A Shocking Recess With NO Sentencing For Barbie & Ken Cromar

Written By: admin - Aug• 21•22

News Release – 8/20/2022

Breaking News: A Recess But No Sentencing For Barbie & Ken Cromar vs Goliath IRS
Community Support Foundation
PO Box 139
Logan, Utah 84323


Barbie & Ken Cromar vs Goliath IRS, et al

Yesterday, while delaying the start of the sentencing hearing for Barbie & Ken, Judge Johnson had six armed deputies tell those who were waiting in the courtroom that Judge Johnson was limiting the attendance to 10 people. Despite numerous arguments from those in attendance, especially when the deputies were questioned about upholding their oaths of office and the Constitution, the deputies threatened that Judge Johnson would “clear the courtroom” if more than 10 refused to leave. All were invited to view the hearing by way of Webex and a few of the deputies attempted to assist them in getting access. Although many who attempted to access Webex from their phone were unable to connect.  It was estimated from screen shots that more than 100 people, most of whom were considered to be members of the Community Support Foundation were in attendance at Barbie & Ken’s sentencing hearing.

Barbie & Ken chose to attend the hearing by way of Webex because Judge Johnson had filed another bench warrant for their arrest and they did not feel safe appearing at the courthouse knowing that they would be arrested before the hearing. Court appointed counsel, Lisa Maxine Estrada, was NOT in attendance.

When Judge Johnson began the hearing, her clerk pointed out that Barbie & Ken were on Webex. Flustered by Barbie & Ken’s presence via Webex, Judge Johnson began proceedings. It appeared however, Judge Johnson neglected to declare one of the court case numbers involving Barbie & Ken.

Judge Johnson claimed that Barbie & Ken had agreed to appear in person and that she was stating for the record that Barbie & Ken did not appear as promised. All the while Ken was waving his hands on camera to get attention because the court had put Barbie & Ken’s microphone on mute.

Judge Johnson reluctantly allowed Ken to speak who stated the following, which was recreated from the notes taken during the hearing without the benefit of an official court transcript:

Ken Cromar:   We are Barbie & Ken, a living man and woman, are here only in a “Restricted visitation and NOT General Appearance.”  (Now, once again the court has been notified it has no jurisdiction over Barbie & Ken, a living woman and a living man.)

Madam Johnson, the Bench Warrant for arrest is Extortion, and as such is an act of war.  We attended every court hearing in honor, despite the dishonor of this court towards us, wherein we have suffered for almost two years waiting for a “speedy trial” we did not get.

– On and for the record, we are not the defendants.

– We do NOT consent to be the surety.

– We do NOT consent to any voluntary or involuntary servitude.

– We do NOT consent to these proceedings.

– Is this court attempting to sell us into slavery?

(Ken waited for an answer, but when he heard no reply he asked.. “Are you hearing me?”  “Yes.”  Good.  Now that’s proof they heard the preceding and it’s on the record)

We believe you are trying to “man steal” us — I repeat the term “man steal”.

On and for the record, we reference Exodus 21:16 which reads, “Anyone who steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.”

Judge Christine Johnson:  “Are you threatening me?”

Ken Cromar:  No, Madam Johnson, we’re not threatening you.  (It’s God’s word.)

We accept your Oaths of Office and your bonds as the responsible officers who will indemnify us harmless under full immunity… As we are the beneficiaries in this matter.

Again, we are not the defendants.

On and for the record, do you have enough money in your escrow account to cover the commercial trespass you’re about to commit?

I turn over the remainder of my time to Dean Marshall Spencer under Rule 22, where the defendants friends/family/associates can speak before sentencing (previously introduced as someone Madam Johnson knows well and someone who has suffered under her and other judges’ unjust court orders, and where he became a knowledgeable “jailhouse lawyer” thanks to Judge Johnson)

Judge Johnson did not acknowledge the request for Mr. Spencer to speak, but instead deferred to prosecutor Jared Perkins for comment, who then tried to discuss whether or not Barbie & Ken should be sentenced.

Without setting a date for the next hearing, Judge Johnson stated that the bench warrants for Barbie & Ken were still in effect and that the court would wait until they were in custody to set the address for the next hearing. Despite Ken waving his hands to get attention again, since their microphone had again been muted, Court was then put the court in recess and Judge Johnson quickly left the courtroom.

For those who understand the intricacies of Law, it was clear that Ken’s presentation was of Great Legal and Lawful Significance that figuratively blew the doors off of the courtroom.  

The Community Support Foundation continues to publicly acknowledges the TRAVESTY OF INJUSTICE, so grossly displayed in the case against Barbie & Ken Cromar and reminds everyone that:

Together, we must stand to urge the Court to rule in favor of the Defendants, by moving to satisfy any claims, dismiss this case with prejudice, and facilitate a process that will restore them back to their home immediately, and reconfirm the belief that communities are bound together by a common unity in principles, such as the “Principles of Good Business©,” and that “good conduct” is a mandatory requirement by the courts and community at large.” – Where there is smoke, there is fire!

Thank You GOD for continuing to help Barbie & Ken in their cause of Liberty and Justice for All.

Follow the Cromars’ progress here:  www.MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com/BarbieandKenvGoliathlRS/  and more detailed stories at  www.CedarHillsCitizens.org


Tom Fairbanks
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation
(435) 512-1053

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