If we don’t save our children, we won’t have a country worth saving!
It’s TIME for the AWAKENING of our Nation to this EVIL
“Sound of Freedom” & Scott Kesterson/BardsFM & many Rescuer-Healer Warriors
It’s time to STOP the United States’ #1 position as the largest promoter, purveyor and consumer of child pornography. It’s time…
(NOTE: Sometimes words will be intentionally spelled incorrectly here as in the title above on this CHCRG website to get past censorship algorithm “demons”.)
AUDIO version: https://bardsfm.podbean.com/e/ep2371_bardsfm-brighteontv/
The following time-code references come from the BardsFM Episode #2371 link above. These quotes were transcribed to highlight parts of BARDSfm host Scott Kesterson’s message that impressed this Editor (Ken Cromar) and seem worthy of your attention:
37:50 – “Don’t kid yourself… there is a massive move in this nation. And on a global level it’s even a part of the WEF [World Economic Forum – Klaus Schwabb & his pedo friends] and the UN’s agenda to normalize and legalize pedophilia. …
38:26 – The “Trans Movement” was trying to push for men to have babies. This is a deviant, sick behavior of normalizing pedophilia before our very eyes. And the greatest crime in that whole movement is the established gay and lesbian community that for the most part is sitting quiet on the side. They are so wrapped around their “Pride” and I add hyphenated “–arrogance” of their stupid rainbow flag that they are allowing this cancerous growth of criminality in this crime against humanity to persist. And much of that happens because they themselves know that their lifestyle is a deviant lifestyle. And many of them have been either victimized or part of child sex trafficking or child sexual abuse as a whole.
As a world we have to put our foot down.
38:50 – …Last Thursday night: The Commission that was put before me … by our Father God. And that commission was to build the greatest and biggest network of information and communication and safe houses to save, heal and restore the children. That absolutely has to happen! And unfortunately we are not equipped well [yet] to do that. And so the three pillars are RESCUE, HEAL and RESTORE …We have to do that for our children.”
41:00 – We need to build out safe havens, Kingdom safe havens, …and build out the Intelligence Cells that will be able to Gather, Verify, and Infiltrate the networks and then produce “actionable” intelligence, so we can disseminate the information up through a network of small local pod-casters at a county level that will be able to shed light on the problem that can be provided to some sort of tactical element that can work in coordination with each other to DISMANTLE these networks and bring these people to justice.
Knowing that our system is corrupt — and it is — we have to find a way to function legally within authorities that is not subject to the criminality that is our current judicial system. And that comes through the form of COMMON LAW. We don’t need state nationalism. We don’t need all this other stuff. We’ll be operating under COMMON LAW which is what our country was built on. That means that the foundation of Common Law is the Bible. And that means that we’re under [God’s] KINGDOM authority. That is exactly how this program is going to be architect-ed, developed and deployed.
We’re moving at a pretty rapid rate considering that we are only a seven days in the incubation. The operational plan is taking shape. (continues with other details)
(https://frankspeech.com/audio/ep2371bardsfm-brighteontv )
Weekly BRIGHTEON BardsFM shows Menu at: https://brighteon.tv/bardsfm
The show above not yet available at Brighteon.TV at time of this posting.
God Moves in Mysterious Ways…
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
BIBLE – Romans 8:28
Editor’s Note: It has been beautiful to witness the Hand of God work on this honorable and dynamic “Warrior for Christ” Scott Kesterson. I took note of his show early on in his “ministry”, I think from hearing his testimony of being Falsely arrested. That show moved me deeply. I could sure relate to that Nightmare. www.BardsFM.com podcasts recently hit 40 Million downloads, and has reached 120 nations.
A few days ago, in a witness of God’s Divine Orchestration, BEFORE Scott Kesterson had even heard of the film “Sound of Freedom” was to be released, Kesterson heard God’s voice put a strange “assignment” on his heart to begin preparing for the massive number of sex-trafficked children that will be rescued from that horrific world and to begin preparing People to understand the need for these physically and spiritually wounded children a homes of love & safety from which CHRIST could tenderly apply his LOVE and HEALING to each of them.
At the time he had NO IDEA that the film “Sound of Freedom” was about to be released on July 4th, and that this would begin a great awakening of the masses — and eventual uproar by the People — that would lead to an eventual massive RESCUE of greater and greater numbers of Se XTrafficked children.
The four (4) show LINKs below are fascinating. We get to hear a man (Kesterson) share his heart publicly, risking his reputation, to unabashedly say what God was putting on his heart. Listening to that humble transition is inspiring, — especially now as we see how the Master Conductor of the Lord’s own Orchestra is playing His Song. Would that we all ask the Lord if we can join His orchestra! And be allowed to help Him with His music!
“Sound of Freedom” is a national slap in the face WAKE-UP! call to a sleeping nation — maybe now, finally ready to be awakened to our nation’s “awful situation”. Knowingly or unknowingly we all have blood on our hands. Time to wash clean (repent) and join the Lord’s “orchestra” and help the Lord to Heal the coming WAVE of His orphaned, wounded children coming – whose cries for HELP! He has heard.
Can you hears the sound of His freedom?
The following BardsFM shows are instructive. Listen to the fruits of God’s “whisperings” play out real-time in one man’s heart during his podcasts. BEAUTIFUL….!
Friday June 30, 2023 – https://bardsfm.podbean.com/e/ep2351_bardsfm-bended-knee/
Friday June 30, 2023 – https://bardsfm.podbean.com/e/ep2353_bardsfm-fishers-of-men/
Friday July 2 ?, 2023 – https://bardsfm.podbean.com/e/ep2357_bardsfm-sound-of-freedom-movie-review-with-ltc-ret-pete-chambers/
Pastor Couy Griffin – Ken Cromar – LTC (ret) Pete “Doc” Chambers
Three new Amigos of the “300” newly called warriors
at BARDS Fest – June 9, 2023 – Yuba City, CA
Friday July 2 ?, 2023 – https://bardsfm.podbean.com/e/ep2366_bardsfm-where-do-we-begin/
His Fingerprints on Hearts are EVERYWHERE!
“God Moves in a Mysterious Way” is NOT from the BIBLE!
The following explains where the phrase “God Moves in Mysterious Ways” comes from….
“In our inaugural issue of Mysterious Ways, contributing editor Rosie Schaap told the story behind these well-known words:
“Late one stormy London night in 1763, a broken man was determined to end his life. He hired a coach to take him to the river. Only when he cast himself into the roiling Thames and drowned, he thought, would his agonizing trials finally end. He was unwavering in his resolve. He stepped down from the coach and walked through the fog toward the river’s edge. When he reached the quays, he noticed a strange man sitting there, staring at him, as if on guard. Moreover, despite the rainfall, the tides were low—too low to drown a man.
“Returning home, the desperate man decided to poison himself with an overdose of laudanum, a potent drug derived from opium. But he couldn’t raise the bottle to his lips. He tried again and again. Each time, it was as if an invisible hand were pushing it away. Finally, he tried to hang himself. The rope snapped, and his housekeeper rushed in, responding to the noise. The man gave up. For reasons he could not conceive, the life that brought such despair and misery could not be ended…
“That man was William Cowper, the famous English poet. It had not been the first time he had contemplated suicide, only to be held back by forces greater than himself. Four years after his dark evening in London, he sought a fresh start and moved to the village of Olney in Buckinghamshire. There, he met another man who had witnessed God’s grace at a moment of great desperation.
“That man was John Newton, the celebrated Anglican preacher. Appointed to serve in Olney, Newton earned such a reputation for the power of his preaching and the depth of his convictions that people who desperately needed guidance and hope—like William Cowper—moved to town to benefit from his ministry.
“Cowper took residence in a house adjoining Newton’s, and took a measure of peace in Newton’s friendship and care. Newton understood that for the fragile poet’s mind to find peace, writing would have to be part of the recovery. He encouraged Cowper to turn his creative talents to the composition of hymns, and the two collaborated on a collection of nearly 350 works known as the Olney Hymns.
“In the centuries since, countless people have similarly found comfort and spiritual sustenance in the hymns written by these two men. Newton, of course, is best known for his most famous work, “Amazing Grace,” inspired by his miraculous rescue at sea. And Cowper? He composed a hymn titled “Light Shining Out of Darkness,” about the hidden workings of the world that had prevented his suicide and led him, against all odds, to where he was meant to be. It begins with a line we all know well: God moves in a mysterious way…