God’s Laws never change.
“Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
(BIBLE – Matthew 5:48)
So, why does everybody think they can change God to have him fit their own twisted and ever-changing wishes? You cannot improve on the Majesty of God’s Law. It is already PERFECT! It is also true that,
“It’s a slippery slope that leads to hell.”
Utah County (just south of Salt Lake City, Utah) has long been known as “HAPPY VALLEY” and “the most conservative county, in the most conservative state in the U.S.”. In our Church’s scripture we are reminded that, “Wickedness never was happiness.” (Alma 41:10)
Well, with the following announcement flyer, it doesn’t appear that claim of “Happy Valley” can be made any longer…

Religion Teachers: SHAME on you.
This is a Blasphemy. You are REBUKED!
Utah Valley University (UVU) youth religion teachers of the Seminaries and Institutes for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the “Mormons”), as the alleged “guardians of the spiritual”, protectors of the young people in the Mormon Church, — you are failing as “defenders of the faith”.
You should resign, and refund your paychecks back to the Church for failure to fulfill your contract to the Church members, but especially for compromising the Majesty of God’s Perfect Laws.
Surely, you must know that scripture teaches that Jesus Christ did NOT come into the world to save us IN our sins, — but instead the Christ came to save us FROM our sins.
Isn’t it true that the things we highlight and celebrate, we’ll get more of? So, why the LGBTQ+ month-long celebration of a false doctrine.
Dear reader, how would you feel about attending the event above? Not sure yet? Consider this…
POP QUIZ – Would you ever want to attend any of the following events:
What if this month-long “pride” Celebration were called:
“Embracing Christ: SINNERS & Friends”?
Or maybe “Embracing Christ: Adulterers & Friends”? How about “Pedophiles & Friends”? “Murderers & Friends”? “Sex Traffickers & Friends”? Thieves? Bank robbers? Incest? Maybe Child abusers & Friends?
Where’s the line? Or, has the line been completely erased so we can “go woke”, and crown ourselves gods and do whatever tickles our fancy?
Remember, at the final climatic UVU Institute’s LGBTQ’s meeting on June 27th, the flyer says only the sinners are invited to participate with their “stories, musical performances & Chirst-centered testimonies of Christ.” Really?
Where are the valiant defenders of God’s Law? Where are the Champions of Christ’s atoning blood and it’s cleansing of the repentant who turn away from sin? Where are the promoters of the path that leads to heaven? UVU Institute teachers should know better, as our own scripture from our Book of Mormon WARNS:
“…Take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God,
or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.” (Moroni 7:14)
“God cannot be mocked”
(BIBLE – Galatians 6:7)

Have you ever noticed how the LGBTQ+ flag attempts to Mock God’s RAINBOW promise?
Yes, of course Jesus went to the tax collectors, prostitutes and others who were living in wicked ways. He didn’t go help them collect taxes or bed whores. Instead he went to teach, and call the worst of them to change their ways by repentance. Jesus did NOT say, “Don’t worry. Be happy!” Christ instead commanded, “Go and sin no more.” (Bible – John 8:11).
The New Testament also teaches what blocks a person from a triumphant return to God’s Heaven:
“Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
BIBLE – Galatians 5:19-21

God’s Law on Marriage & Family
What the RAINBOW does is teach us that God is “severe & merciful”. Merciful: because he has promised that when He finds the need to cleanse the earth of wickedness, He will never again use a world flood. The RAINBOW is the visible symbol of God’s promise to mankind. Severe: because there are times when God finds it necessary to cleanse the earth of wickedness.
The following proclamation was read by then President Gordon B. Hinckley, who Mormon’s saw as “prophet, seer and revelator”, publicly announced at the General Relief Society Meeting [a Women’s meeting] held September 23, 1995, in Salt Lake City, Utah,….

It declared in clear and certain terms God’s definition of proper marriage and family in the eyes of God…

I remember at the time most members of our Church thought, “Of course. Everybody knows that!” Most could not figure out why the Church went to such great effort to insure its membership clearly understood “the basics”. But now, 28 years later, with all the insanity induced by sin, the inspiration and timing of this FAMILY message looks very “inspired”. Here’s more of the “basics” on God’s definition of marriage and family…

And, the Proclamation on the Family also declares…

Link to Proclamation: https://media.ldscdn.org/pdf/lds-scriptures/the-family-a-proclamation-to-the-world/06897_2008-00-0000-the-family-a-proclamation-to-the-world-35602-eng.pdf
PDF of Proclamation: PROCLAMATION ON THE FAMILY – 06897_2008-00-0000-the-family-a-proclamation-to-the-world-35602-eng
So why are local Church educational leaders — college Institute religion teachers that are entrusted with the hearts, minds and souls of the Youth of the Church — promoting a false doctrine? At best, why are Institute religion teachers working overtime to make those tempted by LGBTQ+ feel more “comfortable” in the very sins Satan designed to drag them down to his hell?
Are these paid UVU Institute teachers actually practicing dangerous “Priestcraft”?
What is “Priestcraft”? Here’s a helpful definition:
Priestcraft is teaching religion for personal gain, wealth, fame, or popularity instead of for God.
But, now with all the popular, but chaotic LGBTQ+ confusion flying around — some of the full-time Church PAID employees have allowed themselves to be deceived into believing that God’s law has changed or that they can change God’s law because they think they know better. Such arrogant pride! How could this happen in the heart of conservative “Mormon Country”?
“He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion”
2 Nephi 26: 29
What kind of message are we sending to the youth of the Church? Most every church?
This doesn’t sound like it is an honest & sincere effort to help sinners to turn back to Christ and His gospel of repentance. Instead, it sounds more like an effort to promote, encourage and help sinners feel comfortable in their sin.
Look, if people want to indulge in same-sex (homo-sexual) activity, that’s their business. That’s between each other and God. But government, churches, corporations, etc., should not steal and misappropriate sacred money donated to Churches (or governments thru taxes, corporations thru propaganda paid for by profits, etc.). If someone wants to promote the emotionally, physically, and psychologically dangerous LGBTQ+ lifestyle – do it on your own dime and time, and STOP hijacking organizations and stealing money for appropriate purposes.
One Crazy Christmas story exposes the Insanity that Sin can Create
I know of a family where the man “Bob” was married and had five children, but maintained a second home with a beautiful foreign woman “Jenney” – bouncing back and forth between the two houses. At the large annual family Christmas parties Bob would bring Jenney, instead of bringing his wife and five children to the celebration.
Can you imagine how awkward those annual Christmas parties were every year? No one said anything. Everybody acted like it was “OK”.
Finally, one December, Bob’s disgusted brother-in-law pulled him aside and said, “Knock it off Bob! Stop bringing the blond, and instead why don’t you bring your wife and kids to our FAMILY Christmas parties from now on, OK!?”
Similarly, does anyone really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, who had to suffer, bleed and die for the sins of the world, would EVER go to a LGBTQ+ wedding and bring a wedding gift to celebrate that “union”? Remember that Christ suffered for sin so we wouldn’t have to? Would Jesus celebrate with the sinners, endorsing an act that is contrary to God’s Law, or the fact that this “union” was intentionally rejecting Christ’s sacrifice of blood, and the fact that now they would have suffer for their own sins at full price in hell?
I don’t think so.
He loves ALL of God’s children way to much to make them comfortable by toasting “cheers!” to their fake “marriages” or childless “unions”, or the burial of their cut off dead body parts.
“A night of stories, musical performances & Christ-centered testimonies by LGBTQ+ students”? Really?
Doesn’t the flyer make it sound like the LGBTQ+ students are the only ones invited to participate?
Does this kind of activity encourage or discourage LGBTQ+ lifestyle?
Why are we falling over ourselves to make people comfortable in doing the very things that are destroying them.
You don’t give an alcoholic a bottle of whisky to make him more “comfortable” would you? You wouldn’t give cocaine to an addict and tell him, “It’s ok. Snort away. Be happy!”
Satan’s cloak of death via Incorporation’s promise of “Protection”
Could it be that 501-c-3 CORPORATE churches, voluntarily tied and subject to government control, are Inc. churches now being manipulated by threats of lRS audits to support? Are they being pressured to encourage LGBTQ+ lifestyles — and do so in direct contradiction to the God’s Law?
This website has highlighted that there are only two sides of the battle in an article called “The Kingdom of God vs Lucifer Inc LLC”
WW3 – World War Wicked! – #1 God’s Kingdom vs. Lucifer Inc.
What kind of message are we sending our young people? It doesn’t sound like it is an honest & sincere effort to help sinners to turn back to Christ and His gospel of repentance. Instead, doesn’t this UVU Institute pride month effort seem to promote, encourage, enable and help the sinner “feel good” and “comfortable” in his sins?
God gave our freedom so we could be responsible for ourselves, and NOT to be irresponsible like Satan.
Most people don’t seem to know or believe that virtually every level of government from city to county to state and even the UNITED STATES has incorporated itself, presumably with all its “limited liability” protections, that “protects” individuals from their actions in “limited liability corporations” or LLC’s.
* WHAT?! Our State, County, City and Federal gov are All CORPs?
In an effort to give the tragically confused Church leaders (of whatever faith whether Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, etc.) the benefit of the doubt, is it possible that they’ve been attacked by evil spirits and may be possessed?
Or, maybe they’ve taken “the poke” potion that has since been discovered to contain much more than originally disclosed? It’s now well known that the shots contain mRNA “gene therapy” technology, which they admit alters God-given DNA into “something else”.
IF that’s true, could it be they’re facilitating or creating a means of demonic possession? And could this explain the how this world seems to be spinning out of control. Have you noticed how crazy and irrational the world seems to becoming?
Mass psychosis induced by taking “evil” into our bodies?
Are we witnessing some sort of a mass demonic possession?
Mormon Institute teachers should know better, as our own scripture from our Book of Mormon warns:
“…Take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.” (Moroni 7:14)

Have you Noticed how the LGBTQ+ flag Mocks God’s RAINBOW message?
Noah and his family of eight were the only ones to survive the “cleansing” of the earth from the gross sin and violence that covered the earth. God said:
“I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.”
BIBLE, Genesis 9:15
So, the very kind of sinners that God determined were necessary to exterminate, have hijacked God’s RAINBOW to mock God. Somehow, that doesn’t seem a smart strategy. God only promised to NOT destroy the sin of the entire earth by “waters”. He said nothing of the many other options of fire, earthquake, famine, tornado, hurricane, or plague that could be used if God thought it necessary to cleanse the wicked off a world again drowning in defiant sin, right?
Why would the “LGBTQ+ & Friends” want to tempt God’s wrath? What’s the REAL motive of the now militant LGBTQ+ movement? What can be discovered & understood by their own flag — which seemingly mocks God’s rainbow?
Here’s the LGBTQ+ rainbow flag’s mockery of God’s rainbow…

Satan is nothing if he’s not the all-time biggest loser and most arrogant, bold narcissist ever, who feels compelled to “hide in plain sight”. He seems to like showing off what his real intent and purposes are for all to see just “how clever” he is. Could the imagery below when four LGBTQ+ flags are put together be telegraphing his true intent? Squint your eyes. Can you see it?

Do you see the infamous Satanic Nazi Swastika? Is this swastika intentional? Does it telegraph a more sinister intent and plan?
Maybe We Misunderstand the Real purpose of these UVU Institute Meetings
Now, it is entirely possible that we have misjudged the purpose of these LGBTQ+ affirming meetings.
We can all know with certainty IF the local Institute teachers are honest and honorable in their intent IF by the end of June any of the LGBTQ+ attendees come forward and bear testimony of how they come to understand that they were deceived by evil spirits, but that through Christ they have been delivered from the gender confusion. Now, that would be proof of honorable intent by the Institute teachers.
Also, if the Institute teachers have an honorable intent, surely their efforts with LGBTQ+ students will result in some bearing testimony of how they have repented and washed themselves in the blood of Christ, and tell how Christ has healed them.
We would be happy to admit we judged you wrong IF the above happen.
We pray we are wrong, – for the sake of their eternal souls.
BEWARE: Judgements are coming. Choose Your side wisely.
For those who take seriously survival of the coming “Cleansing of America”, referencing your Bible and other Holy scripture may also be wise.
Also, Have you considered how to build your own spiritual “ARK” you and your family can board? Food storage? The “getting right with God” thing? (repentance) Sharing truth with your family and friends?
There are no “fence sitters” that will survive what’s coming.
Don’t be seduced by so many willing to say, “Don’t worry. Be happy as LGBTQ+”. Those who help others feel safe & comfortable in their sins, accepting whatever they do on their terms, — they are NOT your true friends. However, those people will enjoy a lot of company as they share the many available seats in hell together.
Whose side are you on? The Kingdom of God?
Choose wisely.
Editor’s Personal Note:
Sadly, it appears that our very own Bishop, in our Cedar Hills church “Manila Creek 5th Ward” (parish) has long been a UVU Institute teacher, and is likely involved in this promotion of LGBTQ+ enabling month-long event. He has gone so far as to teach false doctrines on Sundays, has filed a false police report against us, has claimed we threatened his life (hadn’t talked to him in 2 years), reportedly had a plainclothes policeman attend Sunday meeting to “protect” him from Barbara & Ken, and contributed to having us trespassed from our own church of 30 years — without explanation, without disciplinary council, or without a Church court for excommunication. Nothing. We, Barbara & I, could understand government corruption and the hell we’ve suffered. But we would never have guessed we would be victimized by our own Church! We’ve been left to wonder what is going on in our Bishop’s private life, and what personal secrets and agendas he is hiding from his flock, that would lead him to lead others in such a dishonest and dishonorable manner. It matters not how many LBGTQ+ fan club members he has.
None can hide from God. He will be the Perfect Judge of us all — whether or not the truth of the matters are understood by others in this life, or the next.
Additional research:
Bible scripture on the subject of “sin” here… https://www.openbible.info/topics/sin

Also, the true intent of many LGBTQ+ supporters is now easy for anyone to understand, right out of their own mouths…
Topless Lebians and Trans Activists “We’re Here, We’re Queer and We’re Coming After Your Children” at Annual NYC Pride March (VIDEO)
They’ve declared WAR and the spiritual / physical kidnapping of our children.