George Soros: The world’s most sinister villain and biggest threat to humanity

[NOTE: All Memes, sub-heading titles, corp logos, corp links, and images are added by CHCRG editor Ken Cromar as commentary – with apologies to Extremely American author Colin Wright.
I believe George Soros is possibly acting as CEO of “Lucifer Inc.” — see WW3 article #1 — and is certain an ANTI-Christ and hence ANTI-Freedom / ANTI-America / ANTI-Constitution.]
Satan’s CFO $ & Ambassador of Evil
Mar 17, 2021: The conclusion that George Soros is the most evil and sinister “man” walking the planet seems to be a well-known fact. Unfortunately, the background and history of this immoral, hateful, and vile serpent is not known well enough and tends to be buried by his accomplices in media, journalism, and politics. It is high time for society to hold this despicable human being responsible for six decades hate and harm imposed on all humanity around the world. His toxic core oozes from every orifice and it translates into a “rotting” appearance that can not be mistaken for anything other than evil personified. All photos of Soros equate to what he is inside; a dark and sinister soul full of nothing but hate and contempt for mankind.
“My life’s mission is to destroy the United States.”
George Soros
If the description above comes across as hyperbolic or too unkind, make no mistake, every aspect of the description is fitting and warranted. This article is intended to make our EA community more familiar with this miscreant and to ensure that our community learns how to identify the “ambassadors of evil” employed by Soros. Anyone and anything associated with this demon should be considered an imminent threat and menace to society, regardless of the seemingly innocuous facades and false appearances they hide behind. Let us start with a short biography of this disgusting person.
“My goal is to be the conscience of the world.”
George Soros
George Soros was born Gyorgy Schwartz in Budapest, Hungary on August 12, 1930. His parents, Tividar and Erzebat Schwartz, changed their surname to Soros in 1936 to avoid anti-Semite persecution. As a teenager, Soros survived the Nazi invasion and occupation of Hungary in 1944. After WWII ended, Soros emigrated from Communist-dominated Hungary in 1947 eventually making his way to England. At the London School of Economics, Soros studied Karl Popper’s “The Open Society and Its Enemies”, a book that explores the philosophy of science and the nature of totalitarianism. It is presumed that much of Soros’ obsession with social disruption throughout his life was born out of his childhood surrounded by the evil of Nazism followed by a radical form of higher education. (; 2021)
Soros graduated in 1952 and found his was to New York in 1956 where he landed a job at Wall Street brokerage firm FM Mayer. By 1973, Soros set up his own hedge fund (the Soros Fund, later renaming it the Quantum Fund) by leveraging $12 million from investors. The Soros Quantum Fund enjoyed decades of success under the leadership of Soros, eventually making him the 21st richest person in the world by 2015. As Soros built his business empire, he simultaneously began his “pseudo-philanthropic” activity in 1979, efforts which were transformed into the Open Society Foundations (OSF’s) in 1984. The various OSF’s fund a wide range of global initiatives “to advance justice, education, public health, business development, independent media and societal reformation.” (; 2021) The OSF cartel spans a massive list of organizations that have been funded to build up and advance the ideological agendas and ambitions of George Soros (the full list of his cartel agencies spans more than 500 pages of content when short descriptions are provided).
Today, the Soros business empire includes: Open Society Foundations (OSF), Soros Fund Management, Central European University,, Democracy Alliance, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Soros Foundation, International Crisis Group, J Street, Drug Policy Alliance, Stefan Batory Foundation, Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, and Open Society Archives. Be sure to note these dirty operations any time you hear them referenced in relation to your municipal, state/province, or national governance and matters of sovereignty.

With this short biography as a backdrop, we can now move into the “personal nature” of Soros. A collection of quotes from Soros is a good starting point as they identify a man who seems to have a “Messiah Complex” and corresponding massive ego. Consider these quotes to get a feel for how Soros thinks and the gravity of his intentions:
– “Many people have messianic visions. The difference is, I’ve actually lived out my visions.”
– “The arc of history doesn’t follow its own course. It needs to be bent. I am really engaged in trying to bend it in the right direction.”
– “My main concern is with the world order and how to control it.”
– “My goal is to be the conscience of the world.”
– “The world order needs a major overhaul.”
– “Well, you know, I was a human being before I became a businessman.”
– “Misconceptions play a prominent role in my approach to the world.”
Buy Up Governments Officials and Leverage the Corrupt Officials into One World Government
Soros has been living up to his words as he has poured over $18 billion into subversive activities aimed at upending the global order along with any free-world nations caught in his crosshairs. (The Mind Guild – Charles Stephen; March 28, 2019) These billions have absolutely nothing to do with charity/philanthropy. They have everything to do with funding bogus organizations that are mandated to carry out Soros’ plans to undermine social order and civil society in the name of his radical global agenda (one that is inextricably ties to the UN, WEF, IMF, and World Bank). In addition to the countless “charitable” organizations Soros funds, he is also known to carry intimate ties with the world’s worst global influencers (Schwab, Rothschild, Gates, Buffet, etc.), the world’s worst current and past politicians (Jinping, Putin, Merkel, Johnson, Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc.), and the world’s most dubious global power brokers (UN, WHO, WEF, World Bank, IMF, Transnational Uniparty, etc.).
As we unveil the monster behind the curtain, it becomes clear that George Soros is one of the most dangerously influential people in the world today – and this is true based on his self-professed “messianic fantasies and intentions.” We have seen countless examples when anyone who dares to throw stones at this billionaire becomes a target to be shunned or censored by his “praetorian guard” in media and journalism. Recent examples include the experiences of top Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
When John Kass exposed and berated Soros for bankrolling the election of prosecutors notorious for being soft on crime, his progressive Tribune colleagues accused him of publishing an “odious anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” and demanded an apology to which Kass declined for good reason. During an appearance of Fox News, Newt Gingrich asserted that the “number one problem” behind the 2020 BLM and Antifa riots and looting in big cities was “George-Soros-elected Left-wing, anti-police, pro-criminal district attorneys.” Fox hosts abruptly and awkwardly interjected with Marie Harf stating, “I’m not sure we need to bring George Soros into this.” When Gingrich replied, “Okay, so it’s verboten?” there was an incredibly five second pause of awkward silence. These two examples are indicative of the control that Soros has over all media and the degree to which the media carries the water for the “godfather figure” lurking behind their media and journalism networks.
Despite the efforts of media to censor anyone who detracts from the Soros agenda, the truth is that George Soros is delivering incessant chaos to cities in America and around the world. Soros invests billions to purchase the “loyalty and practices” of district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crimes stemming from the execution of his radical agenda. (Truths that Transform – Frank Wright; October 5, 2020) Indeed, it is common to see the DA practice of “revolving-door-justice” designed to release all types of criminals without bail and with only the most lenient of sentences (2020 was littered with hundreds of examples of lawlessness and absence of the rule of law; all linked to the Soros fraudulent “philanthropic” crime cartel in way or another).
In 2017, Soros “invested” $1.7 million to elect social justice warrior Larry Krasner as Philadelphia’s district attorney. The smile on Krasner’s face on election night as supporters chanted, “No good cops in a racist system!” and “f— the FOP [Fraternity of Police]!” was unmistakable. Since Soros planted Krasner, crime has soared in Philadelphia to the extent that US District Attorney William McSwain described the situation as a “culture of lawlessness where the staggering homicide and shooting rates in Philadelphia are proof that the district attorney’s radical experiment has failed.”
In Los Angeles, the Soros war on law was highlighted by funding $1 million into the George Gascon DA campaign. Years earlier, Soros paved the way for Gascon to assume the role of DA in San Francisco where he made that city a haven for the homeless and arguably one of the most unlivable cities in America. Residents of San Francisco are all too well familiar with Gascon’s refusal to address and prosecute camping on city sidewalks, public urination, soliciting sex, and other vile crimes. In violence-riddled Chicago, Soros has spent $2 million in the past year to firmly ensconce racist and malcontent Kim Foxx into office as the State’s DA. Under her watch, violent crime in Chicago has never been higher with annual murder rates and shootings skyrocketing into the thousands. (Truths that Transform – Frank Wright; October 5, 2020)
Funding progressive prosecutors just scratches the surface of the Soros master plan. This scoundrel invests billions on a long list of radical liberal/progressive causes including abortion, LGBT activism, open borders, euthanasia, legalization of prostitution and drugs, judicial “reform,” gun control, revisionism of history, alteration of academic curriculum, defunding police, climate alarmism, media manipulation, erosion of U.S. support for Israel, and elimination of constitutional rights to name a few. (The Daily Wire – Aaron Bandler; August 26, 2018)

Open Society Spends BILLIONS Annually in OVER 120 Countries
As mentioned earlier, Soros channels his largesse through his Open Society Foundations which spends billions annually and is “active’ in no fewer than 120 nations at any given time. Every year, OSF publicly boasts about channeling “thousands of grants and billions of dollars to the groups and individuals who promote OSF values.” In 2018 alone, Soros poured $708 million into American politics (according to Capital Research Center President Scott Walter). According to Walter, the OSF funds “went into politicized groups like Planned Parenthood, to fight for abortion; the Brennan Center, to tear down voter ID laws; and to all-purpose left-of-center powerhouses like the ACLU and John Podesta’s Center for American Progress.” (Truths that Transform – Frank Wright; October 5, 2020) By stark comparison, the total combined revenue of the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee (from 2017-2018) was $502 million. The influence wielded by Soros on American political outcomes is shocking and unforgiveable.

In the months leading into the 2020 US federal election, Soros “dumped almost $100 million into the DNC to prop up Biden and his gushing campaign slush fund. Soros funds were also matched by his harsh words for President Trump describing Trump as “a con man”, “a would-be dictator,” and “the ultimate narcissist.” Soros was undoubtedly deflecting as his derogatory comments about Trump sounded more like a self-description.
“It is a sort of a disease when you consider yourself god, the creator of everything. But I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
George Soros
With such vast wealth and a destructive agenda, Soros is one of the most dangerous and influential people in the world today. Commenting on himself, Soros proudly claimed, “It is a sort of a disease when you consider yourself god, the creator of everything. But I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” Recalling the Soros quotes cited earlier in this article (not to mention his endless trail of dubious “political philanthropic efforts”), it is clear this person displays the inner character of a ruthless sociopath and a megalomaniac. His remarks are not random, they are not accidental, and they are not meant for the good of men and women.
The story of Soros is not known well enough. While it is almost impossible to keep up with his decades of crimes against humanity, it does not change the fact that we must increase our awareness of this sinister human being and all of those who choose to be involved in his diabolical plans to undermine society. We conclude this article by providing a thorough summary of the Soros cartel of pseudo philanthropic organizations.

Organizations directly funded by Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF)
Each of the organizations, listed below, are significantly funded by George Soros and his cartel of Open Society Foundations (OSF’s). The length of this list of more than 200 Soros-funded organizations is alarming especially when considering how the Soros funding is aimed at activities intended to deceive, disrupt, and undermine free-world nations around the globe. (Will County News – Steve Balich; January 11, 2020) Soros delivers tens of billions in funding to these rogue operators and menaces to society; so, it is critical to be aware of them as much as possible.
“Lucifer Inc.”
as funded by Satan’s Ambassador George Soros
[Editor’s NOTE: Q.: What is Satan’s strategy to take over the world as quickly as possible? A.: Funnel MASSIVE amount of ill-gotten gains thru a CFO who systematically buys up corrupt, money, sex, and power-hungry individuals who are ALSO willing to trade their souls to the devil, finance their campaigns, then systematically re-direct taxpayer $$ to create chaos thru disfunction, government growth, and tax increases. For example: Think of all the state Attorney Generals / County Attorneys, etc. whose job is to prosecute and jail criminals and INSTEAD catch and release murders, rapists, child abusers, etc. — to terrorize the community.
IMPORTANT FACT: Remember, virtually ALL government agencies have become INCORPORATED as limited liability FOR-PROFIT corporations, breaking oaths to protect We the People from government tyranny. As a corporation theoretically there is NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY – but rather are shielded from being held accountable for their corrupt decisions. What a great Babylon gig, right?! ]
Soros Funded Organizations:
Advancement Project,
Air America Radio;
All of Us or None;
Alliance for Justice;
America Coming Together;
America Votes;
America’s Voice;
American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy;
American Bridge 21st Century;
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); **
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy;
American Family Voices;
American Federation of Teachers; **
American Friends Service Committee;
American Immigration Council;
American Immigration Law Foundation;
American Independent News Network;
American Institute for Social Justice; **
American Library Association;
The American Prospect, Inc.;
Amnesty International; **
Antifa; ** *** Note where this redirects to!!!
Applied Research Center;
Arab American Institute Foundation; **
Aspen Institute;
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now;
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center; **
Bend The Arc;
Bill of Rights Defense Committee; **
Black Alliance for Just Immigration;
Black Lives Matter; **
Blueprint North Carolina;
Brennan Center for Justice;
Brookings Institution; **
Campaign for America’s Future; **
Campaign for Better Health Care;
Campaign for Youth Justice;
Campus Progress;
Casa de Maryland;
Catholics for Choice;
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good;
Center for American Progress; **
Center for Community Change;
Center for Constitutional Rights;
Center for Economic and Policy Research; **
Center for International Policy;
Center for Reproductive Rights;
Center for Responsible Lending;
Center for Social Inclusion;
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities;
Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS);
Change America Now; **
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington;
Coalition for an International Criminal Court; **
Color Of Change;
Common Cause;
Constitution Project;
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund;
Democracy Alliance; **
Democracy 21;
Democracy Now!; **
Democratic Justice Fund;
Democratic National Party (DNC); **
Dominion Voting Systems; **
Drum Major Institute;
Earthjustice; **
Economic Policy Institute; **
Electronic Privacy Information Center;
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights;
EMILY’s List;
Energy Action Coalition; **
Equal Justice USA; **
Fair Immigration Reform Movement; **
Faithful America;
Families USA;
Feminist Majority;
Four Freedoms Fund;
Free Exchange on Campus;
Free Press; **
Funding Exchange;
Gamaliel Foundation;
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect;
Global Exchange;
Grantmakers Without Borders; **
Green For All;
Health Care for America Now;
Human Rights Campaign;
Human Rights First;
Human Rights Watch;
Immigrant Defense Project; **
Immigrant Legal Resource Center; **
Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project; **
Immigration Advocates Network; **
Immigration Policy Center; **
Independent Media Center; **
Independent Media Institute; **
Institute for America’s Future; **
Institute for New Economic Thinking;
Institute for Policy Studies;
Institute for Public Accuracy;
Institute for Women’s Policy Research;
International Crisis Group;
J Street; **
Jewish Funds for Justice;
Joint Victory Campaign 2004;
Justice at Stake;
Latino Justice PRLDF;
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; **
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights;
League of United Latin American Citizens;
League of Women Voters Education Fund;
League of Young Voters; **
Lynne Stewart Defense Committee;
Machsom Watch;
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement;
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition;
Media Fund; **
Media Matters for America; **
Mercy Corps;
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund;
Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC;
Midwest Academy;
Migration Policy Institute; **
Military Families Speak Out;
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment;; **
Ms. Foundation for Women;
Muslim Advocates; **
NARAL Pro-Choice America;
NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund; **
The Nation Institute;
National Abortion Federation; **
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty;
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy;
National Committee for Voting Integrity; **
National Council for Research on Women;
National Council of La Raza; **
National Council of Women’s Organizations;
National Immigration Forum; **
National Immigration Law Center; **
National Lawyers Guild; **
National Organization for Women;
National Partnership for Women and Families;
National Priorities Project;
National Public Radio; **
National Security Archive Fund;
National Women’s Law Center;
Natural Resources Defense Council;
New America Foundation; **
New Israel Fund;
NewsCorpWatch (MediaMatters); **
Pacifica Foundation;
Palestinian Center for Human Rights; **
Peace and Security Funders Group;
Peace Development Fund;
People for the American Way;
People Improving Communities Through Organizing;
Physicians for Human Rights;
Physicians for Social Responsibility;
Planned Parenthood; **
Ploughshares Fund;
Prepare New York;
Presidential Climate Action Project (PCAP); **
Prison Moratorium Project;
Progressive Change Campaign Committee; **
Progressive States Network; **
Project Vote; **
Pro Publica;
Proteus Fund;
Psychologists for Social Responsibility;
Public Citizen Foundation;
Public Justice Center;
Rebuild and Renew America Now (Unity ’09); **
Res Publica;
Roosevelt Institute;
Secretary of State Project;
Sentencing Project;
Social Justice Leadership; **
Shadow Democratic Party; **
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC); **
State Voices;
Talking Transition;
Think Progress;
Thunder Road Group;
Tides Foundation and Tides Center; **
US Public Interest Research Group;
US Action Education Fund; **
Universal Healthcare Action Network; **
Urban Institute; **
Voter Participation Center; **
Voto Latino;
We Are America Alliance;
Working Families Party;
World Organization Against Torture;
YWCA World Office.
As you go through your day-to-day activities and observe the world’s daily news, pay particularly close attention to the role played by this list of Soros operatives: the ACLU, the American Federation of Teachers, Amnesty International, Antifa, BLM, Brookings Institution, Change America Now, Dominion Voting Systems, the Free Press, Immigration Policy Center, Institute for America’s Future, J Street, La Raza, Media Fund, Media Matters, MoveOn, NAACP, National Immigration Law Center, News Corp Watch, PCAP, Shadow Democratic Party, Southern Poverty Law Center, Tides Foundation, and the Voter Participation Center. Soros effectively runs these clandestine corporations (powered by bribes that operate under the falsity of a “charitable funding designation”). Each of these organizations are mandated to do the most radical, subversive, anti-American, and anti-free world activities in a quest to destroy society on behalf of Soros. Beware of these nefarious operatives, beware of their activities and their “causes”, and certainly beware of any politicians/bureaucrats/media agents who are unusually allegiant and beholden to the Soros global crime cartel.
By: Extremely American Colin Wright
Additional info…
* WW3 – World War Wicked! #13 – ZERO George Soros – Satan’s Ambassador / Funder of Chaos