Daily Herald: “CH Mayor should resign” – 21 year vet City Recorder says she was pushed for “political” reasons

Written By: admin - May• 08•12

A person is innocent until proved guilty, but that doesn’t mean Mayor Eric Richardson of Cedar Hills should not resign immediately.    

His case is not one of innocence or guilt but of liability for civil damages arising from what federal authorities likened to a Ponzi scheme in futures trading that bilked investors of at least $1.3 million.

Join the Daily Herald – add your name to a PETITION requesting the Mayor’s resignation. Please email Angela Johnson at…  angelschef@yahoo.com

Cedar Hills Officials Facing Accusations, 3 Resign

(KUTV) The mayor is being sued by federal regulators, his former business partner is in prison, and 3 city officials have suddenly resigned. 

It may sound like fiction, but it is all too real surrounding city government in Cedar Hills.

Read more & SEE VIDEO…   http://kutv.com/news/top-stories/stories/vid_628.shtml 


Cedar Hills city recorder says she was forced out

CEDAR HILLS — One of three city officials here who resigned from their posts Tuesday said she was forced out of her job.  

In a prepared statement, former city recorder Kim Holindrake said, “On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, I was asked to resign my position as city recorder. There was no cause to release me; it was political…”.
Read more:


Feds sue Cedar Hills mayor for alleged fraud

Commodities » Eric A. Richardson named for 2nd time with convicted swindler.

By Tom Harvey  | The Salt Lake Tribune  

The mayor of the city of Cedar Hills in Utah County is being sued by federal regulators for allegedly soliciting investor funds for commodities trading then fraudulently using some of it for personal expenses and doctoring accounts to cover losses.

This is the second time the name of Mayor Eric A. Richardson, 38, has come up in a fraud case along with that of Christopher D. Hales, 31, who is serving a 7½-year federal prison term from a separate mortgage and bank fraud case….

…According to prosecutors:

• Hales, Richardson and two others bilked a Bosnian immigrant family who spoke little English out of their home in a scheme in which the family was loaned money to meet family financial emergencies but then, despite assurances to the contrary, their house was sold out from under them.

Read more:   http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/54036314-79/richardson-mayor-hales-font.html.csp



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