Hole in one or a sand pit? Orem holds hearing on Cascade sale
Daily Herald – April 14, 2013
After 43 years of a 99-year lease agreement with the city, Stratton announced in March that the Cascade Golf Center would be having its final season of operation….
“The market has been tough since the downturn and with all the new golf courses it has been a concern,” Stratton said at the announcement….
…Parks and recreation director Karl Hirst admits golfers are not happy and soccer players are.
“It’s a win with the recreation department,” he said.
Hirst has been seeking land to build more city-owned soccer fields, as their fields now are on loan from the cemetery and will have to be vacated in the next few years for cemetery expansion.
As part of his proposal, Pedersen will donate to the city a 20-acre park with infrastructure completely built out. That buildout will include –
“three soccer fields, tennis courts, a playground, one large and one small pavilion and areas for lacrosse and other field sports.”…
NOTE: Cedar Hills Citizens for Responsible Government has long encouraged the City to fully inform the citizens about the average $550,000+ per year losses, and $719,000 last year in taxpayer subsidies – the worst ever. We have also encouraged the City to consider alternative uses of the green-space that would benefit ALL Cedar Hills families, — not just provide cheap golf for the 1 of 10 who may golf. Contact your City Council and ask them to increase our property values and lower our taxes by being financially responsible and transparent and considering ALL golf course land alternatives.