Wake up, America!
God’s word found throughout scripture has told us the future through divine inspiration to prophets what will happen just before Christ’s Second Coming.
The Communist Chinese’s plan to Destroy America has been discovered! – but over 20 years ago. But have you ever heard about that plan?
China 中華 – “Center Kingdom” plans for America
China has long held ambitions to control the entire world. (In kanji China means ‘center kingdom”. Zhong (中) means “middle” or “center” while guo (国 or 国) means “country,” “kingdom,”
Where is our leadership warning us about America’s greatest threat? Cashing in their bribery checks or “investments”? Now you can read about their strategy to destroy us here…
Or download it here: Unrestricted Warfare – China’s Master Plan to Destroy America
Read the explanation on China’s diabolical plan as found at archive.org :
“More relevant than ever, this interesting handbook on modern all-enveloping warfare was first published in China in 1999..Re-digitized from the 2004 Filament Books edition, this new edition contains specific methods for American troops, government, academia, and business circles for dealing with unrestricted warfare..Coauthored by Major General Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, the book has been required reading at West Point.
.The People’s Liberation Army manual for asymmetric warfare details the waging of war, strategically and tactically, using weapons not limited to bullets, bombs, missiles, and artillery shells..The two PLA officers who advocated the strategy set forth in the following pages argue that modern warfare, in ways not too dissimilar from Sun Tzu’s Art of War, is about impeding the enemy’s ability to wage war and to defend itself against a barrage of attacks against its economy, its civil institutions, its governmental structures, and its actual belief system..This is not a manual for achieving an overnight victory [for China]. Rather, it is a recipe for a slow but inexorable assault on an enemy’s institutions, often without the enemy’s knowledge that it is even being attacked. As Sun Tzu once wrote,
“If one party is at war with another, and the other party does not realize it is at war, the party who knows it’s at war almost always has the advantage and usually wins.”And this is the strategy set forth in Unrestricted Warfare, waging a war on an adversary with methods so covert at first and seemingly so benign that the party being attacked does not realize it’s being attacked..In the age of the worldwide internet, what seems like the free flow of information is also an open door policy for one country to insert its propaganda into the thinking and belief systems of its enemy. Do we consider Vladimir Putin’s Russia to be a friend to the United States? Are we really that naïve?.Voting constituencies might have very legitimate reasons to support the politicians of their choice, but when those choices are based on the flow of absolutely false information inimical to the best interests of that population, it is an example of the success of asymmetric or unrestricted warfare, in essence, propaganda war.
.The Russians have been experts at this since the days of the czar, and since the experiments of Pavlov and his dogs have mastered the art of getting the responses they want from the stimuli they inject into their subjects’ thought patterns..In this past election cycle, it worked. As you read the following pages, a manual for the military humbling of the United States through nonmilitary means that most Americans will not even realize, you should understand that this is not just a “what if,” but a reality. It is happening now even as North Korea’s Kim blusters about sending missiles towards Guam and Donald Trump responds by rattling his own saber in its scabbard.
.China, meanwhile, watches while its enemy is engaged with a tiny country that has the means to send nuclear tipped ICBMs to American cities. If North Korea attacks Guam or Pearl Harbor and the United States responds, who benefits? Not North Korea, not South Korea, not the United States. China benefits when U.S. Naval facilities on Guam or at Pearl Harbor are damaged so that the American presence in the Pacific is diminished to the point of incapacity..Readers, therefore, should take this little manual as a dire warning..Complacency cripples. Hubris kills. And blindness without guidance usually leads one into the nearest wall if not hurtling down a flight of stairs. Thus, although this book was written almost twenty years ago, it should be regarded as ….the playbook for the destruction of not only the United States, but of western democracies in general.”
Additional perspective….
“The Biden Administration’s 3000 page America Competes Act “has a provision that helps China but hurts America.” McCarthy cited, among other matters:
On page 1689, it provides a new, unlimited green card program for the Chinese Communist Party to exploit. It also allows research funds to freely flow to colleges and universities that host Confucius Institutes – which are essentially CCP propaganda centers that censor our campuses.
These policies would make our nation more vulnerable to Chinese espionage, which is already widespread.
In fact, the threat of Chinese spying in America is so widespread that the FBI has 2,000 active cases to counter it, and opens a new case every 12 hours. “
On page 1392, it gives $8 billion of taxpayer money to the unaccountable UN Green Climate fund, which has already funneled at least $100 million to China.
And to make matters worse: when Republicans offered amendments to prevent China from accessing that money, Democrats said no.
Now, American tax dollars could be used to fund solar panels and batteries made by slave labor…..
Just three years ago, there were bipartisan discussions to start a China Task Force. Discussions lasted for a year.
But when we were ready to launch the group in February 2020, Speaker Pelosi walked away…..
On the issue of COVID – perhaps the greatest offense China has committed – House Republicans offered eight reasonable solutions to achieve justice for Americans and hold China accountable
“One of those solutions was to relocate the Olympics from Beijing. This has been House Republicans’ firm position from the beginning…..
The actions of the majority tell you all you need to know about who they truly want to help:
Themselves. Their corporate allies. And the Chinese Communist Party.
Well, if that’s how America competes with China, then America is going to lose.
I implore my colleagues to take some time and think deeply about what our country stands for….
The future of our country is at stake…. [Emphases in the original.]
For the complete story please see….
And, this stunning & sobering analysis….
“Is it possible , as Peter Schweizer has reported here, here, here and here, [see four book images], that there are many people inside America, like a fifth column, willing to sell out our country for profits and their quarterly shareholder reports? Every investment in China not only supports a country that takes its profits from slave labor and organ-harvesting from live prisoners until they died when their heart were removed, but also is developing an advanced war machine to displace America as the world’s leading superpower.
If we want an America like that, all we have to do is look at what the Chinese Communist Party has done in Tibet, Hong Kong and the lockdowns in Shanghai and other cities. No safe spaces there.
Research note:
We learned about the above document when listening to a podcast interview (the wifi had issues so it was done off of a phone) NOT ideal recording, but so glad we listened…
Gen Flynn! Breaking: Special Report – The Status of the White Hats (Video)
Also, see our CHCRG article on….
Satan’s “Useful Idiots” – part #1 Our Traitor Presidents