The REAL Barbie & Ken movie vs. The Plastic Pretenders movie
Don’t be confused by the hot-pink plastic imitators!
See the REAL “Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath lRS” movie below. See how — against ALL odds — they plant smooth stones perfectly centered in the forehead of the GOLIATH Commissioner of the lRS Charles Rettig, and won both their court cases against him – proving the lRS had NO claim on them from 1990 thru 2020 – 31 straight years!
But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves…
Surprising! Over 640,000+ views in only 4 days!
On June 30, 2023, the REAL “Barbie & Ken” Cromar were invited for their first ever on camera interview together on CLOUTHUB (like RUMBLE) on the “Truth Be Told” show hosted by Todd Callender.
He sent us an email to report that, “More than 1/2 million views Ken. That’s a big deal!!” — in only 4 days. He also said that, “We’ve never had any video on CloutHub reach 640k views – it’s almost impossible to get that many views on Bitchute and Rumble.”

Of course, Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling are trying to upstage us again. This time they are releasing their Big Hollywood budget show on the exact same day as our July 21 show! #@!%$# Overpaid prima donnas, right?!
Todd agrees with us that the LAND PATENT must be THE main reason for the 75-man SWAT. Remember, Trump had 30 on his raid. Barbie & Ken had 2.5 times as many. The DEEP STATE is telling us that LAND PATENTs are their Achilles heel. Land Patents have been challenged many times in the courts over decades and have enjoyed an unprecedented 180 years of UNANIMOUS Supreme Court opinions. Did you catch that? 180 years of unanimous opinions. Can you think of any other legal matter to come before SCOTUS with that kind of record. We can’t think of anything that has come close.
“Ken, this is HUGE!” said Todd Callender
If you missed the “Barbie & Ken vs GOLIATH IRS” show, don’t worry, you can see it at our LINK here….

*RUMBLE “Truth Be Told” – Barbie & Ken Cromar with host Todd Callender
Lots of supporting documents, videos and links are provided at the link about our “adventures” vs. over 200 oath-breaking government officials, who are more worried about keeping their bosses happy and their benefits and pensions FAT, — than they are about keeping their Oath of Office to protect the God-given, un-a-lein-able Constitutional rights of We the People!
The long requested show on LAND PATENTS happens on July 21st
Being a film producer / director by profession, I took many pictures during the process of putting our paperwork together, making public posts, etc., thinking that some day I would make a video about all this. Thankfully, Todd wanted to do a show on this very subject, and this will kill two birds with one stone. When the video is done, we’ll have a video telling our whole story! The link to the July 21 show will be here…
TBA – show LINK on LAND PATENTs will be here
When Trump was hit it was by a “SWAT” type event of 30 agents. Trump’s longtime friend Roger Stone was hit by 29 in his SWAT — including two scuba agents! Steve Bannon is believed to have been hit by near 20. And other SWATs have include that or smaller numbers. We know of NO OTHER SWAT that had 2.5 times as many agents descend on one home in a sleepy, quiet neighborhood like our Cedar Hills, complete with 2 helicopters, 2 MRAPs (tank like vehicles), and multiple snipers on rooftops surrounding a home where they arrested one, un-armed 57 year old mother of seven, and grandmother of 7.
We are convinced that it is our LAND PATENT that scared high placed powers at the federal level who played the wanna-be important Sheriff Mike Smith and then American Fork Police Chief Falslev (resigned & fled? the state). Was local “law enforcement” that stupid? Maybe. Don’t know what Feds / Governor Herbert / National Guard promised or paid them to go along with this crazy SWAT, but it was probably a lot.
We also believe that “THEY” wanted blood to justify their over-reaction to our Land Patent. It appears that “THEY” didn’t get what they paid for. Thankfully and MIRACULOUSLY “Barbie & Ken” Cromar are alive today to tell the story on this TODAY our 38th Wedding Anniversary! Margot Robbie & Ryan Gosling, eat your heart out.
I love my Barbie – she’s a REAL doll!
Barbara is by far and away the BEST thing that ever happened to me in my entire life.
Most marriages when faced with what “Government Gone Wild” and it’s deceitful, often weaponized lRS collection agency filled with lying oath-breakers, — would have caused the separation, divorced or as has happened all too often — driven desperate lRS victims to suicide.
Barbara loves the TRUTH and this country as much as I do. Additionally, we “Asked Heaven a Question”. We got an answer, and are on a Divinely appointed assignment to expose corruption at the highest levels of government. It’s been a privilege to be on the front line battles together.
With God’s help Barbie & Ken can do anything that serves His purpose. WE BELIEVE in MIRACLES!
the REAL Ken – (not the plastic one)
Donations get You COOL stuff!
— but absolutely NO Plastic Dolls are offered
“Barbie & Ken” are not asking for handouts. We are offering valuable education in exchange for your kind donations that keep us alive and on the front-line battling for FREEDOM.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Bible – Hosea 4:6)
IT’s TIME TO GET EDUCATED. We need to wake up to our TRUE history and foundation facts about God’s glorious establishment of the Greatest nation in the history of the world — which led to most every nation adopting their own Constitutions and a breakout of freedom across the globe. The forces of darkness have been trying to hide true history from the youth, by removing it from the schools.
We’ve been making a number of updates to our “Donation Store”. Take a SNEAK PEEK at a couple of exciting NEW & Expanded Donation offerings opportunities, that help keep “Barbie & Ken” safe, alive and on the front lines battling the “Domestic enemies”, at this link…
A $25 Donation gets you two inspiring DVDs and two pocket Constitutions – includes FREE shipping. It leaves us a few dollars to help us stay alive. Thanks! Also offered….
Don’t forget to take a look at the amazingly popular $450 Super Patriot LIBERTY LIBRARY. We were surprised at the interest, but not surprised because the package is loaded with great stuff. This library is filled with great LEGACY of Freedom reading and materials for you, your children and grandchildren. Help wake up your posterity to their JOB to help save and preserve America!
Do it for YOU. Do it for YOUR Children. Do it for YOUR Grandchildren and to educate and help Save AMERICA.
We remain extremely grateful for your kind encouragement and prayers!
Thanks, From the REAL…
