So MANY QUESTIONS about TRUST for the oxymoronic “” officials:
- How is it possible that Utah’s government employees are self-bonded by an entity ?
- Doesn’t self-bonding via a .gov defeat the purpose of having an outside entity insure and indemnify the We the People from abusive, tyrannical government employees who may breatk the law and/or endanger the lives, liberty and property and pursuit of happiness they are supposed to protect — but FAIL to do so?
- Doesn’t self-bonding create a built in conflict of interest wherein the bonding company — which is also the government — be inclined to protect it money / assets from payout for collectable violations on the bonds?
- Could it be that the self-bonding incentivizes the government entities to NOT provide PUBLIC information access about the Bonds and bonded individuals?
- Could it be that there is NO money in the Bonding company and that it has been stolen by un-indicted co-conspirators probably from within the highest levels of government?
- When was the Utah Local Governments Trust last audited? And audited by whom? A .gov Utah governmental entity? Or brother, cousin, best friend of the governor?
Setting the Stage:
The Bonding Problem
As human population increases and mutual human tolerance decreases,
municipal corporations tend to become less sensitive to individual human needs
and tend to become more antisocial toward the public.
It has been put crudely
that municipal corporations become slaughterhouse operations with law
enforcement officers running the sledgehammer department.
Judges ignore the
rights of the people and legislators generate heaps of laws, without perfecting
the ones already existing to make them fit for bonding. Defective statutes and
defective legal processes become an invitation for every sort of official
malpractice and malfeasance including economic oppression, and the public, in
retaliation, begins suing for every injury, putting the heat on the bonding
For details see
December 29, 2022
Sent via email & Certified USPS mail: #7022 0410 0002 9777 8105
Steven A. Hansen – CEO
Jeff Rowley – Claims Manager
Jody Pettet – Accounting Manager
c/o Utah Local Governments Trust
55 South Highway 89
North Salt Lake, UT 84054
Re: Utah GRAMA & Freedom of Information Act Request regarding bonds, insurance, and other items related to various alleged Utah government employees / officers and/or officials as listed. (Note: CC’d to Utah Attorney General via Chief of Staff at & via Certified USPS mail: #7022 0410 0002 9777 8112 for possible future Criminal Referral.)
Mr. Hansen, Mr. Rowley and Mr. Pettet,
This is a lawful request for records / information under the Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.A.), The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, and Utah Public Records 63-2-301 (GRAMA), we request that a true and accurate simple answer the question YES or NO (check √ or mark as appropriate), if you have any records and/or information related to Utah Code 52-1-13. Sureties — Approval — Personal surety bond — Requirements (see below) on each of the following alleged Utah government employees and/or officers and/or officials at any time during the year of 2022, please:
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly at Utah Supreme Court]:
Matthew B. Durrant YES ___ NO ___
John A. Pearce YES ___ NO ___
Diana Hagen YES ___ NO ___
Paige Petersen YES ___ NO ___
Jill M. Pohlman YES ___ NO ___
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly at Utah Appeals Court]:
Michele M. Christiansen-Forster YES ___ NO ___
Ryan M. Harris YES ___ NO ___
David N. Mortensen YES ___ NO ___
Gregory K. Orme YES ___ NO ___
Ryan D. Tenney YES ___ NO ___
Kate Appleby YES ___ NO ___
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly at Utah Administrative Office of the Courts]:
Bryson King YES ___ NO ___
Stacey R. Haacke YES ___ NO ___
Keisa L. Williams YES ___ NO ___
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly at Utah Attorney General Office]:
Sean D. Reyes YES ___ NO ___
Heather Chesnut YES ___ NO ___
Ric Cantrel YES ___ NO ___
Josianne E. Petit YES ___ NO ___
John Earl Sullivan YES ___ NO ___
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly connected to Utah Governor Office]:
Spencer J. Cox YES ___ NO ___
Deidre Henderson YES ___ NO ___
Jenney Rees YES ___ NO ___
Gary Herbert YES ___ NO ___
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly connected to Utah Fourth District Court]:
Christine Johnson YES ___ NO ___
Kraig J. Powell YES ___ NO ___
James M. Brady YES ___ NO ___
Robert Lund YES ___ NO ___
Anthony Howell YES ___ NO ___
Lynn Davis YES ___ NO ___
Debbie Jacobsen YES ___ NO ___
Roena Gammon YES ___ NO ___
Mark Urry YES ___ NO ___
Amber Evans YES ___ NO ___
Nancy Baldarrago YES ___ NO ___
Mark Colby YES ___ NO ___
Heather Henrie YES ___ NO ___
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly at Utah County Attorney Office]:
David O. Leavitt YES ___ NO ___
Jared Perkins YES ___ NO ___
Adam Pomeroy YES ___ NO ___
Ben Stanley YES ___ NO ___
Rob Moore YES ___ NO ___
Dale Eyre YES ___ NO ___
Laura Mendoza YES ___ NO ___
PJ Maughan YES ___ NO ___
Lisa Maxine Estrada YES ___ NO ___
Eric Johnson YES ___ NO ___
(Former attorney for Cedar Hills)
Brad Sears YES ___ NO ___
(Former mayor for Cedar Hills)
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly at Utah County Sheriff Office]:
Mike Smith YES ___ NO ___
John O’Hara YES ___ NO ___
Eldon Packer YES ___ NO ___
Robert Weidlein YES ___ NO ___
Spencer Cannon YES ___ NO ___
Nathan Crawford YES ___ NO ___
Larry Evans YES ___ NO ___
Mitchel Bailey YES ___ NO ___
Jory Provostgaard YES ___ NO ___
James O. Tracy YES ___ NO ___
Alleged Utah government employee [possibly at Utah County Attorney Office]:
Andrea Allen YES ___ NO ___
Jeffery Smith YES ___ NO ___
Jason Thurlow YES ___ NO ___
Sarah Miller YES ___ NO ___
Michelle Araujo YES ___ NO ___
Please note that no specific record is being requested for any of the individuals related to Utah Code 52-1-13., but rather, we are simply trying to determine if you have any record / information related the named entities, in that we have had no success in receiving GRAMA requested Bond related records from many of the above alleged Utah government employees/officers/officials. [Bond / Surety instrument GRAMA requests related to the above list may or may not come at a later date.]
We Intend to Collect lawful compensation for unlawful violations of Law in trespass against us by certain alleged Utah government employees/officials and/or officers, and are simply attempting to confirm if any record or information on the above alleged Utah government employees may be maintained YES or NO by the Utah Local Governments Trust – thus helping us consider and determine if your entity may have records on them, and if and how we may make a lawful claim against those who are required to have indemnity instruments described in Utah Code 52-1-13, etc., that may or may not be maintained by Utah Local Governments Trust. Simple. Easy.
52-1-13. Sureties — Approval — Personal surety bond — Requirements.
In all cases a bond is required of any public officer in this state, either a corporate surety bond or a personal surety bond may be given. Such bonds shall be subject to approval as provided by law. No personal surety bond shall be approved except with two or more sureties and each such surety shall first make and file an affidavit setting forth that he is a resident and freeholder within the state of Utah and is worth the sum specified in the undertaking, over and above all of his just debts and liabilities and exclusive of property exempt from execution and shall include in such affidavit a detailed statement of all of his assets and liabilities; and the making of any material false statement in respect thereto shall constitute a felony; provided further, that when there are more than two sureties thereon, they may express in their affidavits that they are severally worth amounts less than that expressed in the bond if the whole amount of all sureties is equivalent to double the penalty of the bond. No premium on any surety bond with personal sureties shall be paid from any public funds. The several boards, courts or officers authorized by law to approve bonds herein referred to may require sureties on personal surety bonds to justify annually and, in case of failure to so justify, such boards or officers may require additional sureties or a new bond. In case of failure of any public officer to have his sureties justify when so required or to furnish additional sureties when required, as herein provided, the board or officer charged with the duty of approving the bond of such officer shall declare such office vacant within 60 days after notice personally served upon the officer, and at the expiration of said 60 day period such office shall become vacant unless such sureties justify or additional qualified sureties be furnished within said period.
Note: Public official surety bond related requests fall under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, Utah Public Records 63-2-301 (GRAMA) invoked herein, and by law you are obligated to supply us with this information within 10 business days of email receipt.
This GRAMA REQUEST under Utah Code 63G-2-203 as follows:
Please provide a simple response “YES” or “NO” (checking √ the appropriate designation right into this document if helpful to expedite the reply) that Utah Local Government Trust maintains any record / information on the named alleged Utah government employees / officials and/or officers – thus confirming or denying their status as a lawful employee / officer and/or official, as required of such under Utah Code 52-1-13.
√ YES, we may be found the subject of existing or future records as it relates to our Intent to Collect on various violations of Law by the alleged Utah government employees / officials and/or officers.
√ YES, we want the records for FREE as a public service as this is requested in the public interest (We the People) of as we attempt protect our lives, rights and freedom from corrupt, tyrannical government officials which is to be included in a likely forth coming documentary film production for the benefit of the public – and fellow Utahns particularly. (see Utah Code 63G-2-203)
√ YES, if NOT agreeable for FREE we are willing to pay, and offer $50 as a guesstimate for what should be a simple database search requiring little if any time, but which will instantly be responded to if cost $$ estimate is provided by email, so we may quickly make payment electronically a.s.a.p.
√ YES, please provide the records to both emails: and , with signed hard copy sent via USPS mail to the address below.
√ YES, we REQUIRE these confirmation of record existence YES or NO regarding each alleged employee / officer / official within 10 working days from email receipt, December 29, 2022 by January 13, 2023 without fail.
Please remember that “Open & Honest” government need not obfuscate, deflect or delay a direct answer to direct YES or NO questions – as lawfully required by Utah’s GRAMA law.
Thank you for your most expeditious, professional and timely fulfillment of this lawful request.
________________________ __________________________
Paul-Kenneth: Cromar & Barbara-Ann: Cromar
Producer / Director / Screenwriter
Former Cedar Hills Councilman – July 1994 to January 2000
c/o 9870 N. Meadow Drive
Cedar Hills, Utah [84062-9998]
– or –
PO Box 942
Pleasant Grove, Utah [84062-9998]
CC: Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes via Chief of Staff at & via Certified USPS mail: #7022 0410 0002 9777 8112
Misc. HIGHLIGHT from FamGuardians’ PDF which can be downloaded here…
* – uniform-bonding-code
Organized Crime in Government
Government officials maintain control of the courts by “licensing lawyers” and
by forbidding the common citizens to “practice law” or give “legal advice,” three
phrases which have never been adequately defined for any statute. To protect
government dominance, “law schools” are the only schools allowed to teach law,
and specifically “safe law” (attornment).
To protect malfeasance, attorneys are
forbidden to file criminal complaints against malfeasance officials, officer and
clerks and against officers of other corporations. If they disobey, they lose their
“license to practice law.” Similarly, when the citizen files a criminal complaint
against a public official, the prosecutor is expected to protect the public official
from prosecution for official malfeasance by exercising some mystical doctrine
of “selective prosecution” (an act of misprision of crime) which is nothing more
or less than an excuse for legal prejudice to issue from the prosecutor’s office
calculated to overthrow the public’s legal redress against official malfeasance.
Claims Access Pursuant to Civil Rights Law
Improper enforcements which run counter to the U.S. Constitution can involve
as many as thirty-five (35) violations of the provisions of the United States
Constitution valued per 18 USC 241 (Conspiracy against rights) at $10,000 per
constitutional violation, per offense, per officer, per injured party when the
officer is acting as a part of a law enforcement agency effort.
The civil value is therefore approximately $350,000 per enforcement offense,
per enforcement officer, per injured party. (more…)
The Solution
In order to survive in the commercial marketplace, the smaller bonding
companies have had to become more selective and scientific in their bonding
practice. In the past, bonding was based on marketing a bond which covered a broad
aggregate of “bondable” objects, acts and persons. (more…)
A public official, clerk or servant shall lose his bond:
- 1. if he interferes with the education of the public in matters of law and the
“practice of law,” - 2. if he refuses to give to a citizen legal advice about a process with which
he is familiar or if he refuses to give to a citizen legal advice which he is
qualified to give because of his familiarity with and pertaining to the
normal course of his public service. But no public servant or citizen shall
be held legally liable for any information which he shall give when it is
given upon demand, pursuant to a citizen’s written or spoken writ of
mandamus (an order to come to one’s aid), pursuant to 42 USC 1986, the
brother’s keeper statute of the United States. - 3. if he injures or oppresses any citizen who is acting in good faith and good
behavior with a genuine and honest intent to practice law and/or to give
legal counsel or assistance to other, - 4. if he tries to get a citizen prosecuted for “practice of law without a
license” where there is no clear evidence of false advertising, fraud or
injury to the party being counseled, - 5. if he tries to get a citizen prosecuted for “practice of law without a
license” in order to eliminate competition in a litigation, a legal process
or the legal industry generally, - 6. if he operates a court of the legal system as a facility of a legal labor
union (bar association) reserved for state licensed attorneys only, that is
as a closed union shop. (more…)
Just Compensation vs. Fraudulent Taxation
A government/public trust is supposed to operate on taxes, and if a government
operates commercial enterprises using tax money in competition with a free
enterprise public, then the money of the citizens is being used in competition
with the citizens, and that will discourage the payment and collection of taxes.
It will cause tax rebellion. (Conflict of interest) Therefore, all revenue raised by
a government’s offices of public trust must be obtained by the performance of
public service not provided by ordinary free enterprise businesses. Public
service is the only sort of business in which a government is supposed to be
(“Nor shall private property [taxes] be taken for public use without Just
compensation [valuable, publicly needed and publicly wanted service rendered
by government]”). — The 16th so-called amendment of the U.S. Constitution
does not base the assessment of taxes on services rendered by the government
for the public but rather upon the services rendered by public citizens for third
parties, hence, the 16th so-called amendment of the U.S. Constitution violates
the 5 th , so-called, amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Essentially, the only lawful personal tax assessable for operating a government
is a per capita tax determined by dividing the cost of operating the government
by the number of emancipated citizens (or persons of majority age-eighteen
years old or older). (more…)
Statutory Fraud
(Emotional Urgent Necessity Statutes)
A legislator is said to be engaging in the confidence game of statutory fraud
when he by the legislation of statute(s) creates a false problem for, or artificial
or fraudulent need in, any citizen or group of citizens in order:
1. to justify the creation of the capacity to offer a solution for the false
problem created, or
2. to justify the collection of taxes or revenue to finance the solution of the
problem created. (more…)
Compulsory Insurance
The bonding of statutes which require natural persons (non-incorporated
persons) to purchase insurance, must be very carefully analyzed, and be
regarded with the utmost caution. As a general rule, it is against the law for
any entity to compel any citizen to pay any wager or premium for the privilege
of not being injured or for the privilege of not being threatened with injury
(Protection Insurance Racketeering). [Footnote: U.S. R.I.C.O. Laws]
Corporations may be required by the state in which they are incorporated, to
purchase public hazard insurance because the corporation, being an
artificial/paper person (a legal fiction), is regarded as having no conscience
other than the state, making the state as a silent partner of the corporation,
financially responsible for the acts of the corporation. (That which the liege-lord
giveth, the liege-lord taketh away.) (more…)
4.0 – Judicative Input, Generally
1. if he uses the power of his public office, or his position in that office, or
his power of enforcement
A. to harass or to oppress a citizen, or
B. to create, obstacles to prevent a citizen from exercising his
remedies by the due course of law. (MORE… )
A city, county, state or federal district attorney (including a U.S. district
attorney called a “U.S. Attorney’) shall lose his bonding and shall not be
1. if he refuses to properly identify himself to the citizen when asked to do
so, including giving the citizen the name and address (or telephone
number) of his bonding company and his bond policy number (bond
2. if he fails or refuses to receive, for filing, a criminal complaint from a
citizen against a citizen or an official,
3. if he refused to mark or stamp the citizen’s confirmed (compare with
original) copy of the citizen’s complaint with any of the following
A. “Received”
B. name of receiving office
C. date
D. time
E. signature or initial of receiving clerk or official, so that the citizen
can have an official receipt for delivery of his complaint;
4. if he fails or refuses to make a reasonably diligent effort to process the
citizen’s complaint (42 USC 1986), (MUCH MORE…. )
Constitution, and the judge shows no signs of mending his ways or correcting
his court procedure, it is usually best for the ‘amicus curiae’ to file a notice of
criminal malpractice (malfeasance) with the court administrator, and with the
bonding company in person, by fax, or by telephone to immediately establish
reversible error and civil damage in the case.
A government official, officer, or clerk shall lose their bond, shall not be bonded,
and shall be deemed unbondable:
(1) if he fails to answer, or fails to require an answer to, a citizen’s complaint
and affidavit of information categorically point-for-point, except that, where
criminal accusations are made, he shall have the right to remain silent, or
allow silence (non-answer) as a protection against self- incrimination.
Otherwise, the ordinary rule is:
[ an affidavit unrebutted stands as the truth. ]
Criminal acts may not be bonded against prosecution or litigation or there
would be people who would become bonded as a license to commit criminal acts
in violation of the peace and dignity of the state.
If the Bonding Company does not Compel Prosecution
liability is against the bonding company up to the face value of the bond, and
the remaining claim of liability is against the corporation and against the
officer for the unpaid balance of the claim.
7.2 –– Bonding of Attitude
scientific bonding practices which eliminate the bonding, hence employment, of
anti-social enforcement officers.
(2) the bond on an enforcement officer is based on the officer’s social attitude
and past performance, that is, his “track record.
(3) an antisocial officer is generally defined as a person who:
(a) has a bad social attitude
(b) thinks he is bonded- for any sort of social behavior whatsoever
(c) thinks he has to prove himself by being socially abusive or macho toward
members of the general public.
(4) antisocial officers create bad enforcement situations which cause citizens to
file malpractice claims with bonding companies.
(5) therefore a credible bonding company will not bond a known antisocial
enforcement officer.
Many municipal corporations (city, county, state) have quietly chosen to
operate without malpractice bonding in violation of state corporate public
hazard bonding laws because their bonding is expensive.
A government, or an official, officer, or clerk of a government will lose its/his
bond, will not be bonded, and will not be bondable if a person, hereinafter
referred to as the “prisoner”, which it/he handles, who has been charged and
arrested but who has not been convicted:
(1) has been denied or delayed anything, or any right, or the equal protection of
the law necessary for the prisoner’s defense which an uncharged and
unarrested citizen would have at his use, service, and disposal.
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