THANK YOU! – to Cami Gygi & Andrea Crawley and their children

Written By: admin - May• 12•17

Being a spouse and children of a public official is not an easy thing.  

Whether CHCRG agrees with some, all or none of what an elected official has done, their wives and children deserve our HUGE thanks for their personal sacrifices of their spouses / children for missing for many hours at a time, which likely totals weeks and possibly months, — doing the public's business.   council-gary-gygi-180x225

Cami Gygi is the wife of Mayor Gary Gygi and the mother of their three children.  

Andrea Crawley is the wife of Councilman Rob Crawley and the mother for their five children (which includes adoptions).

Both Gygi and Crawley have announced that they will not be running for re-election to their Cedar Hills offices.  Thanks for the good things you both have done.

council-crawley-150x188Cami, Andrea and the children deserve our heartfelt thanks for their selfles sacrifices of their husbands time and attention, they made for the residents of Cedar Hills they hoped would be of blessing and service to us all.  We are grateful.

T H A N K   Y O U !




Note:  Pictures not included to respect privacy.


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