CLICK here for video: Tucker Carlson: The World Economic Forum seems to exist to destroy national economies
Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on the World Economic Forum and its ‘mediocre’ attendees on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ (NOTE: Meme-like images added by editor)
If you’ve been paying attention for the past five or six years –
If you’ve been paying attention for the past five or six years – and we know you have been – you’ve probably noticed the inverted nature of modern language. Pretty much everything is precisely the opposite of what they claim it is. So the people who tell you they’re defending democracy are promoting authoritarianism, which is not democracy. Then the Black Lives Matter movement winds up killing Black people. Who would have seen that coming?
Then our public health authorities make the population sicker. And this is our new favorite. The so-called World Economic Forum seems to exist to destroy national economies. Not an overstatement. It was the WEF, keep in mind, that told the government of Sri Lanka to give up modern fertilizer. Oh, good plan, guys. Go ahead and try it. Result? The country collapsed and people starved.
Then it was the WEF that promoted Sam Bankman-Fried’s historic Ponzi, the biggest financial fraud in history. Apparently the savants at the World Economic Forum just couldn’t tell that this twitchy, pill-popping kid in cargo shorts, who literally played video games during interviews, was an utterly transparent scammer. They had no idea. They thought he was a genius, just like them.

And of course it was the WEF that predicted the COVID lockdowns would “quietly improve cities,” not turn them into ominous hellscape of unemployment, drug addiction and crime. It seemed like a good plan at the time. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Let’s prevent people from working. That’ll make them rich. It’ll quietly improve life for everyone.” That’s the World Economic Forum for you.
The WEF is often described as a group of supervillains, but they’re also hilariously idiotic – not just evil, buffoonish. And by the way, they know it. They’re smart enough to be embarrassed anyway. The WEF has since deleted its tweet about COVID lockdowns. It has memory hold. Its promotion of scammer Sam Bankman-Fried. It has conveniently forgotten all about its guidance on Sri Lankan fertilizer, on which it turns out the WEF is not an expert. None of that ever happened. The slate is clean.
So we’re ready for yet another World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which is under way right now. The event kicked off this week with 84-year-old Klaus Schwab. He’s the founder of the WEF, promising to “master the future.”
Will “Klaus-y” Demand We Follow Him on the BEACH? Yucky!
[Editor NOTE: Image above found on web image search. Do searches and see for yourself.
Who in their right mind would ever follow the guy above “Hitler’s spawn” Klaus anywhere???]
KLAUS SCHWAB: We couldn’t meet at a more challenging time. We are confronted with so many crises simultaneously. What does it mean to master the future? I think to have a platform where all stakeholders of global society are engaged.
(To watch CLICK here…)
“We must masters the future, master the future.” So, mastering the future is now the top item on the to-do list at the World Economic Forum this year. That’s the first clue these people are not living the same life you are. By the end of this week, you hope to find some time to get an oil change or maybe pick up some dandruff shampoo at Rite Aid. At the World Economic Forum, they plan to master the future. That’s the kind of people they are.
How are they going to do it, by the way? Well, they’re going to do it with John Kerry, who, despite physical appearances, is still alive. Kerry will be 80-years old this year, so it goes without saying that if he’s going to master the future, he’d better hurry. Thankfully, he’s got a plan. Watch. ….
For John Kerry and Al Gore segments see complete report at:

If this is all starting to sound like a bad CNN segment to you, a parade of self-confident, dumb people, rich in self-esteem, low in wisdom, giving moralizing lectures to one another’s applause, well, let us confirm that for you. Where was Don Lemon? Why wasn’t he there? Well, he wasn’t. That’s on next year’s program, no doubt.
This year – we’re not making this up – America’s favorite unemployed media critic. Mr. Brian Stelter, ladies and gentlemen. Watch. (To watch please use link at top or bottom for video)
BRIAN STELTER: The clear and present danger of disinformation is our conversation here this afternoon. It follows a session just now about disrupting distrust and of course, those are connected. So I hope that’s where we can start. I’m Brian Stelter, formerly of CNN, now a fellow at Harvard University. A reminder, the hashtag is WEF23. We can try to put some real information out into the world to make up for all the crazy.
“Make up for all the crazy.” The conclusion this year at the World Economic Forum is that people who are not at the World Economic Forum have too much free speech, too many bad ideas, too much crazy and too much opportunity to talk. They’re still talking out there. Stop them before they talk some more.
So if you’re getting the impression that the world’s most mediocre people and least self-aware people are all congregating in Switzerland this week, you are on to something. In fact, it might be worth getting an attendee list just to make certain that not a single person who was there this week ever has power over you in any way. If one of these people shows up supervising the bake sale at your kid’s school, call the police. They’re not qualified.
(To watch CLICK here…)
So with that in mind, it was interesting to see Florida congresswoman Maria Salazar there. Maria Salazar hasn’t been in Congress very long, but she has spent her time laser focused on helping foreign nationals come to this country illegally. Her own constituents? No concern. People in other countries coming here to go on welfare? Oh, yeah.
Before Maria Salazar was even inaugurated, she posted a video on Twitter promising Nicaraguans and Hondurans in Central America that she would “be there for them” to “help and assist” in “everything the American government can do for them.” Not what they might do for our country as new immigrants, how they might build the country, make it better, unite it, make it more prosperous, peaceful. No. What the American government can do for people. The American government owes nothing to those who are breaking laws the American government passed.
That’s Maria Salazar. She’s in Davos this week, of course. And during her time in Davos, it goes without saying, she demanded amnesty for tens of millions of foreign nationals living in our country illegally. Watch. (To watch please use link at top or bottom for video)
REP, MARIA SALAZAR: We need to also give dignity to those people who are in the country. And those are the people that I represent. We’re talking about 13, 15 million people who are, most of them Hispanics. I would say 85%, who speak my language, look like me and sound like me ,that are contributing with the economy of this country. And they live in the shadows. So it’s time to seal the border, like she said. Put order. Let’s see who comes in and who doesn’t and then turn around and give dignity. That doesn’t mean a path to citizenship. That means to include them and make them dignified members of our community.
“Millions of people who look like me.” Don’t you love it when white people pretend that the people streaming across our border look like me? Sorry, Maria Salazar, you are whiter than I am. So, knock it off. It’s false.
And by the way, you don’t represent foreign nationals in the United States here illegally. You represent Americans because you’re a representative of the American government.
Donald Trump went to the economic forum in Davos some years ago and made it really clear that he represents, as the American president, Americans, not people from foreign countries living in the United States illegally. Now, a person who claims to be in his party is making exactly the opposite claim. Marie Salazar has been on this show before. We’d love to have her on again. That offer remains open always.
For complete report at: