As is well known by now, every judge in every court across our nation is honest, knows Constitutional law, makes intelligent lawful decisions, and ALWAYS delivers perfect and equal Justice.
Right? NOPE!
The following comes from a brilliant three-part research article called,
“Thousands of U.S. judges who broke laws or oaths remained on the bench”
“In the past dozen years, state and local judges have repeatedly escaped public accountability for misdeeds that have victimized thousands. Nine of 10 kept their jobs, a Reuters investigation found – including an Alabama judge who unlawfully jailed hundreds of poor people, many of them Black, over traffic fines.”
The following is a TRUE piece of history, turned into a Fairy Tale by Editor Ken Cromar…
The Wise King who Insured Honest Judges
Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a King named Cambyses — “Cam” — who understood the importance of having honest judges and courts provide equal justice throughout the Land. The People had long suffered and complained to the King about the many corrupt judges.
One day King Cam learned that a judge had taken a bribe to influence a verdict. He immediately had Judge Sisamnes — or “Samuel” — arrested and brought to the throne room. There it was confirmed that this evil bribery had indeed happened.
“You have proven yourself a domestic enemy”, declared the King, “and having failed in the high duty to justice you were entrusted, you have committed an act of treason against the People and the Law of the Land. You are hereby found GUILTY. Before I declare the penalty for your crime, do you have to say for yourself?”
Samuel protested, “Sorry King Cam, but as a judge over the People I enjoy ‘absolute judicial immunity’, and you cannot judge me. Also, I really must insist that you address me respectfully as ‘your honor’.”
The wise King respectfully corrected him, “Samuel, you know that no one is above the law. And you also should know that your own Oath of Office required you to protect the People from both ‘enemies foreign and domestic’. Instead you have been found guilty of acting as a domestic enemy which is treason. Therefore, the penalty for this crimes is that you will be skinned alive — right here and now!” Everyone including Samuel gasped.

“Before I impose this penalty,” wise King Cam continued, “Samuel, I would like to grant you one wish on who you hope to fill your soon-to-be-empty judgement seat?”
Samuel had an aspiring young attorney son named Otanes — sometimes called “Ott”, who hoped to follow in his father’s footsteps to become a judge some day. “Your Majesty, I would like to recommend my son Ott sit on my judgement seat.”
“Fine!” declared the King, “So let it be written. So let it be done.” And so it was.
But King Cam was determined to insure justice, and so the wise King had the skin of Ott’s corrupt father sown onto the judgement seat as a leather covering!
King Cam then ordered the young new Judge Ott, “You are to sit on that chair whenever holding your court. This will remind you as a new judge to keep your oath to deliver honest, fair and Equal Justice for all People, according to the Law of the Land.”
And so he did. The many injustices suffered by the People in Judge Samuel’s wicked court ever after haunted the mind of the young new judge sitting uneasy on the skin of his father’s wickedness. Judge Ott did judge, as he ought.
Not surprisingly, with “skin in the game”, the other judges took notice of the leather that adorned Judge Ott’s seat. There began to be a new and humble attitude grow amongst the tyrannical judges, who like Judge Samuel had until that time, insisted being treated reverently by the everyone as “all-powerful gods” that must be honored at all times.
The People began to notice that these newly sobered judges seemed to work harder to insure fairness in their courtrooms. This new spirit of fairness and attention to honesty and justice seemed to be contagious. No one could prove that this awakening of Justice was inspired by Judge Ott’s leather chair, — but everyone knew that must be the reason.
Soon, government officials were also “inspired” by Judge Ott’s leather seat. These government “servants”, whose service was paid for my the People’s taxes, — actually began to act like the servant they were hired to be, knowing that they too, because of their Oath of Office, could be held accountable for their actions.
Slowly but surely government offices blossomed into places where the People could enjoy careful, thoughtful, honest and respectful service.
Every judge and government officials worried that they might be held personally responsible for their actions by honest courts– according to their Oath of Office contract with the People. A sweet, beautiful feeling of peace, safety, protection and happiness spread across the entire land.
And so, all of We the People of the kingdom once again were able to trust that everyone would be treated innocent until proven guilty, but also held responsible for their own actions under Equal Justice by honorable courts, — which were now enjoyed by everyone.
And because Justice, Law & Order again reigned supreme throughout the LAND, it was no surprise that, — they ALL lived Happily Ever After!
This “fairy tale” is based on a TRUE story from Northern Babylon in 538 B.C. as explained in detail at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisamnes
This true piece of shocking history inspired some wonderful art. Close-ups are provided that high-lighting the judgement seat, including the above on left painting from the famed Peter Paul Ruebens school. See the full size art at the link above.
POP QUIZ: What if EVERY judge literally had his “skin in the game“?
What if EVERY judge literally had to put up his own home and fortune as BOND in collateral, all of which would be surrendered if he was proven an incompetent or corrupt judge? (Btw, this type of thing used to be required of judges.)
What if the People learned that the Courts today are actually incorporated “for-profit” limited liability (L.L.C.) businesses where judges are turned into 501-c-3 Ecclesiastical LLC corporations — I call “a church of one” — who profit on every conviction and prisoner they put into jail/slavery?
What if EVERY court in one way or another was acting more as Human Traffickers, rewarded with money and power in exchange for every new “slave” they create, INSTEAD OF protecting the innocent of each of We the People until proven guilty?
What if EVERY judge sat on a judgement seat in the federal & state court that was made of leather strips of former judges who were skinned alive for taking bribes, ignoring felonies and especially for not punishing Treason?
How long do you think it would take to restore JUSTICE & INTEGRITY in America if every judge sat on that kind of a “leather” judgement seat?
One day? Two at the most. It be instant, right?!
Maybe wise King Cam DOES have the best solution to restoring a level of integrity to our thoroughly corrupt US and state Courts! Let’s kick around the potential value of this fairy tale…
“Hey Judge, sit on THAT judgment seat — if you dare!”
Our US Justice system is plague by a cancer of corruption that has spread throughout the entire system.
We do NOT have equal justice. The powerful, the wealthy and well connected get away with criminal action and sometimes even murder.
The US District Court system is a rigged game where there are 98.5% or more convictions. Logic tells you that just on statistics alone, that the game is rigged to convict regardless the facts and innocence of the accused.
Did you know that judges can secretly profit through CAFR and other secret “pension funds” where they receive payments for each and every conviction, and kickbacks for each and every person put into prison, where they virtually become slaves that enrich powerful government officials.
9 of every 10 judges were allowed to return to the bench after being sanctioned for misconduct
Again, quoting from the Rueters article above entitled, “Thousands of U.S. judges who broke laws or oaths remained on the bench”:
“In the first comprehensive accounting of judicial misconduct nationally, Reuters identified and reviewed 1,509 cases from the last dozen years – 2008 through 2019 – in which judges resigned, retired or were publicly disciplined following accusations of misconduct. In addition, reporters identified another 3,613 cases from 2008 through 2018 in which states disciplined wayward judges but kept hidden from the public key details of their offenses – including the identities of the judges themselves.
“All told, 9 of every 10 judges were allowed to return to the bench after they were sanctioned for misconduct, Reuters determined. They included a California judge who had sex in his courthouse chambers, once with his former law intern and separately with an attorney; a New York judge who berated domestic violence victims; and a Maryland judge who, after his arrest for driving drunk, was allowed to return to the bench provided he took a Breathalyzer test before each appearance.”
The 18 Dangerous Court Adventures of “Barbie & Ken vs Goliath lRS“
Our “Barbie & Ken” story is highlighted throughout this website. Why? Because Ken was an elected City Councilman from July 1994 to January 2000. Ken and his friends created an ad hoc group of concerned neighbors called Cedar Hills Citizens for Responsible Government to try to get highlight the public records obtained through numerous GRAMA Requests (Utah’s version of FOIA), which exposed massive amounts of corruption and nepotism, mostly surrounding a financially failed golf course and clubhouse, FREE golf for the elites, etc.
Within two months of finally getting two years worth of FREE golf records that exposed the former mayor Brad Sears of stealing 500 round of free golf, three free guests, and free golf cart worth tens of thousands of dollars — Barbie & Ken were “coincidentally” hit by what appears to be a weaponized lRS unleashed on the Cromars in “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs PAUL KENNETH CROMAR and BARBARA ANN CROMAR, et al.” falsely claiming that we owed “$1,053,065.28” in federal income tax in US DISTRICT COURT case #2:17-cv-01223-RJS before apparently not-so-honorable Obama appointee Chief Judge Robert J. Shelby. In a clear violation of due process of law Shelby never allowed so much as a hearing in his court before him, – granting Default Judgement to DOJ attorney Ryan S. Watson (Washington DC) and the infamous US Attorney John Huber (Utah).
During one of our 18 court cases in our elusive pursuit of justice – a corrupt Utah Fourth District Court “judge” Kraig J. Powell (case#200400972)- the same “judge” who unleashed a 75-man SWAT team on our home September 24, 2020 despite our LAND PATENT #392 backed by 180 years of UNANIMOUS Supreme Court decisions (think on that!) held a 10-minute kangaroo video court on September 23, 2020, to pretend that “justice” had been delivered. Anyone with a sense of justice can read the court transcript and know that Powell was only going through the motions to give the impression and “appearance of justice” when clearly he was prejudiced, as proven by the fact that he already had his entire matter pre-judged, written up and virtually ready to sign — which I recall he signed while the Webex “hearing” video stream was still going.
That ain’t justice.
Powell’s apparently fragile ego, interrupted “Defendant Cromars'” mid-presentation, declaring that he required he be addressed in terms such as “judge” and “your honor”, and that the plaintiff’s BAR attorney be addressed as “Mr. Dorius”, which according to the official court audio, video and transcript clearly show happened. Cromar’s comments begin at page 17, and are documented as “Mr. Cromar” speaks:

And continues on page 18, where “Mr. Cromar” is interrupted by the “judge’s” errant comment…

The error and arrogance by this flustered “judge” are breathtaking. And we, Barbara & Ken remain “in question with regards to the honor of [Powell’s] Court” as he was called into check on numerous technical court errors, including his failure to address our in-hearing demand for his recusal of this not so “honorable judge”, whose pretended “hearing” also ignored our immediately and lawfully filed “Motion for New Trial, Recusal of Judge, and Stay of Judgment” of September 15, 2020. It is long established that a defendant has the right to at least one request for recusal by a judge for whatever reasonable reason.
We were ignored. And on September 24, 2020 an unprecedented “75-man SWAT” paramilitary SWAT, complete with two MRAPs (tanks), two helicopters, dozens of squad cars, and numerous snipers on rooftops surround Barbie & Ken’s Dreamhouse — unnecessarily endangering the Cromar and the entire neighborhood.
Mr. Powell openly and prejudicially sided with a dishonest Bishop from our own “Mormon” church in the next city over, whose filing to the court fraudulently claims he had won the September 10, 2019 auction, which records and video evidence showed he did NOT even attend. This is critically important information to ignore, especially when unleashing a deadly military action on a neighborhood that resulted only in an arrest of a 57-year old Grandmother of seven kids and then 7 grand-kids, without even a WARRANT presented by a knock at the front door. Clearly someone had anticipated fireworks and paid for them in a 75-man SWAT looking for blood. Fortunately for us, – probably miraculously — we were protected, and “they” didn’t get the bloody dramatics they paid for. Hallelujah. .
There is no indication that this judicially reckless “judge” Powell even considered the critical fact that the Plaintiff didn’t even attend an auction he claimed he won, and court records showed someone else won (Nathan Eddington), but defaulted on his final payment 30-days after the auction. The lRS’s own process and procedures had not been lawfully completed making the fraudulent claim to take our home lawfully impossible. (Mormon church policies discourage Bishop’s from pursuing legal action against others – particularly fellow church members).
Here’s a few CHCRG articles which shed light on the corruption “Barbie & Ken” Cromar and their family has suffered at the hands of Constitutionally-incompetent judges, attorneys and other officers of the court in 18 court cases, some of which are documented here….
Trump called Huber “the human garbage disposal”. When we personally sued the Chief Judge of US District Court Obama appointee Robert J. Shelby, DOJ attorney Ryan S. Watson, US Attorney John Huber (who Trump call “the human garbage disposal” when his lengthy investigation of the investigators Comey, Struck, ) and others in the Utah Fourth District Court (Provo) for $120,000,000 for denial of our rights — most particularly for NEVER allowing us so much as a Hearing before him, GUESS who reached into “Judge” Christine S. Johnson’s court and removed our case claiming jurisdiction over it – pulling it back into the US District Court (SLC)? You guessed it – John Huber.
It doesn’t matter if it’s Donald J. Trump, or Raland & Loy Brunson, or even Barbie & Ken of Cedar Hills, Utah — if any one of We the People are denied Justice, then ALL of We the People are denied Justice, — and our God-given, un-a-lien-able rights protecting Constitution is threatened. And if we have no Constitution, then we no longer have a free nation.
If it can happen to us, Barbie & Ken, or the Brunson Brothers, or even the highest elected official in the land Donald Trump — THEN IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU!
“My kids will pay a lifetime for what the court system did to me”
Again, quoting from the Rueters article above entitled, “Thousands of U.S. judges who broke laws or oaths remained on the bench”:
From jail, “I prayed to return to my daughters,” Johnson said. “I was sure that someone would realize that Hayes had made a mistake.”
She said her worst day in jail was her youngest daughter’s 3rd birthday. From a jail telephone, she tried to sing “Happy Birthday” but slumped to the floor in grief.
“She was choking up and crying,” said Johnson’s mother, Blanche, who was on the call. “She was devastated to be away from her children so long.”
When Johnson was freed after 10 months in jail, she learned that strangers had abused her two older children. One is now a teenager; the other is in middle school. “My kids will pay a lifetime for what the court system did to me,” Johnson said. “My daughters get frantic when I leave the house. I know they’ve had nightmares that I’m going to disappear again.”
Continuing from the same Reuters article…
Among the cases from the past year alone:
In Utah, a judge texted a video of a man’s scrotum to court clerks. He was reprimanded but remains on the bench.
In Indiana, three judges attending a conference last spring got drunk and sparked a 3 a.m. brawl outside a White Castle fast-food restaurant that ended with two of the judges shot. Although the state supreme court found the three judges had “discredited the entire Indiana judiciary,” each returned to the bench after a suspension.
In Texas, a judge burst in on jurors deliberating the case of a woman charged with sex trafficking and declared that God told him the defendant was innocent. The offending judge received a warning and returned to the bench. The defendant was convicted after a new judge took over the case.
“There are certain things where there should be a level of zero tolerance,” the jury foreman, Mark House, told Reuters. The judge should have been fined, House said, and kicked off the bench. “There is no justice, because he is still doing his job.”
Judicial misconduct specialists say such behavior has the potential to erode trust in America’s courts and, absent tough consequences, could give judges license to behave with impunity.
“When you see cases like that, the public starts to wonder about the integrity and honesty of the system,” ….
The “Not One Penny More“ Government REPAIR Tax Plan
It’s time for We the People to take back our government by implementing REAL solutions? After all, it is OUR government, not theirs, isn’t it?:
- Start at the top of the US DOJ headed by Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar and US Attorney General Merrick Garland seats and start investigations and indictments of TOP law enforcement heads at FBI, CIA, IRS etc., with swift and immediate trial based on verifiable accusations.
- Remember that some corrupt judges have literally grown so FAT off the people they “judge” in court that their skins — once skinned alive may provide enough leather strips to cover two, three or more seats of justice.
- Pay NOT ONE PENNY more in taxes until the purging of corruption begins at the highest levels of every department & three-letter government agency.
It’s TIME!
We the People must reclaim our government and punish corrupt criminal officials — especially judges — wherever they’re at.
We the People must require that our judges are honest and apply equal justice by “having skin in the game”. There are ways to do that, including requiring that their homes and treasures are put up as collateral.
Look, if skinning a judge alive for High Treason seems too much, then We the People must at least require that in the worst cases of TREASON in the court is identified (See USC Title XXX Misprision of Treason xxxx) that the penalty for Treason is carried out by public hanging at the end of a rope.
It’s not only black-robed Men lurking in the court as criminal culprits
For more on “FAT JUSTICE” related to what we see as Constitutionally-incompetant SCOTUS Justices Sonya Sotomayar, Elena Kagan and Katenji-Jackson Brown being sued in federal court by our friend Raland Brunson, for DENYING him a proper Hearing in the face of Treason surrounding the 2020 election, see…
* BRUNSON to The Three QUEENS: “NO, Justices! You do NOT have absolute JUDICIAL immunity”

* BRUNSON to The Three QUEENS: “NO, Justices! You do NOT have absolute JUDICIAL immunity”

For additional entertaining reading, please see our, “Barbie & Ken vs GOLIATH lRS”, unhappy experience with exposing a FAKE woman judge, here…
* FAKE “Judge” Christine S. Johnson – You are hereby Publicly REBUKED for Oath-breaking, “Man-stealing” and Treason in the Court
Please DONATE to support Miracles at the Supreme Court NOW!
Help the Brunson Brothers in their battle to defeat 388 Oath breaking Congressmen who unlawfully certified the 2020 election — at the Supreme Court — and maybe with God’s help, miraculously save our nation.
Using the Constitution to help save America!

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