by Ken Cromar

388 government official FAILED in their sworn oath of office and are being held personally liable in the $2.9 Billion case.
According to Loy Brunson, who I spoke with this morning,
“The US Attorneys on our case were relieved of their duty, and the control of the Government’s defense on the case was transferred to the US Solicitor General who has authority to argue such a case before the Supreme Court.”
Surprising move!
Then, on Wednesday November 23, 2022, the Solicitor General of the United States Elizabeth B. Prelogar filed the following WAIVER in the Supreme Court of the United States. The ONE SENTENCE that comprised the document read in its entirety:
“The Government hereby waives its right to file response to the petition in this case, unless requested to do so by the Court.”

NOTE: The BRUNSON Brothers’ case against 388 members of Congress is NOT about election fraud. It is ONLY about the legal and lawful process of an election. Remember, there were approximately 100 remembers of Congress who did understand the LAW and their duty to NOT certify the election until such times as the legal challenges via signed Affidavits were addressed in the 10-day window.
Should the Supreme Court rule in favor of the Brunsons the Congressional Sergeant at Arms could be ORDERED by SCOTUS to rescind the credentials of the 388 named Defendants and remove them from the building. In other words, “YOU’RE FIRED.”
Also, the Secret Service could be ORDERED by SCOTUS to rescind the credentials of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nanci Pelosi and remove them from the White House.
According to Brunson’s discussion with Cedar Hills neighbor and former Cedar Hills City Councilman,
“The SUPREME COURT could now independently make a decision on the case as soon as today!”
Appropriately the US Solicitor General’s WAIVER below was filed the day before THANKSGIVING! So much to be grateful for on this matter.
Find the PDF of the short but VERY VERY SWEET Waiver here…
This WAIVER found under Proceedings & Orders at:
Please consider learning more about & supporting the Brunson Brothers in their LANDMARK Supreme Court case at their website:
How is it possible that two Cedar Hills families, only seven houses apart — Loy Brunson & Ken and Barbara Cromar — could potential win at the US Supreme Court within months of each other — on critical issues surrounding the saving of our once great, but now wobbling nation? A MIRACLE by a loving God with a “righteous sense of humor”? Yes! Amen.
There must be something in the water in Cedar Hills.
See also previously reported article….