* AMMON BUNDY fears for his life – Believes FBI setting up justification for his murder!

Written By: admin - Apr• 21•23

AMERICA:  Is it possible that Ammon Bundy is a Victim of corrupt & tyrannical Government Gone Wild — AGAIN?!


Check out this video Ammon released 1 hour ago, in hopes of alerting the public it might save his life!

These corrupt officials have been trying to provoke Ammon, and his family to lash out in anger for years.  But they always are peaceful — DESPITE what the FBI and other dishonest officials say.  They have proven themselves liars to the Bundys, and we, Barbie & Ken can similarly testify.



To my knowledge Ammon Bundy has never been to Cedar Hills, Utah.  He certainly has NEVER been to “Barbie & Ken” Cromar’s LAND home at 9870 N. Meadow Dr.

But you would never know that by how the 75-man SWAT came down, and ALL the suspicious events before, during and after their TRESPASS of marked property and KIDNAPPING (arrest without a warrant) and Burglary of OUR dwelling, and FALSE APPROPRIATION of our still LAND PATENTED #392 part and parcel?

As written on this website previously, we, Barbie & Ken Cromar – former Cedar Hills Councilman and fighter against corruption — feel that we too are lucky to be alive — and that their plans for violence by us, would justify their killing us.  We think it a MIRACLE that we are still alive.

Later the following was added to the above post…



Dear Ammon, all Bundys, ALL Patriots, — including us, “Barbie & Ken” Cromar of Cedar Hills, the situation could be even MORE DIABOLIC and literally “Satanic” than we might have imagined.  Check out this short 6 1/2 minute video:

The Peak Season Of Satanic Blood Sacrifice Is Upon Us

The satanic ruling class celebrate their religious holidays with murder rituals



Friends in Liberty & Constitution:  Ammon Bundy, Ken Cromar & Shawna Cox


Ammon, Shawna Cox, LaVoy Finicum, Ryan Bunday, and recently young patriot Chase Allan R.I.P. “brutally murdered” by five Farmington Utah police who all unloaded their weapons into the non-threatening 25 year old hiding peacefully, windows up in his car.  A public Satanic murder / sacrifice?  As bad as some events already appear, the reality is things can be even more than they appear.


“Gov is NOT the solution / Gov is the PROBLEM” – Pres Reagan

Why is government the aggressor, tyrannically trying to FORCE people SUBMIT, endangering people minding their own business, and cowardly having to create opportunities to fraudulently arrest, publicly ridicule, shoot and kill to make an example of America loving People?

DON’T fall for the intimidation.  Support the good ones.  Expose the bad ones.

Be peaceful.  God wins in the end!  We the People to be part of His righteous solution.  Be there!!




Please PRAY for Ammon and his family — that they may be protected — and that whistleblowers will AGAIN expose corrupt government officials conspiring against honest patriots standing up for the Constitution which protect the God-given un-a-lein-able rights of  ALL We the People.

As fellow “Fugitives from INjustice” – we feel your pain.

Thanks BUNDY family!!







* BABYLON is Falling #6 – CALL to ACTION: Hero Ammon Bundy Stood with Us, NOW Stand with Ammon!







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