How do you save a nation?
Hang one Treasonous Traitor at a Time!
Joe Biden is a Foreign Agent, The Case Is Closed (Ep. 1941) – The Dan Bongino Show
The Treasury Department on Wednesday denied the House Oversight Committee’s request to disclose 150 suspicious reports flagged by U.S. banks concerning Biden family business transactions, causing the committee’s chairman to threaten a subpoena.
U.S. banks have flagged over 150 suspicious financial transactions from Hunter and James Biden, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), House Oversight Committee chair, told Breitbart News. The wire transfers included “large” amounts of money tripped for further review by American banks.
Wire transfers are widely used by money launderers. To mitigate the risks to the financial institutions, suspicious wire transfers over $10,000 are flagged for review. Wire transactions involving more than $10,000 are also to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.
SAR – “Suspicious Activity Reports”

This posting is the twenty-third in a series called “BABYLON is Falling” – presented to provide highlights of how the Lord God is WINNING this last World War before the Second Coming of his Son Jesus Christ, with added advice of:
“Keep Calm – Step back –
and Avoid being crushed by the Falling Rocks & debris!”
AND Peacefully PROTEST & EXPOSE government corruption and Wake-UP your family & friends at EVERY opportunity! Again, posting of articles here does not mean that the information is 100% agreed with — but rather thought-provoking and likely of interest to our readers.

Interview with FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, Part. 1 (Ep 1857) The Dan Bongino Show
DailyWire – Brandon Drey – “FBI Director Christophe Wray Summons Bureau’s Jet to DC -Area Airport To Dodge Traffic: Whistleblower”
The minute BONGINO reads a story by Nantz – he says you can be sure that Nantz is trying to discredit something – in this case hero Kyle Seraphin….
TOWNHALL – “Whistleblower Puffery – FBI Director Summons Bureau Jet to DC area airport to Dodge Traffic?” -( a misinformation propaganda piece?)
49:40 – Watch out for plastic pretended patriots hiding behind the brand of “Conservative Inc”

“Doing okay! Out of surgery and the doc did a massive clean up operation on my elbow,” Bongino announced. “Thanks for all of your prayers and messages. I really appreciate it.”
Earlier this month, Bongino learned his Fox show ruled the ratings, according to an Ad Week report that his Saturday night show was the most-watched primetime cable news show.