* BREAKING: Loy Brunson case at SCOTUS moving forward – Docketed for CONFERENCE!

Written By: admin - Jul• 12•23




GOOD NEWS:  Loy’s appeal PETITION FOR REHEARING was submitted to SCOTUS on July 7th and was Docketed by the Clerk of the Court July 11, 2023.

This means that though Loy’s original Petition for Certiorari filed April 19, 2023 was DENIED June 26, 2023 — the appeal Petition for Rehearing will be taken to CONFERENCE again for reconsideration by the Justices.



The date for this Conference is NOT yet scheduled, but is anticipated for some time after the Justice return from summer break — likely October.

At this future “behind closed doors” Conference, if four of the Justices vote in favor of hearing the case, then the case would have a genuine Hearing with arguments before the nine Justices.

READ Loy and his Brothers Brunson’s filing arguments for their Petition for Rehearing PDF here…


BRUNSON Loy v Adams et al – 20230711135424353_brunson rehearing 22-1028


If this long-sought for Hearing in full and open public court  — pursued for over two years and two cases (Raland’s and now Loy’s) — is successful then 388 US Congressman Defendants – including Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence could be REMOVED from office, and never be allowed to serve in any public office ever again — including as a government Dog Catcher.

While the odds of success seem “impossible” to most people, — those of us who believe in a God of MIRACLES trust that if it is His will that the TREASON will result in empty Halls of Congress.

All the evidence that has drip-drip-drip slowly rolled out, the criminals in Congress who failed to do their job to inspect the election for the 10-day as required under the circumstances who allowed foreign agents and “domestic enemies” to STEAL the control of the White House and hand that power to those determined to destroy and crush God’s cause of Liberty known as the United States.

If you care about this case and the future of this nation you can help by sending your own AFFIDAVIT of support or Letter to SCOTUS, available at the BRUNSON BROTHER’s various websites….







DONATE to support Miracles at the Supreme Court NOW!

Help the Brunson Brothers in their battle to defeat 388 Oath breaking Congressmen
who unlawfully certified the 2020 election — at the Supreme Court — and maybe help save our nation.


Using the Constitution to help save America!  


This Special Offer Includes BOTH Brunson Brothers’ Supreme Court “perfect bound” filing booklets (Collector Items!), plus Raland’s lawsuit filing against liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Katenji Jackson Brown, with the Defendants’ Reply & Raland’s Rebuttal (3 docs), plus 2 pocket Constitutions, and 2 DVDs “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union”.  GREAT education on Constitution – when you can read the EPIC blow by blow battle to save or destroy America, in the Highest Court in the land!

DONATE here… .









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