[Kendal Anderson is a deep thinker. I am never disappointed by his research, open and honest dialogue with his reader, and clear Love of God and desire to be in good standing before Him.
Kendal and I have talked about Land and it’s importance to God many times, sharing ideas and articles, etc. So, while “Barbie & Ken” Cromar (I and my dear wife) have been writing and speaking out on LAND PATENTS and their 180 years of UNANIMOUS Supreme Court opinions, — Kendal has apparently been on a parallel path as this second article in a new series on the scriptural importance of LAND shows.
Kendal’s writing is specifically directed to a “Mormon” audience as the name of his blog Book of Mormon Perspectives indicates — BUT mostly it’s enjoyable and inspiring to any God-fearing Christian. However, with Kendal’s permission I’ve been allowed to only include the highlights for you, which have surgically removed “all things Mormon” except a couple of passing mentions of “the Book”, BUT powerfully spotlight LAND in a way that gives Godly meaning to the earth beneath our feet and our heavenly obligation to The LAND.
For our “Mormon” friends, and those who are not afraid to explore additional testimonies of Jesus Christ, you may want to read the entire article found at link at the bottom. ENJOY!]

When the meaning of language begins to be lost society can become a breeding ground for tyrants and dictators.
What do I mean?
If you can subtly manipulate language by changing the meaning of certain words and creating other words and phrases that deceive people into entering contractual servitude without their knowledge, then you’ve created the perfect system of voluntary slavery. Better yet, you’ve created a culture where people freely enter into contractual slavery while believing that they are free.
Such a system would give the manipulators of the language access to unlimited amounts of political power. In fact, such a system would create the perfect environment for mass mind control. One psychiatrist described it this way:
… he who dictates and formulates the words and phrases we use, he who is master of the press and radio, is master of the mind. (Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind, p. 45)
It’s the perfect ruse. And it has been done right here in the American promised land. The confounding of our English language has resulted in a loss of our rights, our land, and even our religion (through 501-c-3)…
However, this loss of rights is merely an illusion, because, like the Title of Liberty, they have always existed. The State has attempted to enslave you through false contracts, but it is nothing but fraud. The good news is that you never lost your unalienable rights, including the land that has already been granted to you. Land and rights are a gift from God, which He plans to fully restore in the coming Zion.
Dear readers, our descent into slavery has been written into our very language. Because of our education in public schools and government accredited universities, we never had a chance at learning the constitutional history of 18th century words. Those words had real meaning, and our progenitors understood them. They knew that after the Revolution they had become freemen, no more subject to the king of England. And they held their land in freehold, beholden to none.
To understand land language we must first define some common terms, and you will find their true meaning, well, not so common.
Legal v. Lawful

The term legal in our modern society has reference only to rules, codes, ordinances, statutes, or corporate policy, none of which is actual law. These things are the color of law. Color of law is defined as the mere semblance, or appearance of law or right. Often, this appearance of law allows policy makers to act in defiance and violation of actual law.
In other words, anything defined as legal is merely an illusion. We, as sovereign American citizens, are not subject to anything but common law. … Anything else falls into the category of legal.
Have you ever wondered why cops are called police officers? It is because they do not enforce actual law, they enforce corporate policy. An officer is a position in a corporation, one that is superior to you and I, but only in the dead/legal/fictional world. In the real world, a policeman has no authority over anyone, because well, he was not elected by the people.
In common law history, a constable or sheriff was elected by the people to represent them in apprehending criminals, he was not an officer or a policeman, and he was only supposed to punish actual crime. If he did not do his job correctly or attempted to abuse his power, the people could fire him and elect another in his stead. When was the last time a policeman was voted out of a job? Police chiefs are appointed by the Mayor, not elected. …
Have you ever wondered why leaders who hold public office are called politicians? It is because, like the policeman, they do not deal in law but in corporate policy. They occupy an office in the for-profit governmental corporation. They work for that organization and not for you. It has been this way in America since the Organic Act of 1871 when the U.S. government was incorporated. Before that time politicians were known as statesmen. Statesmen deal in common law, not corporate policy.
Because all cities, states, and municipalities have been incorporated, there is not a single policy they enforce that you as a sovereign are subject to, and this includes all taxes; especially income and property taxes. Furthermore, you are only subject to corporate policy if you consent to be. They have hidden into the language a variety of words that when said in response to certain question/statements make you a consenting partner in a contract.
I’ll just use one example. When an officer pulls you over and and asks you if you understand why he did so, he is offering you a contract. When you say the words, “yes, I understand,” what you are really saying is that you stand under the authority of the officer and you are consenting to whatever punitive action he is about to slap you with.
When you show him your driver’s license and he asks if the picture on it is you, if you say yes then what you are saying is that you are a dead corporation on a piece of plastic. Once you consent to being a dead corporation then you become subject to maritime law and corporate policy. Just the fact that you applied for and obtained a driver’s license means that you have already consented to be a slave to the State.
(As an aside I’m not suggesting that you get rid of your driver’s license and try to become a state national or sovereign citizen. Some people have successfully done this but it takes years of research and a thorough understanding of the law. My purpose here is to merely inform and educate you about things you may have not known about. Someday soon God will make everyone sovereign citizens because He will destroy all the power structures that keep us slaves.)
The image on your driver’s license is most definitely not you. You are a flesh and blood man or woman. The image on your license is only an image, and the name on the card is not your real name. It appears in all caps, which, according to Roman military law, means you have no status at all. Your real name is your Christian name, which is a combination of upper and lower case letters. Your Christian name describes the real flesh-and-blood you, the sovereign who only answers to the highest judge in the land, God Himself.
Your name appears in all caps on every legal document they have created for you, including: birth certificates, social security cards, loan documents, bank statements, tax returns, student loans, and even hospital tags.
Having a name with all caps literally means that you, my friends, are capital goods. You are the “productive units” that are used to produce other goods and services. In their fictional-corporate-world they own your labor; your labor is the capital good. It is also used as surety at the IMF (International Monetary Fund) for the national debt (the IMF has the original copy of your birth certificate), and it is bought and sold on the stock exchange. That is why you’ve heard the phrase that if you have good genes you come from “good stock.” We are the livestock. We are human capital.
Welcome to modern slavery.
Now, I don’t want to veer to far off on the word plays of maritime law, I’ve already written a fairly comprehensive piece on that subject that you can read here.
But there are still a few more terms to define that have to do with the subject of this series. Before we get into these other familiar words there is a deeper aspect to legal and lawful that I need to share with you. I learned these definitions from Ron Gibson, a lawyer (not an attorney), who is an expert on land patents and who teaches seminars on the step-by-step process of how to claim them (more on Ron later). This is how he defines legal and lawful:
Legal: people on the water controlled by service corporations.
Lawful: men and women on the land
Now think about this: you can’t move around on the water without assistance. You need some kind of boat or floating device to do so, otherwise you drown. But on the land you can freely move about and do as you please. On the water you are subject to others providing you the service of shipping. In exchange for this service you are granted certain privileges and benefits by the captain of the ship. When you accept those “rights” from the captain you consent to becoming his cargo, which means he can sell or trade you at his leisure. At that point your rights become alienable.
Are you beginning to grasp the direness of your awful situation?
You are only free as a flesh-and-blood man or woman on the land. That’s it… there is no other way to be free. It is Jesus Christ, and no other being, that grants you that land and freedom. …..
Now let’s get one thing straight: rights do not come from government or men. Rights come from God, the Creator. He has endowed you with unalienable (unencumbered) rights and given you the land resting on the crust of the earth. The purpose of its very creation is to be tilled and worked by you, the husbandman. And it was designed to yield an abundance of food and goods.
Like you, the land is alive, it is bursting with embryonic molecules that are just waiting to spring into commodities. All it needs is your hands to stir up its elements and enzymes.
Do you realize that if every family were allowed to take ownership of the land freely granted to them by God then it would finally be possible to have “no poor among us”?
We won’t need to control each other by forming a state, and we won’t need to centralize spiritual knowledge by forming an organized religion. Let people come and believe what they will. Let people come and work their land as they please, without licenses, permits, property taxes, or any other liens or encumbrances.
Ron Gibson (a true servant of God)
Before we get further into Ron Gibson (a true servant of God) and his work on land patents, we’ve got to explore a little more of this language of land ownership as it applied to Americans before the Civil War and the incorporation of the federal government in 1871.
There is quite a history to be told here, a history of how Americans once claimed their land and how it was subsequently lost..
Or was it?
This Land is Our Land
As many of you know I live in Idaho, and I love it here. There are endless acres of wide open spaces teeming with mountains and wildlife….
It [a feud] is also described as an inheritable right to the use and occupation of lands, held on condition of rendering services to the lord or proprietor, who himself retains the ownership of the lands, {Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, p. 748 (1968.} Thus, the people had land they occupied, devised, inherited, alienated, or disposed of as they saw fit, so long as they remained in favor with the King. {F.L. Ganshof, Feudalism, p. 113 (1967)}. (What You Need to Know About Land Patents, p. 56)
This system was known as feudal tenure. It was essentially a pyramid scheme in land disbursement. The baron who received the initial land gift from the king was free to impart, or subdivide, his land to other vassals. A vassal is defined as “a person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in exchange for homage and allegiance; a bondman or slave, a subordinate or dependent.”
The feudal lords answered directly to the king and they were called “tenants.” Fiefs who worked the land under them paid fees to the feudal lords in exchange for protection and the right to use the land. This privilege was inheritable as long as they remained under the favor of the lord. Similarly, the baron or nobleman enjoyed the same privilege under the king as long as they remained in his favor. The entire system was a hierarchical chain of command where a lord or vassal could lose everything on the whims of a superior.
The size of the estates of the fiefs or vassals under the feudal lords widely varied just as they do today. Some lived on large estates and others on little acreage. The fiefs were reminiscent of today’s middle class. They paid homage to the lords, who in return paid homage to the king. At the bottom of the pyramid were the serfs or villains.
The word villain originally meant a person who had no rights. The Old English definition of villain was a “base or low-born rustic,” in Old French it meant “peasant, farmer, commoner, churl, yokel.”
Villains were employed by the fiefs as low wage workers. Ron explains that they “were recognized as nothing more than real property.” Like many today that live in slums and are on the streets, they eked out a miserable existence in a constant struggle for survival. To put this in a modern perspective, those who work for wages from an employer labor three months out of the year just to pay their federal and state income taxes. The middle class who own more land and make “profits” instead of wages, still have to pay tribute to modern fiefs to retain the privilege of working their lands or businesses. This tribute is known today as property tax, corporate income tax and capital gains tax.
Modern fiefs are incorporated governments such as cities, municipalities, counties, and states. These are fictional entities to which we all pay fees. The modern word fee is a variant of the word fief. Its original meaning can be traced to the Old English word feoh, which means, and be prepared to be shocked:
…livestock, cattle; movable property; possessions in livestock, goods or money; riches, wealth; money as a means of exchange or payment. (Online Etymology Dictionary)
You pay fees to incorporated entities because you are nothing more than human cattle, or chattel. We live in a modern system of chattel slavery… in which we, the slaves, believe that we are free.
The entire system has been flipped upon its head.
The power to govern is a right inherent in the people, not kings or magistrates. Read these words from the Declaration of Independence and let them sink in:
… That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…
We the People are the sovereigns, not a government that was created by us, which means that We the People, not the government, are the true owners of the land.
What Jefferson is describing is common law based upon the Bible. The origins of common law can be traced back to 11th century England, before William the Conqueror introduced the feudal system.
When England was conquered by this tyrant in 1066 A.D., all land was commandeered by the king. Prior to that time, all lands in England were allodial, meaning, “owing to no one, nor to any lord or superior.”
After close to two centuries under the new feudal system, a group of 25 barons, who had studied the history of the land ownership of their ancestors, pressured King John to restore some of the rights they had lost. The result was the Magna Carta of 1215, a document that became the basis for common law.
Under Magna Carta the barons would retain some of their rights and powers over their lands, but would still recognize the king as the “lord paramount.” According to Ron Gibson, several sections of the charter gave:
…the most powerful barons letters of patent… with the single goal of protecting the ‘landowner’ and helping him retain possession of the land, acquired in the service of the King, from unjust seizures or improper debts. The barons attempted these goals with the intention of securing property to pass to their heirs. (Land Patents, p. 72)
But it was short lived. King John died in 1216 A.D., just one year after signing the Magna Carta. The document was forgotten and the feudal system remained in force. Those humble Gentiles who came to America in the early 1600s were looking for two things: religious freedom and the right to own unencumbered land. However, the king still owned the territory in the colonies, where “American versions of barons sought to retain large tracts of land” (Ibid, p. 73).
According to Ron, the American feudal system operated as follows:
… the feudal barons in the colonies could dictate who farmed their land, how their land was to be divided, and to a certain extent to whom the land should pass. But, just as the original barons discovered, this power was premised in part of the performance of duties for the king. (Ibid, p. 73)
The American Revolution was not fought just over taxes, it was fought for the right to own unencumbered land. This part of American history has been whitewashed and erased. The Establishment does NOT want you to know this, because if Americans wake up to this fact, the entire system of maritime law falls on its face.
After winning the war and securing those lands away from the king, “the un-appropriated lands… passed, not to the people of the colony or state within those limits they were situated, but to the whole people… (p. 74).
We the People, or the “whole people” as Ron opines, had the right to distribute those lands as they saw fit, “as joint tenants in the sovereignty.” The way they chose to distribute the land was written into the U.S. Constitution. There was an office established in the newly formed government called the General Land Office, which issued Land Patents to those who applied for them. The land was not for sale. It was free.
The portion of the U.S. Constitution dealing with land disposal is Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2:
The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.
The Congress was the direct representatives of the sovereign people, who gave the government the power in the first place. It was them who decided how to distribute the land, at least that is how it was supposed to go. It worked for a while, and between the time of the Revolution and the Civil War Americans enjoyed pure allodial title to their lands.
Government was a contract between sovereigns to protect each other in their rights, nothing more. It soon became corrupted and taken over by [DEEP STATE players], some of which were early Founding Fathers like Alexander Hamilton, I wrote about that here.
But the idea of government was, as Jefferson stated, “to secure these Rights” that were already granted by God. Land was a big part of that equation according to this 1863 court case:
The American people, before developing a properly functioning stable government, developed a stable system of land ownership, whereby the people owned their land absolutely and in a manner similar to the king in common-law England. (Wallace v. Harmstead, 44 Pa. 492 (1863), referenced in Land Patents, p. 76)
These humble Gentiles had studied the Bible and had an understanding of the importance of the land that God had given to the Israelites. In fact, the republic set up by our Founder’s was reminiscent of the republic set up by Moses.
Much of the U.S. Constitution was based upon the book of Deuteronomy. That book of scripture was a constitution given to the Israelites just before they were finally allowed to possess and occupy the promised land. I don’t have the space to get into the specifics but if you want to learn more about it I highly recommend this article written by Daniel J. Elazar.
The Israelite constitution in Deuteronomy is reminiscent of the Book of Mormon decrees upon the promised land. There was a covenant offered that granted the Israelites the land with certain stipulations. These are repeated all throughout the book of Deuteronomy. Here is just one example:
Now therefore listen, O Israel, unto the statutes and judgments which I teach you, in order to do them, that you may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers give you. You shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish anything from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. (Deuteronomy 2:1, RE)
The statutes and judgements referenced here are the ins and outs of the law of the land; the common law that God commanded the Israelites to base their nation on.
When God says forever, He means it, and part of those promises entail gifting us the land. That means allodial title with no encumbrances by any governmental body or organization. And it means that every individual family will be granted a portion of land, for free, without any obligation to pay any property taxes on it. Our only sovereign landlord will be God Himself, who will require that you voluntarily share your abundance with the poor.
In Part III, I’m going to go deeper into Ron Gibson’s books and the history of land patents, but before I end this post there are still a few more terms to define, and I think that you’ll be surprised to learn that these words you are very familiar with DO NOT mean what you thought they did.
Words that Destroy Rights
See the following video where Ron talks about these concepts, the mortgage stuff begins at the 30-minute mark:
Another word for that is slavery.
A party who signs a negotiable instrument for the purpose of incurring liability on the instrument without being a direct beneficiary of the value given for the instrument.
Through contract we have all agreed to being surety for the national debt, a debt owed to us, the very slaves that perform the productive labor that keeps the machine going. Most of us have no idea we have consented to this contract. The only real asset that we can pledge as surety is our future labor, which means we are at best indentured servants and at worst full-on slaves.
A mortgage is nothing but a 30-year contract to pledge our labor as surety for the national debt, because the money “lent” to us by a bank has no real value. You cannot pay a bill with dollar bills. Your FRN (Federal Reserve Note) dollars will not satisfy any debt, this currency will only discharge the debt to another person (and it has been this way since 1933).
At the other end of that tunnel is the warranty deed, the certificate we receive when we “pay off” the mortgage. But in the real world no gold or silver (gold and silver is still the only lawful money according to the Constitution) was exchanged, so you paid off literally nothing.
The warranty deed will only convey or transfer equitable interest, meaning that you merely have an interest in the fake value of the property. This means that the possession of a warranty deed will NEVER make you the owner of the property, but merely an interested party, tenant, or renter.
According to Ron:
…if the deed is recorded at the County Recorders office, then the property or real estate is the trust property of the State… A “Warranty Deed” or other types of deeds does pass an interest on the land, (Not Title) admits consideration, bargain, and sells and conveys the appurtenances and warrants the performance of the a/the contract. (Land Patents, p. 34)
A warranty deed is NOT a title.
This post is getting long, and there is so much more to cover. But before I end I want to clarify a few more terms.
Before the Civil War Americans were not known as voters, they were known as electors. A registered voter casts a vote in a private booth, an elector casts his vote in public. An election is only lawful if it is settled via public vote. We have not had a true election in this nation since 1860. Lincoln was the last president to be elected. All subsequent presidents have been appointed, just like police chiefs are appointed. This is why it is laughable that we argue over election fraud because it is all been fraud since 1860. And remember, fraud vitiates everything.
The last word we need to define before closing is sovereignty. There is a lot of confusion surrounding that word. We know it as one who holds “supreme authority” in a geographical area, like a king or a prince. In a republic, the people are supposed to be joint sovereigns, holding all power in common.
But what does it really mean?
Sovereignty is a condition of the Elohim, the family of Gods who create the ever-expanding universe. Our God is Jesus Christ, and He enjoys absolute sovereignty over us and the earth He created. This is why He is called the King of kings. He will assume that sovereign condition of King when He returns at His second coming.
Sovereignty therefore, has more to do with creative powers than authority over governments. In fact, the law of sovereignty is that one can only have jurisdiction over that which one creates. This definition comes from Ron Gibson’s book, who further elucidates on the concept as follows:
Sovereignty, and thus the right of property, resides in the people. There is a natural order of things in the universe. Our Creator created man. Man formed or established the state (often incorrectly “the government”) for the protection of himself and his property. Everything in the natural order of things is subservient to the being who created it. There can be no exceptions. In these United States, both the state and federal entities were created by the People. The People themselves retained “sovereignty” under the true Sovereign, our Creator, even though they delegated some of their power to their creatures for the purpose of protecting their rights. (Land Patents, p. 109)
Sovereignty is a facet of the law of creation. If you create something you become the sovereign over it. The Luciferians who run this world have found a way around this law, it is called fiction. They simply “create” a fictional world with fictional persons who use fictional money who live in a fictional sea. They build fictional ships to carry the fictional persons around in the fictional sea, such as the citizen-ship, the friend-ship, the sportsman-ship, the statesman-ship, the bipartisan-ship, and on and on and on.
They get the fictional persons to board the fictional ships by offering them a contract: “we will take you here if you board our ship, but you have to consent to our corporate rules.”
There is another unwritten law in the universe that says that you can give up your sovereignty if you consent to do so. Lucifer loves this law because this is how he can get you to give up your agency. He loves to make a deal with you, so he uses language to trick you into entering into contract with the fictional world. But the entire system is based upon fraud, and once you wake up and unplug yourself from the Matrix, you become free. Once you realize that you are a creative being that came from the bosom of the living God of Heaven, you can simply tell Lucifer that you reject his contracts and his fictional world. You can then regain your status as a sovereign being.
Let’s Face it, SLAVERY is Comfortable
It is all an illusion. But let’s face it. Slavery is comfortable. Many people enjoy its carnal security. They don’t want to think for themselves or take responsibility for their actions. They are not interested in being moral agents unto themselves. They want someone else to do it for them. And hence, they choose slavery.
In our modern society, only the upper-middle and wealthy classes can afford to buy land (now incorrectly labeled as “real estate”), while the poor live in ghettos and slums. Land was never supposed to be for sale. It was a gift from God to all His people. If the poor were allowed to settle their God-given land they could easily grow their own food, and wouldn’t be dependent on government welfare programs for subsistence.
The middle and upper classes are not much better off. They are still slaves, because if they do not pay their rents on their lands, homes, vehicles, labor, and profits, the king [government] will take away everything they have and throw them in prison.
We have all embraced laws that are causing us to commit iniquity. And that iniquity is ripening. In April of 2024, the other half of the giant X over America will be manifested to us in the next American solar eclipse. In my opinion, this signals the beginning of the sweeping off warned of in the Book of Mormon.
We need to ask ourselves the following question: has the time come when the voice of our people have chosen iniquity?
We have lost our land, we have lost our Constitutional rights, and we live in a military dictatorship in which our unelected, de facto president can pass any law he wishes by signing an executive order. Our justice system serves only the government and its [DEEP STATE players], and we have become mere persons of diminished status in society. Our laws have become fiction, and through our consent we have chosen to be slaves in a fictitious system.
God does not want to destroy us, but real justice must prevail. He must restore the law of the land that makes men and women free. He must restore the right of land ownership to the people, especially the poor.
Scripture WARNS – the Wicked will be SWEPT off this Land
God has given us all the secrets for surviving the sweeping off of the greatest nation on earth. Will you heed the scriptures …? Or will you face destruction with the rest of the fictional slaves?
The choice is yours…
Stay tuned for Part III, where I’ll get more into Land Patents and the history of how the government has taken our land away.
In the meantime here are a few other pieces I wrote that have to do with this subject:
Mystery Babylon Part III: Ignorance and Fear— In this post I go into what the elites believe money is and how it is used to control society. (Based on a leaked document known as “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”)
The Beast is Coming to Utah III: Beyond Conspiracy–In this one I go deeper into corrupted language, maritime law, the court systems, and who really owns the world. (Hint: The Vatican)
For the entire article — unapologetically including all LAND related scriptures found in the Book of Mormon – Another Testament of Christ — which you will likely find beautifully inspiring, please see the article in it’s entirety at:
To get more information on “What You Need to Know About LAND PATENTS” by renowned Land Patent Lawyer Ron Gibson, by special agreement with him, — through a MIRACLES Shopping via Donation only here…