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L A N D P A T E N T S !
No other Constitutional issue enjoys 180-years of multiple UNANIMOUS Supreme Court Decisions!
To put it another way, it means that NOT ONE Supreme Court Justice has EVER voted against a LAND PATENT issue. Doesn’t that make it a 100% sure fire, Constitutional issue with guaranteed outcome?
Show Notes here…
We, Paul Kenneth & Barbara Ann – House of Cromar, are the REAL living and breathing “Barbie & Ken”, and should NEVER be confused with PLASTIC Hollywood FAKE “Barbie & Ken” – who were so cheeky that they decided to release their poorly reviewed “woke feminist” film on the exact same July 21st, that our show with Todd Callender’s “TRUTH BE TOLD” went LIVE. Very cheeky. And, we had to wonder if maybe if “they” were the ones who buzzed a few feet directly over us just before show time. “Coincidence”? We don’t believe in ’em!
But, good news, “they” couldn’t stop us. On with the SHOW!
[LIBERTY DISCLAIMER: We are not doctors, lawyers, or movie stars — and therefore we are NOT giving professional “legal”, medical, worldly advice on how to find your way onto the cover of PEOPLE Magazine. Please do your own research before deciding exactly how YOU intend to do your own “Exodus 2.0” and flee “Egypt” – U.S.A. Inc. Therefore, CONGRATS! If you choose to reclaim your God-given, Constitutionally protected, un-a-lien-able rights because then your Freedom will be 100% your own!]
7:30 – Ken tells the most significant single experience in his entire life. This moment changed his life because he realize God cares about each of us and can be tenderly involved – if we will listen to His “whispers”.
10:30 – What does that “God whisper” experience have to do with LAND PATENTS? Everything. Barbie & Ken did not have the knowledge, money, experience, attorneys, etc. to fight “GOLIATH lRS” but were willing to do this heaven sent “assignment”, but “Please Lord help us with each step of the way?” They explain how they feel, “He helped us every step of the way.”
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They willingly took the Oath of Office – Hold them accountable if they break their “Constitutional CONTRACT” with We the People! “CHECKMATE!!”
On September 2, 2020, John Sullivan of Salt Lake City. Sullivan is famous for having been at the “Trump’s January 6th Insurgency” and was seen with the infamous Ray Epps (apparent government paid agent provocateur) and was paid $70,000 for his news reporter / Trump supporter video footage that included the murder / shooting of Ashley Babbit. John Sullivan was at our house offer himself as a supporter / friend and said swore he was NOT a government agent. Hmmm?
Three weeks after John Sullivan made his “patriot supporter visit” we were hit by a para-military “75-man” SWAT ambush complete with 2 helicopters, 2 MRAPs, multiple snipers on rooftops surrounding our home. Why did Sullivan decide to come to our home as “a patriotic friend” about an hour before we were “coincidentally” distracted with a Webex court hearing wherein the not so “honorable judge” Kraig J. Powell held a kangaroo court that resulted in him unleashing the 75-man SWAT team on us.
Sullivan had a company called INSURGENCE USA LLC. and notoriously has been at critical events and critical times. Coincidence? Wonder if he ever received any $$ payments $$ from George Soros connections? Federal government top down operation right down into Utah County? Maybe the judges, Sheriff Mike Smith, County Attorney David O. Leavitt and SWAT team too? The TRUTH always comes out in the end.
We think it a MIRACLE that “they” didn’t get the bloody showdown they appear to have been after. We thank God they didn’t get what they paid for. Ever see a 75-man SWAT? See Barbara “Barbie” face down ALL 75 all by herself and get unlawfully arrested without any WARRANT despite her numerous requests, here….
TRUMP only got a 30-man RAID at Mar-a-Lago. Roger Stone & his wife had a 29-man SWAT. Steve Bannon is believed to have had about 20. WHAT are Satan’s “useful idiot” minions telling us when they send in 2.5 times the size of a TRUMP hit. Could the LAND PATENT – backed by 180 years of numerous Supreme Court opinions — every one of which was UNANIMOUS ?! That’s what is called “settle law” — only BIGGER!
For TRUMP it’s the wacky criminal felony accusation he mishandled “Classified” docs he had authority over.
For BARBIE & KEN it’s the bizarre criminal felony accusation that we “burglarized” our OWN home!
Could it be that “THEY” (Deep State) are telling us what their Achilles Heel is for Trump and Barbie & Ken? Could it be that LAND PATENTS — with 180-years of UNANIMOUS Supreme Court opinions, are the KEY to Restoring Constitutional Law & Order to the Courts and the Republic?
Use the Constitution to save the Constitution and this nation?
Think about it.
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PUBLIC NOTICE: “Barbie & Ken” Cromar’s LAND PATENT & “Metes and Bounds”
SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER: “Barbie & Ken vs GOLIATH lRS” scores over 640,000+ views in 4-days!
* Kendal Anderson: “Upon This Land: A Promised Land Forever”