My friend Tim Ballard is in our “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” documentary.
On July 4th, Tim’s long anticipated film “Sound of Freedom” starring Jim Caviezel (star of “Passion of the Christ”) will be released across the nation. Be there! Justice begins at home — our Utah County.
This film is about to awaken a sleeping nation. You can help by buying tickets and bringing your friends and family. Click the RED box below now…
FREEDOM in Utah County begins July 4th for other reasons too…
Fasten your seat belt. The clean up of Utah County (Tim has been here for years) – is about to begin in Tim’s home county, — with your help.
Please consider how Utah “law enforcement” and “courts” may have been involved in protecting and profiting by the “pedos”, and sex & human traffickers and Satanists.
While on a mission to stand for our own rights, and prove our 100% we, Barbie & Ken Cromar, have had many “whistleblowers” come to us with information we would never known without suffering through our 18 court case, 5 year and 6 month terror of tyranny in our “Barbie & Ken vs Goliath lRS” nightmare, that includes those of questionable Constitutional incompetent and courage Utah County Attorney David O. Leavitt vs. Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith with Utah AG Sean Reyes.
The following information was provided by a courageous, anonymous researcher who has discovered many alarming facts and pieced them together.
After hours of discussion over the phone with the “Concerned Anonymous Researcher” (real name not given or known – for personal safety), I have yet to find any reason to doubt his research, motives or conclusions. But you take a look, and decide for yourself.
After seeing the movie and reading below, you’ll know what YOU need to do to help save your own children, grand children and great-grandchildren’s future from this GREAT EVIL….
Utah County ritualized child sex abuse and trafficking ring
by Concerned Anonymous Researcher
The “alleged” Utah County ritualized child sex abuse and trafficking ring: An absurd and baseless fiction? Or horrific reality with mountains of corroborated evidence? Let’s analyze a few of the facts to help us decide.
On May 31st of 2022, the Utah County Sheriff’s office published a press release relating to an active investigation that included multiple victims of ritualized child sex abuse and trafficking within multiple Utah counties that spanned multiple decades. The press release also stated, “Portions of these allegations were confirmed.”
The following day, June 1st, 2022, Elected county attorney, David Leavitt (brother to former UT Governor Michael Leavitt) held an unscheduled press conference in front of reporters and news cameras to “expose” what he claimed was a political conspiracy targeting him in order to remove him from office. The conspiracy, according to Leavitt, included multiple actors and centered around two criminal cases – one active and one closed from 10 years prior. The current case was being investigated by Leavitt’s office involving a convicted sex offender and accused rapist, named Nicholas Rossi, who, allegedly in order to avoid further prosecution, faked his own death, changed his name to Arthur Knight, and relocated to Scotland. Leavitt alleged that his pursuit of the accused rapist motivated Nicholas Rossi/Arthur Knight to make “false” accusations against him, alleging that Leavitt was a suspect in the sheriff’s office day-old ritual child sex abuse and trafficking investigation.
The second case, according to Leavitt, was a decade old dismissed investigation that involved a local therapist named David Hamblin and allegations against him and others made by his “tragically mentally ill” daughter that were “so outlandish and so ludicrous” that investigators “refused to even interview any of the 15 or 20 people who were alleged to have committed these crimes”.
That original case back in 2012 resulted in criminal charges against one individual, David Hamblin, who was arrested and charged with 18 felony counts of child sex abuse after he admitted on a police recorded telephone call with the same aforementioned daughter to raping her. As Leavitt would point out, the case was ultimately dismissed because “the evidence was so outlandish and so unbelievable”. Leavitt also pointed out that David Hamblin’s record and arrest had recently been expunged and “should be out of the public record”. Leavitt then disclosed more details that perhaps motivated his unscheduled press conference. He explained that the day prior he was “provided a copy of an alleged witness statement of that tragically mentally ill woman”.
Leavitt then disclosed that both he and his wife were part of those allegations. Allegations that claimed both he and his wife were guilty of “cannibalizing young children and murdering young children.” Leavitt spent the balance of the 30+ minute press conference attempting to explain away his personal connection to the main suspect in the 2012 case, David Hamblin. Leavitt also made multiple disparaging remarks about the witness and the “discredited case”.
Leavitt’s surprising press conference proved unsuccessful in keeping him in office, but it did draw the public’s attention to himself as well as the “dismissed” David Hamblin case. Most significantly, it piqued the public’s interest in David Hamblin’s “tragically mentally ill” daughter and her victim statement, which David Leavitt would define in his press conference as, “the 151 page pack of lies”. Feel free to come to your own conclusions about the strange episode:
Following the press conference, an independent journalist filed a public records request with the Provo police department requesting any files pertaining to David Hamblin. The goal was to obtain a copy of the Hamblin daughter’s 151 page witness statement.
Two weeks later, the journalist received much more than expected. What was released by the Provo police department was a massive data folder containing not just the victim statement from the one Hamblin daughter that David Leavitt had referenced, but 3 additional victim statements, written by 2 additional daughters of David Hamblin which also detailed their versions of events growing up being subjected to the same torture and sexual abuse as their sister, Leavitt’s alleged “tragically mentally ill woman”.
Also included in the data folder release were additional victim statements, audio files, video recorded interviews with all three of the Hamblin daughters with Provo detectives as well as other police reports and evidence pertaining to David Hamblin. David Leavitt did his best to dismiss what he claimed was one “alleged” victim making sensational allegations against he and his wife and 15-20 other “innocent” individuals in the community. However, with the revelation of this new evidence, it becomes far more difficult to dismiss multiple victims who are telling corroborating stories and making identical allegations about Leavitt, his wife and the same “innocent” individuals.
Additional news reports to give context to the situation:
Turns out, David Leavitt wasn’t being truthful about why the original case was dismissed back in 2014:
David Hamblin becomes first arrest (Sept 28th, 2022) in most recent investigation and is charged with similar first degree felony offenses to the ones from 2012:
The story continues – Leavitt contradicts earlier statements he made about knowing how to “program” a child to be a sex slave:
Leavitt details his unethical Native American adoption scheme, as well as his ties to high ranking Ukrainian govt officials:
Additional information…
* WARNING: Statements by three Sisters – Victims of Child Sex & Satanic ritual abuse EXPOSED
Dragging the DARKNESS kicking & screaming, into the LIGHT

“MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” DVDs- with two FREE pocket Constitutions. And FREE shipping. Suggested donation of only $25. DONATE here… .