“Big Testimonies Come Out of BIG TESTS!”
by Pastor Dave Bryan – of the Church of Glad Tidings – July 22, 2023 – Yuba City, CA
Learned of this exceptional sermon through Scott Kesterson of BardsFM (see show reference at end) – where in he testifies that there are a number of folks feeling great challenges, and it seems that we’re on the verge of a HUGE moment and with that comes GREAT opportunity for breakthrough. God is anxious to bless those who live for the blessings. HOLD ON!
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The entire sermon is worthwhile, but starting from 39:00 onward is remarkable.
We’re living in a season of great opportunity.
“The tests you are in right now, are meant to be a Doorway to Great Blessing.”
It’s a time to win big or lose big. The choice is ours.
I love this man and his big heart. It was such a pleasure to meet he and his good wife Cheryl in June at the BardsFEST…
You will enjoy Pastor Dave’s sermon, his love of the Lord – and being in His service by blessing others.
Ep2419_BardsFM – Fishers of Men
Enjoy Scott Kesterson / BardsFM’s show that alerted folks to Pastor Dave’s remarkable sermon above. “The Enemy is on the move.” “There is something BIG coming. We are in a narrow window of time. …We have to make a choice of which side we are on.” “The culmination is coming.” Scott’s reference begins at about 9:00, and at 10:10 he talks specifically about Pastor Dave, the Resistance Chicks and others….
FLASHBACK – June 9, 2023 – BardsFEST – Yuba City, CA – at Church of Glad Tidings
It was an honor meet Scott Kesterson, Pastor Dave & Cheryl Bryan, Brad Cummings and many other good Christian Spiritual Warriors.
I was there “on Divine assignment” to deliver an important intel message to Scott, whose heavy schedule and so many guests did not permit, but the seed was planted for that to happen later, at his invitation, when the time is exactly right
* BARDSfest – Yuba City “War Council” unleashed Modern Gideon’s Army of 300