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* Guests: Ken Cromar, Raland Brunson – MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com
* Barbie and Ken Cromar vs. Goliath IRS!
* UPDATE on Raland’s Utah case against Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Katenji Jackson Brown, for violating their Oath of Office.
* New BRUNSON BROTHERS case at Supreme Court! The SEQUEL – Loy’s case vs 388 is docketed as SCOTUS case #22-1028.
Details available here…
* BREAKING!: New BRUNSON BROTHERS case at Supreme Court! The SEQUEL – Loy’s case vs 388 is docketed
* The Supreme Court had DOCKETED their case (under Loy Arlan Brunson’s name) as LOY ARLAN BRUNSON vs. ALMA S. ADAMS et al. Supreme Court of the United States case #22-1028.
* Raland J. Brunson vs. Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and Brown.
* Raland’s Federal Court Judge issued an order telling the three defendants to respond to Raland’s case – Or be removed from office.
* Raland started a letter writing campaign for his SURPRISE case on the THREE JUSTICES on a brand new website – EnoughIsEnough.me
DONATE for Miracles Now!
“MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” DVDs- with two FREE pocket Constitutions. And FREE shipping by Raland Brunson. Suggested donation of only $25. DONATE here… .
“A More Perfect Union” DVD – with one FREE pocket Constitution. And FREE shipping by Raland Brunson. Suggested donation of only $19.