When you help steal “Barbie & Ken’s Dreamhouse” by fraud, you shouldn’t be surprised if you lose your Castle!
by Ken Cromar (editor / former Cedar Hills Councilman 1994 to 2000 – victim of weaponized lRS and 75-man SWAT and court injustice)
A publicly disgraced former Utah County Attorney David O. Leavitt, brother of the former Utah Governor Mike Leavitt appears to be fleeing the country to avoid possible prosecution for charges that may result for a very public investigation for Human Trafficking, sexual abuse of children (pedophilia) by he and his wife (see links and Affidavits below).
No one is above the Law of the Land.
No one, especially Prosecutors who pretend to act in the name of We the People and are paid to protect the innocent and insure JUSTICE and instead use the courts to enrich themselves and protect their criminal friends.
If it can happen to “Barbie & Ken”, it can happen to you.
If “Barbie & Ken” are denied God-given, Constitutional Justice in the courts, then ALL of We the People are denied their God-given, Constitutional Justice in the courts.
If “Barbie & Ken” receive Constitutional JUSTICE, then ALL of We the People receive Constitutional JUSTICE.
The Coward – David O. Leavitt
Leavitt initiated the the 75-man SWAT but though his name is all over the case never bothered to reply to any of our filings, including challenges to Jurisdiction, to our appeals for Brady materials, or even show up to the fake trial kangaroo court at the end of June that he initiated! It was poetic that the People of Utah County GOP voted him out of office on Day #2 of his fake trial against us, Barbie & Ken, claiming we “burglarized” our own LAND PATENTED home. He not so “courageously” ever showed up to anything! He was 100% AWOL (Absent Without Leave – but probably cashed his paychecks).
(see other of Barbie & Ken’s Greatest Videos – http://www.miraclesingodwetrust.com/barbie-kens-greatest-videos/ )
FAILURE! – Just Do Your Job
An honorable oath-keeping “prosecutor” would have first investigated to see if the original claims by the weaponized lRS were true, and to see if our rights to due process, hearing and trial were upheld — AND then RUN to our (Barbie & Ken’s) defense when he learned that the Obama-appointed infamous Chief Judge Robert J. Shelby of the US District Court (SLC) FAILED to do his job.
Instead of PROTECTING “Barbie & Ken” from a corrupt Obama Judge and weaponized lRS, Leavitt broke his oath of office, protected his judge friends like Shelby, and Utah Fourth District court judge-buddies Powell, Brady, and Christine s Johnson, and a now turned enemy, similarly cowards Sheriff Mike Smith / Utah AG Reyes.
No surprise! They’ve all turned on each other in some high stakes poker turf war, where Leavitt’s sins were exposed, but where they all appear to be “dirty cops” — “Barbie & Ken” have INVOICED them all for trespass of our Constitutional rights — but all of whom have much to hide — and have FAILED to do their jobs to protect We the People.
Who cares about “Justice for All” — when it’s ALL for “Just Us!”
Innocent until proven guilty – right?
Ironically, we, “Barbie & Ken” came to David Leavitt’s defense. We publicly challenged the Utah AG to either Indict or Exonerate Leavitt. Hard to do that though if you’ve got criminal skeletons in your own closet…
CHALLENGE TO UTAH AG REYES: Either Indict or Exonerate David O. Leavitt by Christmas
Why do so many people seek office to gain power?
Leavitt FLEEING the Country to avoid Satanic Pedo Charges
and to skip paying his $8,420,000.00 INVOICE?
He may be also be attempting to avoid payment of a $8,420,000.00 by Ken & Barbara Cromar for false accusations, felony trial for “burglary” of their own home under now proven false lRS claims. David Leavitt had been SERVED by the Cromars with numerous charges that because he violated his own Oath of Office, stripped any claims of “immunity” — making him PERSONALLY liable to the Cromars for the $8,420,000.00.
On March 17, 2023 at 10.55 am, David O Leavitt – the man – received additional service with his latest INVOICE via USPS 7022 2410 0002 3119 0530 in a 15-day NOTICE OF FAULT. See image above, or the entire 4 page PDF of the Notary Service here…
7022 2410 0002 3119 0530 – 15-day NOTICE OF FAULT – David O Leavitt – the man
Barbie & Ken Cromar refuse to be another David Leavitt VICTIM
The Cromars intend to collect every last penny from the Leavitts, and a number of others who trespassed, damaged and harmed us by unlawfully stealing our home — evicting and taking their luxrious Provo home in the “River Bottoms”, AND “their” newly purchased castle in Scotland, until the $8,420,000.00 INVOICE — and forthcoming and ever-expanding financial obligations David O. Leavitt agreed to for Trespass of Barbie & Ken Cromar.
Not only do the Cromars REFUSE to be another Leavitt victim, to the contrary, WE solemnly declare,
“PUBLIC BEWARE! – We claim the Knockderry Castle in Scotland is ours!”
Barbie & Ken Cromar / Cedar Hills Utah
Barbie & Ken Cromar’s CASTLE-WARMING Party!
“Barbie & Ken vs Goliath lRS” friends & supporters are ALL INVITED
RSVP list is Now Open!
All who have stood by Barbie & Ken with prayers, support, encouragement and donations keeping us “alive” through all of our 18 court cases during the last 5 years and 4 months, where victims of two SWATs (13 man & 75 man) a “weaponized lRS” and their lawsuits against the Commissioner of the lRS and won! are ALL invited for our “Cromar Castle Warming Party” on a date TBA, after repossession and eviction of the Leavitts, and whatever appropriate exorcism, fumigation and casting out of evil spirits.
WARNING! William Wallace “BraveHeart” and his Freedom-fighter friends, may be recruited for much of that “cleansing”, which we have reason to believe they will be more than happy to perform.
IF the the Leavitts are guilty of the crimes they’ve been accused of in AFFIDAVITS and evidence gathered by questionable Sheriff Mike Smith, then instead of poisoning Scotland with such Satanic evil, they may serve their eternal cause best by hanging themselves from the highest turret of the castle, or rowing out into the middle of the lake, hanging a millstone around their necks, stepping off the boat and sinking themselves to the bottom of lake by the castle.
Too harsh? The Lord Jesus Christ said,
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.“
BIBLE – Luke 17: 2
Therefore Leavitt’s very public “WhatTheHellDidWeDo.com” buying of a Scottish castle may simply be a very clever cover and attempt to double-down, triple-down and quadruple-down to make himself appear to be something he is not, to fool local Scottish law enforcement to co-opt their protection, and possibly to continue their pedophilia / Satanic / trafficking secret lifestyle but unburdened by potential charges out of now far, far, far away Utah.
Sorry! But if Barbie & Ken have anything to do with it – the Leavitts won’t get away with it – they will lose $8,420,000 to us (and much, much more as the debt is not yet fully tabulated) – and forfeit most if not all their ill-gotten gains and find themselves in prison (or the bottom of the lake beside the castle).
IF the the Leavitts are guilty of the crimes they’ve been accused of, then instead of poisoning Scotland with their unique brand of Satanic pedo evil, they may serve their eternal welfare best by hanging themselves from the highest turret of the castle, or rowing out into the middle of the lake, hanging a millstone to their necks and sinking themselves to the bottom. That would be an appropriate step of repentance for anyone who has harmed the little ones.
BUT, if these cowards won’t come clean, Barbie & Ken are here to insure they are fully exposed, arrested if necessary and brought to JUSTICE in Utah — clearing the path for us to collect $8.42 million in damages including our 1.2 million pound Scottish castle as partial payment they’ve agreed they owe us.
David O. Leavitt has received various SERVICE from the Cromars, the most important of which was the first — a Freedom declaration, which the Cromars affectionately call “The CHECKMATE” doc, — here…
For the entire CHECKMATE document which David O. Leavitt has agreed to, read the PDF here…
“MISPRISION OF TREASON” : Judges must Investigate & Resolve or You are now Guilty of Treason
In this Scottish news articles, we discovered that Leavitt has admitted he is “no longer practicing law”. Why? Did he make some deal with the Utah AG Sean Reyes, that he wouldn’t be charged while still in office (much higher level of crimes and penalties) if he committed to leave office January 2023, NOT practice law ever again, leave Utah or the country altogether? We can only speculate, but do so based on facts and insider evidence regarding the political feuds and infighting.
IF that is true, the AG doesn’t have that kind of discretion to “make deals” — as that is called Misprision of Felony under USC Title 18 § 4, and possibly a violation of USC Title 18 § 2382 – Misprision of Treason. You can hide felonies or treason to protect yourself from a political enemy. You MUST charge them or by law you are accountable for the same felony crime and/or treason.
The Cromars filed two Criminal Referrals with Sean Reyes’ office June 7, and June 13 – two weeks before the kangaroo court trial against us which was “in mistrial before the trial even started”.
DECLARATION: Notice of Criminal Referral to Utah Attorney General for TREASON in the court
NEWS RELEASE – Are the Utah County accusers of “Barbie and Ken” actually criminals themselves?
* COMING SOON: “Sound of Freedom” & Justice for Utah Pedos, Human & Sex Traffickers, and Satanists
Despite the Criminal Referrals that should have compelled Utah AG Reyes to investigate and intervene in Leavitt’s fraudulent feleony charges and trial against the Cromars, as per Misprison of Felony and Misprision of Treason he now is a party to the exact same crimes!
A Brief HISTORY of David O. Leavitt’s criminal Abuse of Process against Cedar Hills’ own Ken Cromar
David O. Leavitt was the elected as the new Utah County Attorney in 2017 and took office in January 2018, only to be defeated by a large margin, literally during the week of trial his office was falsely prosecuting us for felony “burglarizing” of our own home!, and “false appropriation”, when in reality he had “kidnapped” by arresting us without a warrant (fabricated hours later) forcing us off our Land Patented property at gun-point, and STEALING our home thru “false appropriation”. REMEMBER MR. LEAVITT, that karma thing can be a very unhappy “adventure”. You like adventure?
It would have been appropriate for Mr. Leavitt to be FIRED (removed from office) for his fraudulent prosecution of us, Barbara and Ken Cromar, for kidnapping us and his “false appropriation” and stealing for our home base on lRS case wherein we sued the then Commissioner Charles Rettig — and WON! — when his attorneys asked our suit to be dismissed claiming that we had no case against the Commissioner because he admitted he had NO lRS CLAIM against Barbie & Ken Cromar from 1990 through 2020 – 31 straight years!
What Leavitt was actually FIRED for was because of the public learned that he was under investigation for human trafficking, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) amongst other things. (This website reported on those strange accusations, including providing AFFIDAVITS of victims wherein his name and participation is documented – see links at bottom). But we, “Barbie & Ken” Cromar, were also his victims through his fake kangaroo court trial at the hand of his side-kick Jared Perkins wherein he was caught numerous times by his own words promising exculpatory BRADY evidence that would dishonor us, falsely labeling and silencing us as “vexatious litigants” for defending ourselves against their fraudulent claims, asking Judge Johnson to deny us our choice of Counsel, denying us numerous Subpoenas for our defense, and not addressing assault and battery by a Sheriff Deputy Steiner at the courthouse, but conveniently the surveillance cameras “were not working”, jury tampering, allowed his prosecutor Perkins bizarrely to represent himself as OUR Counsel on the court docket, and then pretend that the Public Defender Lisa Maxine Estrada was our Counsel when we never spoke, she never communicated with us, answered our emails, and rejected all our USPS mailings, etc. etc.
All of this done to under the not so watchful eye of David O. Leavitt who initiated this entire court fiasco, but never showed up or performed his duties in any fashion. What kind of Utah County Attorney is that? He initiated a 75-man SWAT team with 2 helicopters, 2 MRAP (tanks), numerous snipers, and evacuated an entire quiet peaceful neighborhood to arrest an unarmed 57 year old grandmother of 7 “Barbie”. Ken had earlier been arrested in the parking lot of a local grocery store. Wow! Great intel from the “gang that couldn’t shoot straight” led by Leavitt and the wanna-be honorable but cowardly Sheriff Mike Smith (all he had to do was knock on our door and present a lawfully signed and sealed warrant), now turned enemy investigator into Leavitt’s alleged years of stunning abuse of others by he and his wife .
We served INVOICES on Leavitt for numerous violation of our God-given Constitutionally guaranteed unalienable rights, in numerous felonies including USC Title 18 section 241 and 242, acting under color of law and conspiracy to deny rights with possible accomplices “judges” Christine S. Johnson, Kraig J. Powell, US District Court Judge David B. Barlow, and Utah State AG Sean Reyes and others.
They may think “Barbie & Ken” are disposable “dolls”, however they are wrong. We KNOW we are innocent of all charges including the lRS false claims, and especially the felony “burglary” charges and LIES that we were “bomb making” terrorists (because we had matches and hydrogen peroxide in our food storage supplies). Pretty lame argument. Deceitful!
Our INVOICES for $8420,000.00 and charges against Leavitt predate his purchase of the soon to be renamed “Cromar Castle”. (Did you know that “Cromar” is Scottish? More on that some other time.) Therefore, that castle was bought with money he owes us!
Public Apology Offered by Ken for Helping Leavitt get Elected
We had such a horrendous previous Utah County Attorney in Jeffrey Buhman, who in the opinion of many friends of Cedar Hills Citizens for Responsible Government, failed to pursue local corruption in the County and Cedar Hills. Many felt it a shame for him to win the job to prosecute crime from the voters only to abandon them by going off to National Guard duties instead of “mind the store” and getting a famous murder crime so wrong. Can’t say whether Buhmann was drawing down two government paychecks at the same time or not, but we knew he was not 100% effective as the elected Utah County Attorney. “ANYBODY would have been better”, we thought.
We were so wrong.
I must confess that I didn’t dig deep enough in vetting David O. Leavitt when I offered to help get his election campaign. I did my part by producing this short video that helped him win the GOP primary — which in most of Utah is as good as winning the election because much of Utah (outside of Salt Lake City) has long been known to be conservative and Republican.
Ken publicly apologizes for helping David Leavitt win Utah County Attorney using his video production talents for an unworthy cause here …
So, we hope that you’ll accept our public apology for having helped get David O. Leavitt elected. We intend to make up for that error. Here’s how:
In one of the reports by Leavitt at his website he wrote:
“One fun aspect of owning a castle is that I’m learning many people have also dreamed of owning a castle. Because we’re crazy enough to actually buy a castle, we instantly connect with these dreamers. This dream is so common that a few people have said “they should make a movie about this.”
Well, that just may happen. But the documentary Ken & Barbara plan to make about the CROMAR’s CASTLE will certainly not turn out way David & Chelom Leavitt might hope.
In the meanwhile, “Barbie & Ken” Cromar, real & actual victims of David O. Leavitt encourage the public to give him the courtesy and requirement of please see him as “innocent until proven guilty” — even though that same requirement was NOT given by him to us.
Leavitts – Thanks for the Castle!
But don’t worry David, we intend to take all the luxury homes (and castles) and cabins from the numerous government officials like you that we’ve CHECKMATED and personally INVOICED and turn them into some sort of Patriot Air B&B, where those who were VICTIMS of the corrupt judges, prosecutors, Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, etc., will be given SPECIAL visits for FREE. The victims of treasonous criminal class of “law enforcement” — especially those who have been falsely incarcerated (think J6-ers in the D.C. Gulag) — certainly deserve to have some “closure” and healing that will come from sleeping in their luxury habitats, while knowing that the TRAITORS that persecuted them are NOW sleeping on the exact same prison cots they suffered and plead to Heaven from for their FREEDOM!
Now THAT would be JUSTICE, right?
In the meanwhile, please send your RSVP expressing your desire to be invited to the Cromar Castle Warming Party – date TBA — as soon as possible please!
Additional RESEARCH & Reading:
Utah County sheriff, attorney spar over investigation of ‘ritual sex abuse’
Victim’s claims mirror details in case of ritualistic sexual child abuse investigation
Old allegations that county attorney cannibalized children are a ‘pack of lies,’ he says
Utah Attorney David Leavitt Accused of Satanic Ritual Abuse
Utah County Attorney David Leavitt has been talking about ritualistic sex abuse suspect for years
Utah County’s David Leavitt faces same national pushback as other ‘progressive prosecutors’
Utah County Attorney David Leavitt loses bid for reelection
FOX 13 Investigates: Utah AG did not investigate billionaire, future campaign donor for sex assault
David Leavitt on David Leavitt …
The following quotes — quite ironic IF indeed the Leavitt’s are guilty of the accusations Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), pedophilia, and human trafficking — were discovered at:
David Leavitt: “Before leaving the active practice of law in January, 2023 I served as an elected district attorney in the United States. One of my big pushes as district attorney was improve how law enforcement investigates and prosecutes sexual assault. I signed on to an effort test sexual assault forensic exams that had been sitting on police shelves without being tested for years. The DNA from one forensic exam matched with a registered sex offender named Nicholas Rossi, a man from Rhode Island. I charged Rossi with one count of rape. That charge set off an international search for Rossi, the Rhode Island Rapist”
“We learned that Rossi had faked his own death and fled to Scotland. Through the amazing efforts of both American and Scottish law enforcement authorities, we found Nicholas Rossi lying in a Glasgow, Scotland hospital suffering from COVID. We arrested him. That set off an entirely new saga that has fascinated media readers and viewers around the world”
“It also played a hand in Chelom and purchasing Knockderry as Nicholas Rossi partnered with the local sheriff in my jurisdiction to defeat me in the election, and it worked”
Hiding in Plain Sight? Behind a castle in Scotland?
In the midst of his re-election campaign last year, Leavitt was forced to defend himself against a smear campaign he believes was orchestrated by the man fighting extradition from Scotland. He says he was forced to hold a press conference to shut down allegations of ritualistic child sex abuse and cannibalism.
“Without question, I lost the election in part because of Nicholas Rossi. The larger picture is the American criminal justice system is on fire in disfunction. I had the choice of whether I wanted the headline to be that I was accused of being a cannibal or whether I wanted the headline to be something a bit more palatable.
“The truth is, since losing the election, I feel a satisfaction that I stood up for what was right. I protected the public on my watch in a way that no-one else had ever done with Nicholas Rossi.
“If you think through the allegations that he has made throughout the extradition case, the many levels of conspiracy that it would take to have that occur, they are as outlandish as cannibalism.”
But it meant he could finally commit to a decade-long dream of renovating a Scottish castle. He said: “Nicholas Rossi has given me a tremendous opportunity to refocus my life in something completely different to what I did before.
“I hold no official position, I’m not even practising law at this point. I’m having a wonderful time trying to bring back a part of Scottish heritage that I think was on the verge of being lost.”
How David’s brother Mike Leavitt involved? Mike Leavitt is current President of the “Mormon Tabernacle Choir”, now Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. Hmmm?
David is not a stupid man. Actually he is by all accounts an intelligent, well-spoken, handsome and charming man. But remember, so is Satan. It also appears that he learns from people he has legal conflicts from.
Rossi fled the country – Leavitt appears to be doing the same thing. It can be a hard thing to extradite as Leavitt learned from Rossi.
Why hasn’t Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes indicted Leavitt?
Why didn’t the cowardly / vengeful Utah County Sheriff wannabe leader Mike Smith follow through on his “investigation” and get Leavitt arrested?
(Note: The then new Sheriff Mike Smith — apparently trying to be “someone” to higher officials — did what others told him to do, and broke his word to us numerous times. All that the Constitutionally incompetent Sheriff Mike Smith had to do was walk up to our door and serve us a lawful, signed & sealed WARRANT to which we would have surrendered. He could have been a HERO. The “What to do if they come” notes we had on the inside of our door proved that. That’s OK. Sheriff Smith was INVOICED $11,180,000.00 in behalf of his Utah County Sheriff Department and confronted with his dishonesty here…
2021 09 09 – NOTICE INVOICE TRESPASS $11.18M – Sheriff Smith Utah County Sheriff Dept – web copy
Did it ever occur to you Sheriff Smith that YOU and your kind of cowardly, under-informed, dishonorable actions that prove you’re in way over your head of Constitutional competence, is EXACTLY the reason WHY some scream “De-Fund the Police!”
We don’t agree with that insane idea.
As a former Cedar Hills elected City Councilman I have always promoted support of the Boys in Blue — EVEN though since then we have been repeatedly abused, harassed, trespassed, kidnapped, harmed & damaged by so-called “law enforcement” by those breaking the law. AND we’ve been endangered and almost killed by those like you Sheriff Smith using Barbie & Ken to destroy those truly standing for Liberty, while trying to dramatically promote their political aspirations using flashy 75-man SWATs and destroying a home and family.
Where’s David O. Leavitt today?
Is Leavitt not practicing law? Is he being dis-BARRED?
Were there negotiation with AG Reyes? If so that would be a clever way to hide behind the idea that, “I came to to Scotland to chase a criminal.” Wouldn’t that be GREAT cover for a criminal!
Maybe Leavitt learned from the Cromars about the power of Land Patents, and has created some sort of a twisted “Constitutionally” (Scottish, or international or U.N.) authorized “embassy” of sorts in Scotland that creates protection from his crimes?
WHISTLE -BLOWERS where are you?
“Barbie & Ken” – Offer $12 Million REWARD* at National Press Club still stands

“My defeat made it easier to purchase Knockderry. Ironically, Knockderry Castle is less than two hours away from the prison in which Nicholas Rossi is contesting his extradition to Utah in the United States for the rape charge with which I charged him prior to my election loss”
Why investigate Leavitt if you Ain’t Gonna Do anything?
PLEASE KEEP A WATCHFUL EYE over your children and grandchildren as the predators are to be assumed to be EVERYWHERE including trusted leaders in government, church, family, friends and neighborhood:
Utah County Ritualistic Abuse Case Files – Concrete Conspiracy – Sept 27, 2022 – at
Victim Statement #4 that specifically mentions David Leavitt
WARNING: Victim Statement #4 that specifically mentions David Leavitt in three places, pages [correction pg 31, 34 and 51, is very painful to read, and can be found here. Though we were denied the same privilege, Leavitt is to be considered innocent until proven guilty. https://jenhatchblog.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/victim-statement-4.pdf
WE MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN from this kind twisted pedophilia, human trafficking, and Satanic Ritual Abuse. If we don’t we should NOT be surprised for the Cleansing of America that is to come. God is kind and tender, however his JUSTICE is PERFECT. Unless we stand up, we will have failed — and will deserve whatever is coming.
Watch for a forthcoming article highlighting Cleon Skousen’s book “The Cleansing of America”. The message was so uncomfortable that he asked his family NOT to publish it until AFTER his death. The book is now published.
These are our children and grandchildren, and God-given Constitutionally guaranteed un-a-lein-able right WE MUST FIGHT FOR….
WARNING TO DAVID: All unauthorized improvements agreed on in advance on our Cromar Castle may or may not be counted against your $8,420,000.00 liability to us Barbie & Ken, the new owners.
EPOCH TIMES: Utah Ritual Abuse Case: Victims’ Claims Deserve Our Attention
“Aw C’mon Barbie & Ken – You’re just a couple of Lying Tax Cheats!” — Really? PROVE IT, or you may be the liar!
* APRIL 15th – WARNING: If you ask Heaven a Question, You May Get an Answer
DONATE for Miracles Now!
“MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” DVDs- with two FREE pocket Constitutions. And FREE shipping by Raland Brunson. Suggested donation of only $25. DONATE here… .
“A More Perfect Union” DVD – with one FREE pocket Constitution. And FREE shipping by Raland Brunson. Suggested donation of only $19.