Work For?
Antifa Activist Who Sold Footage Of January 6 To CNN, NBC, Had $90,000 Seized By Feds
John Sullivan, the Antifa activist who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and sold footage to CNN, had $90,000 seized by authorities.
Who is Ray Epps really?

DOJ have gone out of their way to protect the MAGA hat-wearing Ray Epps, but the question just won’t go away—Who is Ray Epps, and what was his role on Jan. 6 and the days preceding the “insurrection” at the US Capitol?
What is an “Agent Provocateur”? One definition is:
“An agent provocateur (French for ‘inciting agent’) is a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit, an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act, so as to ruin the reputation of, or entice legal action against, the target, or a group they belong to or are perceived to belong to. They may target any group, such as a peaceful protest or demonstration, a union, a political party or a company.

Provocateurs to Turn Unsuspecting Marchers Into an Invading Mob
“Then, a loud, bellowing shout from behind: “Forward! Do not retreat! Forward!”
Retreat? Nobody was retreating. They were trying to escape the tear gas. But the man kept yelling not to “retreat,” as if this were a military operation. In a powerful voice, he exhorted the crowd to remain on the plaza and not to disperse on the lawn or depart down the steps to the footpath. Thousands more people continued pouring in from Constitution Avenue.
Then two other men, standing across from one another on the high granite curbs on either side of the footpath, bellowed variations of “Forward! Don’t you dare retreat!” Some made direct eye contact at people and pointed directly at them, as if trying to psyche them into submitting.
Still more tear gas, this time with green or yellow smoke. I was concerned that my companion, who was recovering from a previously injured foot, might get knocked down if people started to stampede for air. Once someone falls down in a panicked crowd, there’s a dangerous risk of getting trampled to death. I opened the way for others to exit, with other marchers lending a hand. But most of the people stood where they were as more marchers flowed up Capitol Hill.
A third man standing on a chair, also shouting “Forward,” reached down to grab me by the shoulder and barked, “Don’t retreat! Get back up there!” It wasn’t an expression of enthusiasm or solidarity; it sounded like a military order. And it wasn’t from a wild kid; this guy was probably in his 50s. He looked furious with me.
What did he care what I did? What difference would the departure of ten or even a hundred of us make, with so many more surging in. The furious man crouched down and yelled in my face: “We’re going into the Capitol!” I ignored him, broke away, and worked my way down the steps.
“What a stupid idiot,” I thought. “You can’t just walk into the Capitol anymore. Especially not today.” Bystanders helped my companion and me mount the high stone curb to the grass, where we chatted with new people we met and wondered what was happening up front.
What the barking men were doing didn’t hit me until later, when we found out about the attack: They appeared to be part of an organized cell of agents-provocateurs to corral people as an unwitting follow-on force behind the plainclothes militants tussling with police—but who, we would later learn, were actually breaking into the Capitol beneath the Great Rotunda to storm Congress. It was just before 3 o’clock.
These apparent agents-provocateurs placed hundreds of unsuspecting supporters of the president in physical danger. They attempted to block exits for people seeking to escape tear gas. They endangered vulnerable people, including children, the frail, and the elderly.
They funneled and pushed hundreds if not thousands of innocent people into a crush toward the Capitol. They did so with the goal of forcing those people into a confrontation with federal police defending Congress.”
For complete EYE WITNESS account story see:
Deep State = Deranged = Satan’s “Useful Idiots” = Demon possessed?