* FAKE “Judge” Christine S. Johnson – You are hereby Publicly REBUKED for Oath-breaking, “Man-stealing” and Treason in the Court

Written By: admin - May• 28•23


Then in memory of the Fallen who died for America’s freedom who we HONOR on MEMORIAL DAY  — we DEMAND you RESIGN your seat on the bench!


Sunday, May 28, 2023

 Daniel 5:27)
Christine S. Johnson
137 North Freedom Blvd
Provo UT 84601
In our Church this morning, a woman shared a story of her deep regret for holding a grudge for 20 years, and going to her one time friend who was suffering with cancer to reconcile, but arriving at her door only to learn that she has died 15 seconds before she knocked!  It took courage and humility for her to retell her story of regret.  We were moved.  Her candor inspired us to write this Open Letter to you.

You Christine S. Johnson – unlawfully sitting on your bench.

Christine, as your brother & sister, a son and daughter of God like you, we write seeking your public Apology for your serious crimes against We the People — specifically us “Barbie & Ken” Cromar of Cedar Hills, Utah, as two of the People.   You have selfishly dishonored yourself as a “judge” and done a great disservice to the brave heroes we honor on MEMORIAL DAY, who selflessly sacrificed their lives in the cause of Freedom — which you have defiled.

However, we would also like to offer you the forgiveness we can extend on a personal level to you — while simultaneously — and in the interest of justice, truth and We the People — issue this necessary PUBLIC REBUKE of you for failure to act as an “honorable judge” and DEMAND FOR PAYMENT for the INVOICE you defaulted on in the amount of $3, 480,000.00.  We intend to collect.  Even if it requires — appropriately — making you homeless if necessary (turn about is fair play right?), to satisfy your agreed debt to us.

Constitution – Article III, Section 1

The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour….

We can only assume you will consider it very strange that two people you so willfully and knowingly inflicted such great harm, damage, and endangerment, through your numerous acts of injustice, prejudice and enmity against us, would take the time to write you you a personal (and public) letter to tell you that on a personal level we must & do freely forgive you.  Allow us to explain…


Video Evidence of the Criminal Acts by “Law Enforcement” you Protected


Barbie & Ken hit by 75-man SWAT team – September 24, 2020

“Horrendous!” is a common response…

Christine, did you ever watch our video about 75-man SWAT team hit our sleepy peaceful neighborhood? You allowed the prosecutor to block it from the eyes of your “jury” to see the kidnapping and false appropriation of our property & home.



IRS Unlawfully Auctioned “Barbie & Ken’s” Home

Did you ever see our home be illegally auctioned off by lying lRS agents?

Of course this was also blocked from the eyes of the “jury” in your kangaroo court.  Here’s more video evidence at ….  http://www.miraclesingodwetrust.com/barbie-kens-greatest-videos/



Nevertheless, we freely forgive you on a personal level, despite the fact that you chose to ignore our challenge of your supposed “jurisdictional authority” over us while denying our rights and “innocence until proven guilty”, and your threat to strip us of our honor, our home, our family and possessions, and our lives for 1-10 years through incarceration for a fake felony “burglary of a dwelling” of our own home!.  You unlawfully:
– Denied us a “speedy trial”
– Denied us our Constitutional right to counsel of OUR choice (not yours – which we immediately rejected)
– Denied us our Subpoenas to COMPEL witnesses, denial of requested Brady evidence.  
– Denied us the promised Jury of our Peers
– Denied us our right to present to a Jury of our Peers our two lawsuit victories against the Commissioner of the lRS Charles Rettig
– Denied us our right to inform a Jury of our Peers that the IRS admitted they lacked jurisdiction over us for the year 1990 through 2020 — that’s 31 straight years of vindication and PROOF of 100% INNOCENCE.
– Denied us, most importantly, our three lawfully invoked pretrial Habeas Corpus (The Habeas Corpus would have required the fraudulent case details to be explained and proven to have established Lawfully BEFORE any lawful trial could begin.)

Madam Johnson, You Failed to Do Your Job

The charade case against us you orchestrated in your kangaroo court was in mistrial before it even began, as detailed by a Criminal Referral to the Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes for Treason in the Court two weeks prior to trail.  (See attached filings)


Personally, we wish you no ill Christine.  How could we?  We don’t really know you except through our experiences as you sat as a “judge” in the Utah Fourth District Court.  The Law of the Land is our friend.  We love the Law.  We wanted you to succeed in your strict obedience to it.  But, you did not.
As you know, we tried to warn you every step of the way, and encourage you protect us and our rights — as you solemnly swore to do when you took your Oath of Office to protect the Constitution of the United States of America and the Utah Constitution.   All you needed to know as an “honorable” judge is that we had never received a Hearing in our original court case (the first of now 18 cases in 5 years and 5 months of nightmare) in Federal court at the hands of a Constitutionally incompetent and/or compromised Chief Judge Robert J. Shelby, that you should spring into action to protect us.  But you — along with many other Oath-takers — did not.  That’s on you Christine.  You own your errors.
We immediately notified you that we were not in your jurisdiction / authority when we learned that you were appointed “judge” in our case with our very first filing in our defense from fraudulent charges when we filed on the case our Public Notice, Declarations, Mandates, and Lawful Protest (we affectionately call it the “CHECKMATE” doc – attached for review again below) and later served you via Certified personal mailing.  
As per the CHECKMATE you agreed to the contents therein when you did not respond as you were lawfully required to do.  We accepted your agreement, and later INVOICED you personally for $ 3,480,000.00, as agreed for your numerous trespasses against us under the “color of law”, and in an apparent conspiracy to deny our Constitutional rights — both felonies under .  We intend to collect.  We imagine that this may leave you homeless and impoverished. But we can sympathize.  Thanks in significant part to your unlawful “legal” acts, we have been blocked from and continue to suffer from living without our home.  Again, we remind you – we have NEVER abandoned our LAND PATENTED property (secured by an ACT of Congress, and a Presidential signature February 26, 1887) and home, but can’t go home because of YOU and your unlawful threats, guns and abuse of judicial power, but we continue to stand on our “metes and bounds”, as listed under our signatures at the bottom — intending to NEVER relinquish to an “heir or assign” except by choice under our willful signature.
You Christine, chose to ignore our Lawful standing and proceeded to hold hearings against us anyway during which numerous times we declared on the record (see the transcripts) that, 

We do not consent to these proceedings,” and, “We’re not in your jurisdiction,”

…and that we were only there because you in essence have guns and jail pointed at us, and that,…

“We are here simply to document the felony crimes being committed by you as ‘judge’ and other so-called ‘officers of the court’ against us”…

…and that,

“We, Barbara & Ken are 100% INNOCENT and victims governmental Fraud,”

…by an apparently weaponized IRS and on ongoing Judicial Abuse – and we stand against this tyranny in behalf of ALL of We the People.
We, sometimes known as “Barbie & Ken”, NEVER consented to any proceeding or hearing, nor understood them, and made it clear at many of your Webex hearings that we attending as a living man and woman in defense of identity theft (1512. Prohibited Acts (surrounding Identity Theft) — 18 U.S.C. 1028 ) of our Copyrighted & Trademarked names — not as a CORPORATE entities as you falsely claimed.  In fact, our last words to your at your ill-fated “sentencing hearing” are documented here in audio and court transcript (paid for by us) for you to reconsider, and for a candid world to judge for themselves.
“MR. CROMAR:  …Thank you.  So, on and for the record, did you hear what we have just said?
MR. CROMAR:  Thank you.  We’re not the defendants and we do not consent to be the surety in this case and we do not consent to any voluntary or involuntary servitude.  We do not consent to the proceedings.  Is this Court here to try to sell us into slavery?  We believe that you’re trying to man steal us, and that term is to repeated, “man steal;”, as defined in Exodus 21:16 which reads, 
“Anyone who steals a man and sells him and anyone found in possession of him shall be put to death.”
So who a bench warrant is put out, that’s problematic because then that would be man stealing.  We have honored–
THE COURT:  Mr. Cromar, let me ask you, are you saying that I am to be put to death?  Are you threatening me?  …. 
MR. CROMAR:  No, not at all.  
MR. CROMAR:  …Thank you.  We accept your oaths of office and your bonds as responsible officers who will indemnify us … harmless under full immunity as we are the beneficiaries in this matter.  We are not – again, we are not the defendants.
Do you have enough money in your escrow account to cover the commercial trespass that you’re about to commit today in sentencing?  Madam Johnson?  ….
MR. CROMAR:  … There is no Constitutional provision that would deny us the right to have our counsel.  We have counsel and we’ve been denied; therefore, we did not have a fair trial.
Additionally, all of our filings have either been purged or denied for the last 13 months — off the record.  That would be called destruction of evidence.

So, we additionally, on the 16th of June [10 days prior to the June 17-July 1 kangaroo court trial] we attempted to get our subpoenas signed by the court in our honorable attempt to keep our word that we would go through the process as a man and a woman, mind you, we’re not corporations and hence, the jurisdictional question has remained in question this entire time.

But nevertheless, those subpoenas were denied. In fact, Amber Evans, your assistant, Madame Johnson, came down to the clerk’s office and said that Judge Johnson has said numerous times that you cannot do any paperwork without assistance of a bar attorney.

Audio from August 19, 2023 “Sentencing Hearing” that did not happen as you, Christine, confronted with truth “blinked” and did NOT convict us.  People in the audience said you were shaking when confronted with our factual declaration of your criminal activity and asking whether you’ve checked your escrow account to see if you have enough in there to cover your crimes, and “no consent”, “no jurisdiction” and “kidnapping / manstealing”.  We asked friends & supporter there, “Was she angry?”  “NO, it was FEAR.”    Listen to it here…

(NOTE: The Court’s Transcript is Incomplete


This section was added on June 27th to this post to provide additional context.  The court’s audio “conveniently” does NOT match our own private recording which backs up this section already posted August 20, the day after the recessed “sentencing hearing” which documented a couple of omitted concepts from the final court transcript:

Ken Cromar:   We are Barbie & Ken, a living man and woman, are here only in a “Restricted visitation and NOT General Appearance.”  (Now, once again the court has been notified it has no jurisdiction over Barbie & Ken, a living woman and a living man.)

Madam Johnson, the Bench Warrant [“War-Rant” declaration of war] for arrest is Extortion, and as such is an act of war.  We attended every court hearing in honor, despite the dishonor of this court towards us, wherein we have suffered for almost two years waiting for a “speedy trial” we did not get.

– On and for the record, we are NOT the defendants.

– We do NOT consent to be the surety.

– We do NOT consent to any voluntary or involuntary servitude.

– We do NOT consent to these proceedings.

– Is this court attempting to sell us into slavery?

(Ken waited for an answer, but when he heard no reply he asked.. “Are you hearing me?”  “Yes.”  Good.  Now that’s proof they heard the preceding and it’s on the record)

END of reference from August 20, 2022 posting, added here to update this post on June 27, 2023:

A Shocking Recess With NO Sentencing For Barbie & Ken Cromar


Christine, please note that YOU chose NOT to “sentence” us, despite our insistence, and that as such remain NOT yet convicted felons — never were and never will be.  This is a great opportunity for you to rectify your errors should you choose to do so — while you still can.  Or, perhaps those opportunities have already been removed from you or your un-indicted co-conspirators already?
Whistleblowers around you — and you Christine — are invited to EXPOSE all the criminals within the courts that you receive any possible leniency.
Additionally, you are hereby given this Publicly Notice that as per YOUR agreement and through your actions you failed to secure your required $300 million bond, and defaulted on an agreed INVOICE and that we intend to use our Power of Attorney that you have acquiesced to us in order to close this matter.
Please note that while we can and do freely forgive you personally as a living woman  for the harm you have attempted to inflict on us, in an apparently to curry favor with other judges and friends in violation of USC 18 § 241. Conspiracy against Constitutional Rights — we MUST hold you accountable for your violations of law, participation in kidnapping (18 USC §1201. Kidnapping) and attempted “man stealing” in violation of God’s law — we officially inform you that while forgiving you and praying that God will have mercy on your soul — IN THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE we feel it an obligation and duty to prepare to provide all our records and be prepared testify against you for criminal actions in open court, and at a Heavenly Tribunal — and if a Jury of your Peers finds you guilty of Treason and the penalties thereof, we will be prepared to stand as witnesses of your hanging.  
Your oath of office was a serious matter, with serious consequences for failure to protect We the People from “enemies foreign and DOMESTIC”.  Indeed, when you denied us our God-given, Constitutionally protected, un-a-lien-able rights (NOT sell-able, tradable, steal-able, — unalienable — which is how the Constitution spells it – not “inalienable” as so often said incorrectly) you held your own sole over the precipice  — and by your own actions appear to have proven without a doubt that you have become the thing you swore to defend against — a DOMESTIC ENEMY.  
We sincerely pray for the eternal welfare of your soul — and that the chains of hell you have chosen may sit lightly upon your shoulders as you learn the lessons that come from succumbing to the temptations of profit, power, that come from your office — and the requirement that you pay for your unreported sins against us your brother & sister, as you now tumble headlong into the pit you and your friends dug deep for us Barbara & Ken.  With your background and covenants before God, you knew better, but you chose your path anyway.
Many, many brave people suffered, were wounded, and too often died — defending and protecting yours and our Freedom Christine.

Memorial Day

Tomorrow is Memorial Day – the day set aside for us to remember and honor especially those who willingly spilt their blood — often far, far from home — in order to protect the legacy of FREEDOM established at immense cost in blood and treasure to liberate this Land from the tyranny of Kings.  These heroes, “who more than self their country loved”, cannot be honored while we the living stand by and turn a blind eye to those We the People have entrusted to protect us with “blind justice” — but instead use the courts for their own power, greed, lusts and enslavement of the People through “for-profit” incorporated courts.  As you well know, our court filings highlighted that fact that STATE OF UTAH is a CORPORATION (not Constitutionally pure government) with an E.I.N. #87-6000545 and even a Dun and Bradstreet DUNS #009094301.
Christine, can you deny that within your publicly known compensation, AND various secret “compensations” possibly including kickbacks, emoluments, special favors, per prisoner incarcerations bonuses, and hidden CAFR accounts & pension increases dependent on the number of convictions. Do you deny it?  Can you deny it?  
In honor of the Fallen patriot heroes who gave their tomorrows (lives), that we may enjoy our todays — we as two of We the People DEMAND that unless you can produce a Notarized Affidavit sworn under penalty of perjury within 10-days, a PUBLIC NOTICE declaring that you have received NO compensation other than that which is publicly established AND that you can swear that you’ve PAID ALL YOUR TAXES on ALL your benefits, profits, rewards, payments of whatever kind and source — lawful or unlawful — we’ll be left with the knowledge that you cannot.

This is what we call selfish, self-serving, corrupt “FAT JUSTICE”, as opposed to blind “Lady Justice”.  Christine, when acting as a judge, we wish you had acted more “Lady”-like.  Please see Raland Brunson’s case in the same US District Court (SLC) against Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Katenji Jackson Brown personally — outside their errant claim of “absolute Judicial immunity” as Supreme Court Justices.

No one, including you Madam Johnson, is above the Law of the Land — especially judges entrusted by the People to be the sworn firewall of protection of the Constitution and each and every living man, woman and child’s God-given rights thereunder.
No one can deny that America’s court system is inconsistent and has evolved away from a place where those sitting on the bench can truthfully be called “your Honor”.  This is why we refrained from addressing you that way, and instead more appropriately, but respectfully called you simply “Madam Johnson” throughout your kangaroo court hearings, hoping for a time where we could more truthfully and accurately call you “your Honor”.  Sadly, that opportunity never came.  

Christine, you’ve been CHECKMATED!

Game OVER!!

Christine, though request and required of you within the CHECKMATE service for you to provide ALL of your lawful credentials.  Despite a more GRAMA (FOIA) Request, that found it’s way to the Utah Supreme Court’s Office of General Counsel’s Bryson King, despite a lawful requirement and his promise in writing to do so, neither you nor Mr. King ever produced ALL of your credentials demonstrating, which served to prove that you must not have them, and therefore have been acting without lawful authority, while pretending to be a judge in your fake court.  
We suppose you may try to take some solice in the fact that you are not alone, and that there are many others like you — “officers of the court” — who were CHECKMATED,  but similarly and arrogantly would not present their credentials proving lawful authority and jurisdiction over us, AND that not one person in a position of power stood between us and injustice — fighting to insure WE were protected.  Not one!  
It sure appears to be a violation of USC 18 § 242. Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, and, USC 18 § 241. Conspiracy Against Constitutional Rights, – and possible RICO violation.  Sadly, we now have now amassed over $300 million in defaulted INVOICES to many of the approximately 200 Oath-taking government officials for trespass harm and damage to use, for which each and every one are PERSONALLY liable — having NO immunity — because they have broken their Constitutional that might have protected them.  Christine, YOU should’ve been the one that stood up for us.  But you did not.
If JUSTICE were served YOU Christine could have — to your eternal credit — treated us as innocent until proven guilty, investigated our claims, found we were telling the truth — including our vindicating cases we WON against the Commissioner of the IRS — and thrown out the unsubstantiated claims, and thrown out the fraudulently executed case by the disgrace County Attorney’s (D.A.) David O. Leavitt — who remains under investigation for human trafficking, child sexual and Satanic ritual abuse — who has now apparently ignominiously fled the country to Scotland and bought a castle with some of his ill-gotten gains.  Is this the club of the kind of people you want to be found covering for Christine?
INSTEAD, once you found that we were INNOCENT, you could have championed JUSTICE by making a COURT ORDER, as required of you in writing as our appointed Trustee, as agreed, when you activated a second Agreement you were served.  You are being given one final opportunity to perform the fulfillment of our written Standing Order within 10 days of receipt of this DEMAND.  You may consider the following verbiage for your most expeditious ORDER – lawfully signed and sealed, and filed on the Court and public Utah County Record:

Christine Johnson’s Honorable ORDER…

This Court, for good cause, having discovered numerous violations of law throughout a 5 year and 5 month, 18 court cases, made by numerous judges, BAR attorneys, and various officers of the court and “law enforcement”, in violating the God-given, Constitutionally protected unalienable rights of Paul-Kenneth: and Barbara-Ann: Cromar, do hereby ORDER that all charges against “Barbie & Ken” be dropped, their record expunged, and a FORMAL APOLOGY be signed by governmental officers associated with this tyrannical abuse of process by the signing governmental official, for reasons explained as follows.

In anticipation of a formal investigation of an apparent weaponization of the IRS initiated by political enemies in Cedar Hills Utah, where Ken served as a City Councilman (1994 fto 2000) and thereafter exposed numerous questionable governmental activities, including Open Records violations, questionable elections, theft of free golf, etc., which manifest itself in legal action  United States of America vs. “Barbie & Ken” Cromar (XXX) was filed in US District Court (SLC) falsely claiming “$1,053,028.65 owing” in “federal income taxes”, and without ever having had a hearing or trial, despite their demands for Justice. This resulted in multiple court actions that resulted in two SWAT teams – a 13+ US Marshal led SWAT of June 25, 2019, followed by a second more dramatic 75-man a paramilitary SWAT with 2 helicopters, 2 MRAPs and snipers that hit Barbie & Ken’s DreamHouse, resulting in felony “burglary of dwelling” arrest, charges, and kangaroo fake jury trial (how can you burglarize your own home!?), and a 5 years and 18 court cases, and counting, on-going legal battle. This includes suing the IRS commissioner in US Tax Court cases which they WON!, all to prove their 100% innocence, though the fake trial blocked that exonerating information from the jury.  This your acknowledges its part in this travesty of justice against the Cromars that irreparably defamed their honor, misappropriated (stole) their home, and endangered their lives, and compromised their Liberty for 5 years.  

Therefore, it is hereby Ordered that a 76-man (as in 1776) Sheriff and AFPD escort Ken and Barbara (and any of their children and grandchildren) back into their Land Patent protected home (30 years), driving throughout Cedar Hills, complete with sirens blaring and lights flashing, finally restoring their life, profession, and honor, in a classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”-styled win for all of We the People.


 We have One Regret

Christine, we must share our one sad, sad regret.  We believe we were put on a Divinely appointed “assignment” to expose the corruption in the courts, the judicial fraud and abuse, and RICO styled Deep State (a term you, and we, also know as “Gadianton Robbers”) criminal activity, Satanic and treasonous governmental tyranny.  We have been surprised how many Oath-breaking government officials were so quick to compromise themselves — in the attitude of “just following orders”.
Though we tried to warn you in the best way we could figure out to do so, we are deeply, deeply sorry to you that we could not figure out a better, more compelling and persuasive approach to win you over and support you in your duty before God and We the People. The terrorism we suffered caused us much pain, suffering had confusion.  We just weren’t smart or strong enough to figure out how to bless you.  However, IF there is anything you can think of that we might do to bless you and your family, please let us know.  
Monday is Memorial Day, and we owe it to all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that freedom “will not perish from the earth” — to call out the criminal behaviors that compromise anyone’s Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness — as you Christine have in violation of your sworn Oath of Office inflicted on us.  You can and should remedy your errors as described above, BEFORE you RESIGN your position on the bench of your own will and also make restitution AS YOU AGREED by paying us the INVOICED $3,748,000.00, and do so before July 4, 2023, if you hope encourage our protective support — or be compelled through lawful military force and military tribunals, if necessary, at which we will testify and witness your execution for Treason as our duty, — if it comes to that.
God loves all of His children — including you Christine and us Barbara & Ken — and only wants for our happiness.  However, you now proceed down your chosen path, we sincerely wish you no ill, and we sincerely pray God will have mercy on your soul and perfect justice to your eternal benefit.
Glory be to God, and the Second Coming of His Son Jesus Christ, and his 1000 years of Righteous Reign & Judgement upon this Earth!
Ken & Barbara Cromar
c/o  9870 N. Meadow Drive
Cedar Hills, Utah  [84062-9998]


May 28, 2023


…which address above is LAND PATENT #392 part and parcel thereof;

Where we, despite unlawful threat of violence and arrest, remain standing, having never abandoned our Metes and Bounds, which are as follows:

Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3, Plat “C”, Amended North Meadow Estates Subdivision, said point being S89°28’48”W 1129.68 feet along the Quarter Section line, and S0°00’00”W 773.49 feet from the East 1/4 corner of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 2 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence along said Lot 3 boundary line the following five (5) course: (1) S0°18’49”W 96.09 feet; (2) S89°59’43”W 149.21 feet; (3) along a curve to the right 23.50 feet through a central angle of 89°46’16” having a radius of 15.00 feet and a chord that bears N45°07’09”W 21.17 feet; (4) N0°14’01”W 80.49 feet;

(5) N89°45’59”E 165.06 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.361 acres.”

[for LOT “C”, AMENDED NORTH MEADOW ESTATES SUBDIVISION within the SE ¼ of SEC. 6, T.5 S.,R.2 E. SLBM – 0.361 acres]

do you believe in miracles



M is for Miracles!


DONATE for Miracles Now!

to help “Barbie & Ken” Cromar defeat “Goliath lRS”

“MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” DVDs- with two FREE pocket Constitutions.  And FREE shipping by Raland Brunson. Suggested donation of only $25.  DONATE here… .
























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