* LAND PATENTS: “Upon This Land II: The Language of Land Ownership”

Written By: admin - Aug• 28•23


[Kendal Anderson is a deep thinker.  I am never disappointed by his research, open and honest dialogue with his reader, and clear Love of God and desire to be in good standing before Him.

Kendal and I have talked about Land and it’s importance to God many times, sharing ideas and articles, etc.  So, while “Barbie & Ken” Cromar (I and my dear wife) have been writing and speaking out on LAND PATENTS and their 180 years of UNANIMOUS Supreme Court opinions,  — Kendal has apparently been on a parallel path as this second article in a new series on the scriptural importance of LAND shows.

Kendal’s writing is specifically directed to a “Mormon” audience as the name of his blog Book of Mormon Perspectives indicates — BUT mostly it’s enjoyable and inspiring to any God-fearing Christian.  However, with Kendal’s permission I’ve been allowed to only include the highlights for you, which have surgically removed “all things Mormon” except a couple of passing mentions of “the Book”, BUT powerfully spotlight LAND in a way that gives Godly meaning to the earth beneath our feet and our heavenly obligation to The LAND.

For our “Mormon” friends, and those who are not afraid to explore additional testimonies of Jesus Christ, you may want to read the entire article found at link at the bottom.  ENJOY!]




When the meaning of language begins to be lost society can become a breeding ground for tyrants and dictators.

What do I mean?

If you can subtly manipulate language by changing the meaning of certain words and creating other words and phrases that deceive people into entering contractual servitude without their knowledge, then you’ve created the perfect system of voluntary slavery. Better yet, you’ve created a culture where people freely enter into contractual slavery while believing that they are free.

Such a system would give the manipulators of the language access to unlimited amounts of political power. In fact, such a system would create the perfect environment for mass mind control. One psychiatrist described it this way:

… he who dictates and formulates the words and phrases we use, he who is master of the press and radio, is master of the mind. (Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind, p. 45)

It’s the perfect ruse. And it has been done right here in the American promised land. The confounding of our English language has resulted in a loss of our rights, our land, and even our religion (through 501-c-3)…

However, this loss of rights is merely an illusion, because, like the Title of Liberty, they have always existed. The State has attempted to enslave you through false contracts, but it is nothing but fraud.  The good news is that you never lost your unalienable rights, including the land that has already been granted to you. Land and rights are a gift from God, which He plans to fully restore in the coming Zion.

Dear readers, our descent into slavery has been written into our very language. Because of our education in public schools and government accredited universities, we never had a chance at learning the constitutional history of 18th century words. Those words had real meaning, and our progenitors understood them. They knew that after the Revolution they had become freemen, no more subject to the king of England. And they held their land in freehold, beholden to none.

To understand land language we must first define some common terms, and you will find their true meaning, well, not so common.

Legal v. Lawful

In our modern culture, many of us use the words legal and lawful interchangeably, but the truth is that these terms are very different, almost complete opposites. …
Law can be defined as a set of rules prescribed by an authority. It is derived from the Old English word lah, meaning ordinance, regulation, or even a right. From the Old Norse the word was lag, which meant “layer, measure, stroke,” or “something laid down, that which is fixed.”

The term legal in our modern society has reference only to rules, codes, ordinances, statutes, or corporate policy, none of which is actual law. These things are the color of law. Color of law is defined as the mere semblance, or appearance of law or right. Often, this appearance of law allows policy makers to act in defiance and violation of actual law.

In other words, anything defined as legal is merely an illusion. We, as sovereign American citizens, are not subject to anything but common law. … Anything else falls into the category of legal.

Have you ever wondered why cops are called police officers? It is because they do not enforce actual law, they enforce corporate policy. An officer is a position in a corporation, one that is superior to you and I, but only in the dead/legal/fictional world. In the real world, a policeman has no authority over anyone, because well, he was not elected by the people.

In common law history, a constable or sheriff was elected by the people to represent them in apprehending criminals, he was not an officer or a policeman, and he was only supposed to punish actual crime. If he did not do his job correctly or attempted to abuse his power, the people could fire him and elect another in his stead. When was the last time a policeman was voted out of a job? Police chiefs are appointed by the Mayor, not elected. …

Have you ever wondered why leaders who hold public office are called politicians? It is because, like the policeman, they do not deal in law but in corporate policy. They occupy an office in the for-profit governmental corporation. They work for that organization and not for you. It has been this way in America since the Organic Act of 1871 when the U.S. government was incorporated. Before that time politicians were known as statesmen. Statesmen deal in common law, not corporate policy.

Because all cities, states, and municipalities have been incorporated, there is not a single policy they enforce that you as a sovereign are subject to, and this includes all taxes; especially income and property taxes. Furthermore, you are only subject to corporate policy if you consent to be. They have hidden into the language a variety of words that when said in response to certain question/statements make you a consenting partner in a contract.

I’ll just use one example. When an officer pulls you over and and asks you if you understand why he did so, he is offering you a contract. When you say the words, “yes, I understand,” what you are really saying is that you stand under the authority of the officer and you are consenting to whatever punitive action he is about to slap you with.

When you show him your driver’s license and he asks if the picture on it is you, if you say yes then what you are saying is that you are a dead corporation on a piece of plastic. Once you consent to being a dead corporation then you become subject to maritime law and corporate policy. Just the fact that you applied for and obtained a driver’s license means that you have already consented to be a slave to the State.

(As an aside I’m not suggesting that you get rid of your driver’s license and try to become a state national or sovereign citizen. Some people have successfully done this but it takes years of research and a thorough understanding of the law. My purpose here is to merely inform and educate you about things you may have not known about. Someday soon God will make everyone sovereign citizens because He will destroy all the power structures that keep us slaves.)

The image on your driver’s license is most definitely not you. You are a flesh and blood man or woman. The image on your license is only an image, and the name on the card is not your real name. It appears in all caps, which, according to Roman military law, means you have no status at all. Your real name is your Christian name, which is a combination of upper and lower case letters. Your Christian name describes the real flesh-and-blood you, the sovereign who only answers to the highest judge in the land, God Himself.

Your name appears in all caps on every legal document they have created for you, including: birth certificates, social security cards, loan documents, bank statements, tax returns, student loans, and even hospital tags.

Having a name with all caps literally means that you, my friends, are capital goods. You are the “productive units” that are used to produce other goods and services. In their fictional-corporate-world they own your labor; your labor is the capital good. It is also used as surety at the IMF (International Monetary Fund) for the national debt (the IMF has the original copy of your birth certificate), and it is bought and sold on the stock exchange. That is why you’ve heard the phrase that if you have good genes you come from “good stock.” We are the livestock. We are human capital.


Welcome to modern slavery.

Now, I don’t want to veer to far off on the word plays of maritime law, I’ve already written a fairly comprehensive piece on that subject that you can read here.

But there are still a few more terms to define that have to do with the subject of this series. Before we get into these other familiar words there is a deeper aspect to legal and lawful that I need to share with you. I learned these definitions from Ron Gibson, a lawyer (not an attorney), who is an expert on land patents and who teaches seminars on the step-by-step process of how to claim them (more on Ron later). This is how he defines legal and lawful:

Legal: people on the water controlled by service corporations.

Lawful: men and women on the land

Now think about this: you can’t move around on the water without assistance. You need some kind of boat or floating device to do so, otherwise you drown. But on the land you can freely move about and do as you please. On the water you are subject to others providing you the service of shipping. In exchange for this service you are granted certain privileges and benefits by the captain of the ship. When you accept those “rights” from the captain you consent to becoming his cargo, which means he can sell or trade you at his leisure. At that point your rights become alienable.

Are you beginning to grasp the direness of your awful situation?

You are only free as a flesh-and-blood man or woman on the land. That’s it… there is no other way to be free. It is Jesus Christ, and no other being, that grants you that land and freedom. …..



Now let’s get one thing straight: rights do not come from government or men. Rights come from God, the Creator. He has endowed you with unalienable (unencumbered) rights and given you the land resting on the crust of the earth. The purpose of its very creation is to be tilled and worked by you, the husbandman. And it was designed to yield an abundance of food and goods.

Like you, the land is alive, it is bursting with embryonic molecules that are just waiting to spring into commodities. All it needs is your hands to stir up its elements and enzymes.

Do you realize that if every family were allowed to take ownership of the land freely granted to them by God then it would finally be possible to have “no poor among us”?


We won’t need to control each other by forming a state, and we won’t need to centralize spiritual knowledge by forming an organized religion. Let people come and believe what they will. Let people come and work their land as they please, without licenses, permits, property taxes, or any other liens or encumbrances.


Ron Gibson (a true servant of God)

Before we get further into Ron Gibson (a true servant of God) and his work on land patents, we’ve got to explore a little more of this language of land ownership as it applied to Americans before the Civil War and the incorporation of the federal government in 1871.

There is quite a history to be told here, a history of how Americans once claimed their land and how it was subsequently lost..

Or was it?

This Land is Our Land

As many of you know I live in Idaho, and I love it here. There are endless acres of wide open spaces teeming with mountains and wildlife….

When you see the tops of the wild grasses in late summer, whipping, bending, almost dancing in the wind, amidst a chorus of millions of others, the mind quiets down, and the realization sets in that God knows and numbers each of those grasses. He knows the flowers, the animals, the trees, even the rocks and the very sands that erode off of them. Not a leaf falls, a stream bubbles, a fish jumps, nor an insect scampers without His knowledge. And if He knows the indescribable detail of all these creations, then of course He knows you, intimately.
He has given you the land and everything on it. This land is indeed ours. …
Our American progenitors knew and understood their connection to the land, and fought a war to free themselves from the encumbrances of the king of England. Those encumbrances included taxes, duties, the forced quartering of British troops, and perpetual rents on colonial lands. The king was the only sovereign and owned all the land under the control of the British empire.
He would allow barons to run the land and charge rents or fees to farmers, but ultimately he was the true landlord. For any reason and and at any time he could change his mind and take the land away from any baron or nobleman. But it was in his best interest to keep the land in productive use so he could collect taxes on those increases.
The king gifted these lands to the barons and nobles, and those gifts were known as fiefs, which carries the same meaning as feud. According to Blackstone, a feud is described as “an estate in land held of a superior on the condition of rendering him services” (see p. 56 of Ron Gibson’s book, What You Need to Know About Land Patents).
Ron explains this concept a little further:

It [a feud] is also described as an inheritable right to the use and occupation of lands, held on condition of rendering services to the lord or proprietor, who himself retains the ownership of the lands, {Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, p. 748 (1968.} Thus, the people had land they occupied, devised, inherited, alienated, or disposed of as they saw fit, so long as they remained in favor with the King. {F.L. Ganshof, Feudalism, p. 113 (1967)}. (What You Need to Know About Land Patents, p. 56)

This system was known as feudal tenure. It was essentially a pyramid scheme in land disbursement. The baron who received the initial land gift from the king was free to impart, or subdivide, his land to other vassals. A vassal is defined as “a person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in exchange for homage and allegiance; a bondman or slave, a subordinate or dependent.”

The feudal lords answered directly to the king and they were called “tenants.” Fiefs who worked the land under them paid fees to the feudal lords in exchange for protection and the right to use the land. This privilege was inheritable as long as they remained under the favor of the lord. Similarly, the baron or nobleman enjoyed the same privilege under the king as long as they remained in his favor. The entire system was a hierarchical chain of command where a lord or vassal could lose everything on the whims of a superior.

The size of the estates of the fiefs or vassals under the feudal lords widely varied just as they do today. Some lived on large estates and others on little acreage. The fiefs were reminiscent of today’s middle class. They paid homage to the lords, who in return paid homage to the king. At the bottom of the pyramid were the serfs or villains.

The word villain originally meant a person who had no rights. The Old English definition of villain was a “base or low-born rustic,” in Old French it meant “peasant, farmer, commoner, churl, yokel.”

Villains were employed by the fiefs as low wage workers. Ron explains that they “were recognized as nothing more than real property.” Like many today that live in slums and are on the streets, they eked out a miserable existence in a constant struggle for survival. To put this in a modern perspective, those who work for wages from an employer labor three months out of the year just to pay their federal and state income taxes. The middle class who own more land and make “profits” instead of wages, still have to pay tribute to modern fiefs to retain the privilege of working their lands or businesses. This tribute is known today as property tax, corporate income tax and capital gains tax.

Modern fiefs are incorporated governments such as cities, municipalities, counties, and states. These are fictional entities to which we all pay fees. The modern word fee is a variant of the word fief. Its original meaning can be traced to the Old English word feoh, which means, and be prepared to be shocked:

…livestock, cattle; movable property; possessions in livestock, goods or money; riches, wealth; money as a means of exchange or payment. (Online Etymology Dictionary)

You pay fees to incorporated entities because you are nothing more than human cattle, or chattel. We live in a modern system of chattel slavery… in which we, the slaves, believe that we are free.

The entire system has been flipped upon its head.

The power to govern is a right inherent in the people, not kings or magistrates. Read these words from the Declaration of Independence and let them sink in:

… That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…

We the People are the sovereigns, not a government that was created by us, which means that We the People, not the government, are the true owners of the land.

What Jefferson is describing is common law based upon the Bible. The origins of common law can be traced back to 11th century England, before William the Conqueror introduced the feudal system.

When England was conquered by this tyrant in 1066 A.D., all land was commandeered by the king. Prior to that time, all lands in England were allodial, meaning, “owing to no one, nor to any lord or superior.”

After close to two centuries under the new feudal system, a group of 25 barons, who had studied the history of the land ownership of their ancestors, pressured King John to restore some of the rights they had lost. The result was the Magna Carta of 1215, a document that became the basis for common law.

Under Magna Carta the barons would retain some of their rights and powers over their lands, but would still recognize the king as the “lord paramount.” According to Ron Gibson, several sections of the charter gave:


…the most powerful barons letters of patent… with the single goal of protecting the ‘landowner’ and helping him retain possession of the land, acquired in the service of the King, from unjust seizures or improper debts. The barons attempted these goals with the intention of securing property to pass to their heirs. (Land Patents, p. 72)

But it was short lived. King John died in 1216 A.D., just one year after signing the Magna Carta. The document was forgotten and the feudal system remained in force. Those humble Gentiles who came to America in the early 1600s were looking for two things: religious freedom and the right to own unencumbered land. However, the king still owned the territory in the colonies, where “American versions of barons sought to retain large tracts of land” (Ibid, p. 73).

According to Ron, the American feudal system operated as follows:

… the feudal barons in the colonies could dictate who farmed their land, how their land was to be divided, and to a certain extent to whom the land should pass. But, just as the original barons discovered, this power was premised in part of the performance of duties for the king. (Ibid, p. 73)

The American Revolution was not fought just over taxes, it was fought for the right to own unencumbered land. This part of American history has been whitewashed and erased. The Establishment does NOT want you to know this, because if Americans wake up to this fact, the entire system of maritime law falls on its face.

After winning the war and securing those lands away from the king, “the un-appropriated lands… passed, not to the people of the colony or state within those limits they were situated, but to the whole people… (p. 74).

We the People, or the “whole people” as Ron opines, had the right to distribute those lands as they saw fit, “as joint tenants in the sovereignty.” The way they chose to distribute the land was written into the U.S. Constitution. There was an office established in the newly formed government called the General Land Office, which issued Land Patents to those who applied for them. The land was not for sale. It was free.

The portion of the U.S. Constitution dealing with land disposal is Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2:

The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

The Congress was the direct representatives of the sovereign people, who gave the government the power in the first place. It was them who decided how to distribute the land, at least that is how it was supposed to go. It worked for a while, and between the time of the Revolution and the Civil War Americans enjoyed pure allodial title to their lands.

Government was a contract between sovereigns to protect each other in their rights, nothing more. It soon became corrupted and taken over by [DEEP STATE players], some of which were early Founding Fathers like Alexander Hamilton, I wrote about that here.

But the idea of government was, as Jefferson stated, “to secure these Rights” that were already granted by God. Land was a big part of that equation according to this 1863 court case:

The American people, before developing a properly functioning stable government, developed a stable system of land ownership, whereby the people owned their land absolutely and in a manner similar to the king in common-law England. (Wallace v. Harmstead, 44 Pa. 492 (1863), referenced in Land Patents, p. 76)

These humble Gentiles had studied the Bible and had an understanding of the importance of the land that God had given to the Israelites. In fact, the republic set up by our Founder’s was reminiscent of the republic set up by Moses.

Much of the U.S. Constitution was based upon the book of Deuteronomy. That book of scripture was a constitution given to the Israelites just before they were finally allowed to possess and occupy the promised land. I don’t have the space to get into the specifics but if you want to learn more about it I highly recommend this article written by Daniel J. Elazar.

The Israelite constitution in Deuteronomy is reminiscent of the Book of Mormon decrees upon the promised land. There was a covenant offered that granted the Israelites the land with certain stipulations. These are repeated all throughout the book of Deuteronomy. Here is just one example:

Now therefore listen, O Israel, unto the statutes and judgments which I teach you, in order to do them, that you may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers give you. You shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish anything from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. (Deuteronomy 2:1, RE)

The statutes and judgements referenced here are the ins and outs of the law of the land; the common law that God commanded the Israelites to base their nation on.


When God says forever, He means it, and part of those promises entail gifting us the land. That means allodial title with no encumbrances by any governmental body or organization. And it means that every individual family will be granted a portion of land, for free, without any obligation to pay any property taxes on it. Our only sovereign landlord will be God Himself, who will require that you voluntarily share your abundance with the poor.

In Part III, I’m going to go deeper into Ron Gibson’s books and the history of land patents, but before I end this post there are still a few more terms to define, and I think that you’ll be surprised to learn that these words you are very familiar with DO NOT mean what you thought they did.

Words that Destroy Rights

In our modern society, all words that have to do with property or real estate have nothing to do with rights and everything to do with equitable interest. In other words, everything is for sale, and everything is alienable. And the money we use to buy and sell the land that God has already given us has no value. It is play money, an illusion, and has only the appearance of value.
Let’s start with the basics: real estate is NOT land. Real estate comprises everything that is built on or permanently affixed to the land. All forms of title (except allodial title) to land or real estate in our modern society only convey equitable interest and not sovereign ownership. According to Ron, the word equity is supposed to mean “justice as administered according to fairness,” however, it is more often used today as a term to measure how much the price of homes and other commodities have risen since we purchased them.
Home equity is therefore an allusion. The increased “value” of your home has been artificially created by those who really own it. You, as a person (persona) with a diminished status, do not own anything. In fact, your body is also owned by those who own your home. To them you are a corporation, which Ron defines as “an artificial person or legal entity.” As such an entity you cannot own anything independent of the incorporated State. You cannot convey ownership or transfer title without their permission.
First of all, when you purchase a home with a loan from a bank you are incurring a mortgage. A mortgage is defined by Ron as “the lending of monies for the purchase of property by a creditor in exchange for the payment of a debt.” A creditor doesn’t actually lend you anything because fiat currency is not real, it has no value outside of the fictional world. The word mortgage comes from the Old French word morgage, or mort gaige, which literally means “dead pledge.”
According to Ron, “all land held not in allodial title has been hypothecated to the Federal Reserve Bank, as collateral against a federal debt that cannot be paid.” The word hypothecate is a verb and means “to pledge (property) to another as security without transferring possession of title; mortgage.”
So what exactly is a mortgage, or dead pledge? For starters it is NOT a loan. A bank has no authority to loan you a single penny, and the fact that it claims to do so is a fraud. When you apply (beg) for a home loan and you get approved you are issued a promissory note, which we think is a promise to pay. But a promissory note is just a legal instrument that the government uses to draw money on your social security account, which is worth untold millions or in some cases billions of dollars.
Yes, your value as a slave asset to the powers that be is based upon your projected future labor output throughout your life. Some are worth more than others. That money belongs to you, but because you’re a slave, the government has stolen it.
According to Ron, when the promissory note has been created, it sits for three days and then one of two things happen: one, it is cashed by the bank and given to the title company to pay off the seller of the home, or two it is digitized and monetized, rated by Dun and Bradstreet, and sold to multiple buyers, which can potentially number in the thousands.
The money for the mortgage does not come from a bank, it comes from the IMF, straight out of your social security account. It was yours to begin with. It is used to discharge a debt to a seller who didn’t own the property to a buyer (you) who will never own the property. The IMF profits off of your money and then makes you pay it back to a bank with interest. A bank that never risked one penny to give you the loan.
When someone defaults on their mortgage and goes into foreclosure the bank evicts them from the property. But this is actually an illegal act by the bank, because only the “owner” of the mortgage can file for foreclosure. In most cases, it is impossible to hunt down who owns your mortgage, especially if there are multiple partners. The bank is not the owner of the mortgage and is committing fraud when it attempts to evict a tenant.

See the following video where Ron talks about these concepts, the mortgage stuff begins at the 30-minute mark:

And the IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the United Nations, the main organization that has shut off large percentages of all Western lands in the U.S.
We live in the most sophisticated system of slavery that has even been concocted. And to make matters worse, the government (the king) also owns all the land. They stole the land from the people and are using it as collateral against our national debt. A debt owed to us, the people themselves. In Part III I will go further into the history of how that land was stolen from us.
So, the government has taken two things that God has freely given you: the right to own the land and the right to own your own labor. Is this not the true definition of usury, an abomination proscribed by God in the Old Testament? We know the definition of usury as to charge excessive or exorbitant interest on money lent. But it comes from the Latin word usus which means to enjoy or use. It literally means to use another human being.

Another word for that is slavery.

Now let’s take it a step further. Let’s say you actually pay your mortgage off. You labor for thirty years to satisfy the lien against your home. A lien that was made up out of nothing (dead pledge). To reward you for this achievement the bank will issue you a warranty deed, which you think means that you own a free and clear title to your home. But little did you know that warranty deeds do not convey title, they only convey equitable interest.
According to Ron, a deed is a trust instrument, which falls under the category of negotiable instruments. The Negotiable Instruments Act was passed in 1881, just ten years after the United States federal government was incorporated (by the way, Ron defines “federal” as corporate). The Negotiable Instruments Act lays out the rules of transferring payment via the use of promissory notes, cheques, and bills of exchange.
The problem is these rules are based upon maritime or corporate law. Corporate law only deals with fictitious persons, not flesh and blood men and women. One of the corporate concepts laid out in the Negotiable Instruments Act and later in the Uniform Commercial Code is something called suretyship. When a fictitious person boards the surety ship they have left land and entered the sea. Surety is defined as follows:

A party who signs a negotiable instrument for the purpose of incurring liability on the instrument without being a direct beneficiary of the value given for the instrument.

Through contract we have all agreed to being surety for the national debt, a debt owed to us, the very slaves that perform the productive labor that keeps the machine going. Most of us have no idea we have consented to this contract. The only real asset that we can pledge as surety is our future labor, which means we are at best indentured servants and at worst full-on slaves.

A mortgage is nothing but a 30-year contract to pledge our labor as surety for the national debt, because the money “lent” to us by a bank has no real value. You cannot pay a bill with dollar bills. Your FRN (Federal Reserve Note) dollars will not satisfy any debt, this currency will only discharge the debt to another person (and it has been this way since 1933).

At the other end of that tunnel is the warranty deed, the certificate we receive when we “pay off” the mortgage. But in the real world no gold or silver (gold and silver is still the only lawful money according to the Constitution) was exchanged, so you paid off literally nothing.

The warranty deed will only convey or transfer equitable interest, meaning that you merely have an interest in the fake value of the property. This means that the possession of a warranty deed will NEVER make you the owner of the property, but merely an interested party, tenant, or renter.

According to Ron:

…if the deed is recorded at the County Recorders office, then the property or real estate is the trust property of the State… A “Warranty Deed” or other types of deeds does pass an interest on the land, (Not Title) admits consideration, bargain, and sells and conveys the appurtenances and warrants the performance of the a/the contract. (Land Patents, p. 34)

A warranty deed is NOT a title.


This post is getting long, and there is so much more to cover. But before I end I want to clarify a few more terms.

Before the Civil War Americans were not known as voters, they were known as electors. A registered voter casts a vote in a private booth, an elector casts his vote in public. An election is only lawful if it is settled via public vote. We have not had a true election in this nation since 1860. Lincoln was the last president to be elected. All subsequent presidents have been appointed, just like police chiefs are appointed. This is why it is laughable that we argue over election fraud because it is all been fraud since 1860. And remember, fraud vitiates everything.


The last word we need to define before closing is sovereignty. There is a lot of confusion surrounding that word. We know it as one who holds “supreme authority” in a geographical area, like a king or a prince. In a republic, the people are supposed to be joint sovereigns, holding all power in common.

But what does it really mean?

Sovereignty is a condition of the Elohim, the family of Gods who create the ever-expanding universe. Our God is Jesus Christ, and He enjoys absolute sovereignty over us and the earth He created. This is why He is called the King of kings. He will assume that sovereign condition of King when He returns at His second coming.

Sovereignty therefore, has more to do with creative powers than authority over governments. In fact, the law of sovereignty is that one can only have jurisdiction over that which one creates. This definition comes from Ron Gibson’s book, who further elucidates on the concept as follows:


Sovereignty, and thus the right of property, resides in the people. There is a natural order of things in the universe. Our Creator created man. Man formed or established the state (often incorrectly “the government”) for the protection of himself and his property. Everything in the natural order of things is subservient to the being who created it. There can be no exceptions. In these United States, both the state and federal entities were created by the People. The People themselves retained “sovereignty” under the true Sovereign, our Creator, even though they delegated some of their power to their creatures for the purpose of protecting their rights. (Land Patents, p. 109)

Sovereignty is a facet of the law of creation. If you create something you become the sovereign over it. The Luciferians who run this world have found a way around this law, it is called fiction. They simply “create” a fictional world with fictional persons who use fictional money who live in a fictional sea. They build fictional ships to carry the fictional persons around in the fictional sea, such as the citizen-ship, the friend-ship, the sportsman-ship, the statesman-ship, the bipartisan-ship, and on and on and on.

They get the fictional persons to board the fictional ships by offering them a contract: “we will take you here if you board our ship, but you have to consent to our corporate rules.”

There is another unwritten law in the universe that says that you can give up your sovereignty if you consent to do so. Lucifer loves this law because this is how he can get you to give up your agency. He loves to make a deal with you, so he uses language to trick you into entering into contract with the fictional world. But the entire system is based upon fraud, and once you wake up and unplug yourself from the Matrix, you become free. Once you realize that you are a creative being that came from the bosom of the living God of Heaven, you can simply tell Lucifer that you reject his contracts and his fictional world. You can then regain your status as a sovereign being.

Let’s Face it, SLAVERY is Comfortable

It is all an illusion. But let’s face it. Slavery is comfortable. Many people enjoy its carnal security. They don’t want to think for themselves or take responsibility for their actions. They are not interested in being moral agents unto themselves. They want someone else to do it for them. And hence, they choose slavery.


In our modern society, only the upper-middle and wealthy classes can afford to buy land (now incorrectly labeled as “real estate”), while the poor live in ghettos and slums. Land was never supposed to be for sale. It was a gift from God to all His people. If the poor were allowed to settle their God-given land they could easily grow their own food, and wouldn’t be dependent on government welfare programs for subsistence.

The middle and upper classes are not much better off. They are still slaves, because if they do not pay their rents on their lands, homes, vehicles, labor, and profits, the king [government] will take away everything they have and throw them in prison.

We have all embraced laws that are causing us to commit iniquity. And that iniquity is ripening. In April of 2024, the other half of the giant X over America will be manifested to us in the next American solar eclipse. In my opinion, this signals the beginning of the sweeping off warned of in the Book of Mormon.

We need to ask ourselves the following question: has the time come when the voice of our people have chosen iniquity?

We have lost our land, we have lost our Constitutional rights, and we live in a military dictatorship in which our unelected, de facto president can pass any law he wishes by signing an executive order. Our justice system serves only the government and its [DEEP STATE players], and we have become mere persons of diminished status in society. Our laws have become fiction, and through our consent we have chosen to be slaves in a fictitious system.

God does not want to destroy us, but real justice must prevail. He must restore the law of the land that makes men and women free. He must restore the right of land ownership to the people, especially the poor.

I want to end on a somewhat positive note. Although we face impending destruction as a nation, we should rejoice in the fact that God desires to make us free. In the coming months and years we must all make a choice: will we rise up and become freemen, or will be bow down to the New World Order masters who want to round us up and imprison us in smart-city concentration camps?

Scripture WARNS – the Wicked will be SWEPT off this Land

God has given us all the secrets for surviving the sweeping off of the greatest nation on earth. Will you heed the scriptures …?  Or will you face destruction with the rest of the fictional slaves?

The choice is yours…

Stay tuned for Part III, where I’ll get more into Land Patents and the history of how the government has taken our land away.

In the meantime here are a few other pieces I wrote that have to do with this subject:

Mystery Babylon Part III: Ignorance and Fear— In this post I go into what the elites believe money is and how it is used to control society. (Based on a leaked document known as “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”)

The Beast is Coming to Utah III: Beyond Conspiracy–In this one I go deeper into corrupted language, maritime law, the court systems, and who really owns the world. (Hint: The Vatican)

For the entire article — unapologetically including all LAND related scriptures found in the Book of Mormon – Another Testament of Christ — which you will likely find beautifully inspiring, please see the article in it’s entirety at:    https://www.bomperspectives.com/2023/08/upon-this-land-ii-language-of-land.html


Previous posting of part 1 …


To get more information on “What You Need to Know About LAND PATENTS” by renowned Land Patent Lawyer Ron Gibson, by special agreement with him, — through a MIRACLES Shopping via Donation only here…









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* Breaking News: DOJ Admits JAG is the “Proper Authority”

Written By: admin - Aug• 28•23

Are Military Courts the FINAL Tribunal for American JUSTICE Today?


Community Support Foundation
Logan, Utah
August 26, 20263


BREAKING NEWS:  DOJ Admits JAG is the “Proper Authority” — in Bundy / Rodriguez case

Following the second filing of an Affidavit – Notice of Misprision, Treason & Declaration of War – Criminal Complaint/Referral on behalf of Ammon Bundy and Diego Rodriguez sent to Judge Nancy Baskin; Merrick B, Garland US Attorney General; the US Department of Justice; and John & Jane Doe 1-999 on August 10, 2023, the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice affirmed that JAG is the lawful authority in this matter.

Criminal Complaints/Referrals to the Military Judge Advocate General (JAG) 

On August 10, 2023 following the return of the documents, which were sent on July 31, 2023 by the in court clerk for Judge Baskin, Ric Nelson, Tom Fairbanks warned Nelson that the return of the original Affidavit and Notice of Misprision of Treason & Declaration of War was an unprecedented act in contradiction to the previous filing. Furthermore, the rejection of the documents appears to be a seditious act of practicing law on behalf of the judge, from the bench, which constitutes a high misdemeanor 28 U.S. Code § 454 (June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat. 908.)

“So, again find enclosed the original documents that you returned to me. Failing to receive and record court documents does not negate your, or Judge Baskin’s, liabilities or responsibilities and such an act will most probably be recognized as a Violation of Federal and Idaho Rules of Civil Procedures.  

“This court’s rulings and behavior has intentionally resulted in the blatant violation of the following Criminal Codes:

18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against Constitutionally protected rights  

18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law  

“As an administrator and officer of the court, you are responsible for the courts adjudication of the question of jurisdiction previously addressed with this court as follows:

“Under the Clearfield Doctrine, derived from the 1934 Supreme Court Decision in Clearfield Trust, et al. vs. United States, (328 U.S. 363, 318), the court ruled, in essence, that when a government reduces itself to a corporate status, it becomes merely another corporation, having no more or less standing than all other corporations.

“The United States Supreme Court ruled in 2000, Bond vs. United States 529 US 334-2000, that THE PEOPLE ARE IN FACT SOVEREIGN and NOT the States or government. The court went on to define that local, State and Federal law enforcement officers are committing unlawful actions against the Sovereign people by the enforcement of laws and are personally liable for their actions. Take note that you, too, are personally liable for your actions in this matter.

So, by what right and authority was a corporation allowed to bring charges against, and convict, one of the Sovereign people? Especially those who do not have, or have ever had, a contract with that corporation? Those powers have been usurped and Where there is smoke, there is fire!  

Now, I demand that you properly do your job, that you honor your oath of office, that you stand against the invasion and influence of foreign and domestic enemies, and that you uphold the Supreme Law of the Land. Now that you have been properly notified, your failure to act shall constitute Misprision of Treason and any Violation of your Oath of Office will be an Act of Treason. – You have been warned.”


Pride & Arrogance  

On August 15, 2023, Ric Nelson ignorantly returned the original documents, again, claiming once more that the resubmission of the documents was an attempt to have an ex-parte communication with Judge Baskin.

Lawful Authority Criminal Complaints/Referrals to the US Department of Justice – Criminal Division  

Numerous Criminal Complaints/Referrals filed against Merrick B. Garland US Attorney General and other Officers of the Court were submitted to the US Department of Justice, who have affirmed the lawful jurisdiction of the Military. “From the information you have provided, it appears that your concerns have already been submitted to the proper authorities (Military Judge Advocate General – JAG).

Since some of the officers of the court receiving Notices of Criminal Complaints/Referrals have chosen to reject such Notices by returning them in an attempt ignore or distance themselves from the Criminal charges, now that the US Department of Justice has affirmed that the Military has lawful jurisdiction over such matters, Notices of Criminal Complaints/Referrals will no longer sent to the Courts or the Department of Justice.

ALL future Criminal Complaint / Referral will go directly to JAG

Criminal Complaints/Referrals will only be sent only to the Military Judge Advocate General (JAG) with Notices of the Criminal Complaint/Referrals being posted and circulated directly to the General Public.  

You have been Officially InformedWhere there is smoke, there is fire! 


Tom Fairbanks
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation



Support docs….


Department of Justice Criminal Investigations – to Tom Fairbanks – w HiLi copy







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* The TWO DAVIDs – Leavitt & Hamblin – Leaders in Church of Satan?

Written By: admin - Aug• 16•23

Hiding in Plain Sight as the Utah County Attorney?

Over the last few days, I have forwarded reports on David O. Leavitt and his involvement with David Lee Hamblin and the LDS Church of Satan (CS). The reports are preparation for a Criminal Complaint/Referral to JAG on all of those connected to the Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) that has been covered-up over the last 30-years.

David O. Leavitt is the former Utah County Attorney who held a press conference denying that he was a child molester and murderer targeted by a Utah County Sheriff’s Office investigation. This was a preemptive strike by David Leavitt, who had not been named by the Sheriffs as a suspect or even a person of interest. A reporter had provided David Leavitt with police reports and victims’ statements from a 2013 investigation into David Lee Hamblin.

THE SATANIC SACRAMENTS:  Child Rape, Child Pornography, Murder, Torture, and Cannibalism

The report named Hamblin and others as members in the LDS Church of Satan (CS) and perpetrators of child rape, child pornography, murder, torture, and cannibalism. David Leavitt and his wife Chelom were both named as members of the CS and participants in the abuse of the victims.

Victim Statement #2 (VS2) details a 1997-98 dinner at the Leavitts’ house in Nephi, where the Hamblin children were allegedly forced to participate in an orgy with David and Chelom Leavitt.

VS2 also alleges that the Leavitts were present for dinners where human meat was served. Leavitt is also accused in Victim Statement #3 (VS3) of raping Victim #3 on two separate occasions. Chelom Leavitt and her sister are named as participants in David Lee Hamblin’s training of CS children, who were being conditioned to cooperate with commands by parents to engage in sexual acts, and also to torture and murder animals. Chelom Leavitt also allegedly had sex with David Hamblin in Provo, Spring City, and Nephi. She and her sister were purportedly interested in learning Hamblin’s methods to control his children. The sister is only identified as Chelom’s sister, and her name is never specified.

The Leavitts also allegedly engaged in barter payments where the Hamblin children were passed off to perform sexual acts for the Leavitts. This extended to ceremonies at the Leavitts where Victim #3 was dropped off by her parents, drugged by the Leavitts, and then raped. Victim #3 also accused the Leavitts of being present and participating in the murder of a young boy in a barn next to the Hamblins’ Spring City house in 1994-96. Victim #3 alleged that the boy was crucified, beaten with a stick, and then skinned alive while she and her siblings were forced to have sex with him. Afterwards, Joe Bennion took the boy’s corpse to his kiln to burn the remains. This was one of at least three skinnings the victim recalls.

Victim Statement #4 details a game of Risk on a computer where David Leavitt forced her to have sex with him each time she lost a country. She also alleges that she was forced to give Leavitt oral sex at a party in Provo, Utah, where another unidentified adult smeared food on her anus and led a dog to her to lick the food off. She further alleged that David Leavitt and Rosie Hamblin raped her in the Hamblins’ Provo house.

Leavitt was not named by the Utah County Sheriffs’ Office as a person of interest or a suspect in the 2021-22 investigation of child rape, trafficking, and murder in Utah County, San Pete, and Juab Counties. The sheriff explicitly denied that the allegations in 2021-22 were connected to the 2013 investigation into Hamblin’s alleged abuse.


Victims, Victims, Victims Everywhere but with NO JUSTICE

The investigation into David Hamblin preceded David Leavitt’s time as Utah County attorney. In his capacity as the lead prosecutor in Utah County, Leavitt dismantled the Special Victims’ Unit that was tasked with investigating sex crimes. He was further implicated by his own prosecutors for dismissing criminal cases against his brother’s friend.

The friend in question had served an LDS mission with Leavitt’s brother, and was also a campaign donor.  Mark Steward Allen was charged with felony stalking, and David Leavitt removed prosecutor Lance Bastian from the case after Bastian refused to dismiss the charges against Allen.  Allen reached out to Leavitt through his brother, Mike Leavitt, who passed a binder full of information on the alleged victim to David Leavitt.

The 2013 allegations against David Lee Hamblin and other purported CS members (including David O. Leavitt) specifically reference polygamy. Girls within the CS were sealed to multiple men, raped by those men, and the women of the CS were exchanged by their husbands like chattel for sexual gratification. David Lee Hamblin allegedly had sex with his own sisters, Krii Tuttle and Suki Christensen, and David Leavitt’s wife (Chelom) allegedly participated in David Leavitt’s rape of the Hamblin daughters.


Keeping it All in the Family

David Leavitt’s wife Chelom Leavitt is a sex therapist.  She is an assistant professor in the BYU School of Family Life who focuses on “the variables that create healthier relationships.” This includes “being aware and present during sex” which “is associated with relational and sexual satisfaction.” The implications are staggering: a woman who is accused of being involved in the rape and sexual torture of children is an assistant professor at BYU specializing in human sexuality and relationships.

Chelom’s husband, David O. Leavitt, is an attorney and prosecutor, and her brother-in-law, Mike Leavitt, is a former governor in Utah with ties to both the Bush and Romney political networks. As with many LDS members who have been accused of abuse, the Leavitts are prominent members of a church with a history of covering up abuse claims and discouraging investigations into sexual abuse allegations against LDS members.

David Leavitt’s role in the CS is said to be that of “The Conspirator” in VS3. As such, his job would be to attack anyone who might present a threat to the CS, plant false information and evidence against those who oppose or threaten the CS. The role includes “send[ing] people to bug houses, send threats, watch, listen, and gather information” as well.


Playing Roll of “The Conspirator”?

Davitt Leavitt’s decision to pre-emptively call a press conference to deny the 2013 allegations against him in the dismissed Hamblin case takes on a new significance. By linking the present Utah County Sheriff’s investigation to the dismissed charges against David Lee Hamblin from 2013, David Leavitt would arguably be fulfilling his CS role as “The Conspirator.” His actions in disbanding the Special Victims Unit and reducing prosecutions while acting as County Attorney would also fit within this alleged role. His decisions to intervene in at least two cases where the defendants had a familial or employment connection to him and his family also fit within “The Conspirator” role.

David Leavitt’s attack on the victims in the 2013 Hamblin case is notable because he knew exactly who one of the victims was, despite her anonymity in police reports and the redaction of her name in the witness statement he referenced. He excoriated her as being “tragically mentally ill” and therefore unreliable as a witness and lacking credibility as an accuser. This is incredible for several reasons:

1. The victim’s name in her statement was redacted.

2. David Leavitt was not the Utah County Attorney at the time of David Lee Hamblin’s prosecution on 18 counts related to the abuse allegations.

David Leavitt appeared to know exactly who wrote the victim’s statement he referred to in his press conference, even though the author’s name was redacted. His pre-existing links to Webb, Green, and Hamblin, combined with his decision to inject himself into the Allen and Bowles cases only serve to increase the likelihood that the allegations in the victims’ statements are credible.


Yet, what appears to be conspicuously absent, in the reports, is any reference to, or information about, David and Chelom Leavitt’s children, especially their adopted children.  So, where are all of their adopted children and what is their adoption story?

Where there is smoke, there is fire!


Tom Fairbanks
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation









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* POP QUIZ: “Real Patriots” vs. “Rich Man North of Richmond”

Written By: admin - Aug• 15•23

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do

And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do


Last week Oliver Anthony has maybe a few hundred followers for his music.

As of the moment of this posting, Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men North of Richmond” as posted on YouTube has “only” 13 million views! Millions more when counting other platforms.

Talk about “viral”.  Anthony may have just redefined it.

Anthony has hit a nerve.  TRUTH.  People love it.  We’re attracted to it.

One man, out in the woods, playing his guitar, and singing from the heart has started a national patriotic FIRE that is still spreading.

The MSM (main stream media) is falling over themselves with heartless cynical “analysis” of the a genuine phenomenon they don’t understand.  For example, so-called “Reason.com” wrote:

Fun, Silly Anti-Tax Ballad ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Goes Viral for Some Online Reasons

If you don’t take Oliver Anthony’s surprise hit song too seriously, it’s a lot of fun. Regrettably, a lot of people are taking the song much too seriously indeed.

…Conservative personality Matt Walsh praised it for supposedly injecting some flesh-and-blood beauty into this sterile world. “The main reason this song resonates with so many people isn’t political. It’s because the song is raw and authentic. We are suffocated by artificiality,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.



This song has created quite the stir and lots of gushing within our family.  And the fire continues to spread.

People are trying to figure out how turn the newly ignited fire in their hearts into action — and how to become a newly reborn American patriot.

The following “Patriot” Pop Quiz may spark ideas AND help to figure who the real patriots are vs. the Patriot Wannabees”


The 21 Question “True Patriot” Pop QUIZ:

How to know you’re talking with a real American Patriot or at least true Patriot wannabe…

  1.   A true Patriot NEVER uses the term “Democracy” when talking about America and Freedom.
  2.   A true Patriot has read the Declaration of Independence.
  3.   A true Patriot has a pocket Constitution, has read and understands it.
  4.   A true Patriot understands the Law of the Land – which is the state & US Constitutions — and obeys them.
  5.   A true Patriot calls out anyone who uses the term “democracy” the moment they use it — and reminds them America is a Constitutional REPUBLIC.
  6.   A true Patriot has written, published and filed on the public record (county recorder) a personal or family Declaration of Independence.  (see sample at:  http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/happy-independence-day-do-you-have-a-family-declaration-of-independence/
  7.   A true Patriot has taken a solemn oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the united States against enemies foreign and domestic” – and can tell you when they took that Oath.  (Note: Being a government official is NOT necessary to take the Oath)
  8.   A true Patriot has run for public office and/or served on, and donated to Constitutionally worthy candidates and their campaigns.
  9.   A true Patriot regularly attends City Council meetings, and other government meetings.
  10.   A true Patriot has regularly delivered fliers door to door to inform his friends and neighbors about important local issues, candidates, City Council meetings, community celebrations, etc.
  11.   A true Patriot understands that despite taking the Oath of Office to defend the Constitution, they break their oath by acting as employees of the local city, county, state, federal which have all become “for profit” corporations, instead of FIRST protecting the individual’s God-given unalienable rights every single one of We the People.
  12.   A true Patriot understands that the courts are now “for profit” incorporated entities,  NOT acting under the Constitution, and instead are acting under Admiralty “slave” law.
  13.   A true Patriot understands that spending his money with Corporations ultimately finances quasi-government that endangers the freedoms of  ALL of the People.
  14.   A true Patriot is willing to intelligently, wisely, carefully, but BOLDLY stand up to ALL tyrannical, un-Constitutional actions by any government official.
  15.   A true Patriot respects the blood of fallen heroes enough to hold Oath-breaking officials responsible for trespasses and damages done to them by working to remove them from office AND Invoice for damages — knowing that they have NO IMMUNITY when they break their Oath “Contract with the People”.
  16.   A true Patriot is willing to die for his country/Constitution/fellow Patriot wannabe — and LIVES like he means it.
  17.   A true Patriot understands that FEAR is the main tool of the Devil, and that FEAR is a form of worship of the Devil that empowers him — and that the true Patriot will have NO FEAR because his only “fear” is an awe, reverence and worship of God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ who is the one true God of this Land.
  18.   A true Patriot, once learning that innocent children are being sex trafficked (as in the blockbuster movie “Sound of Freedom”), their blood harvested as “adrenochrome”, are victimized by demonic Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), and too often offered as blood sacrifices on altars to their loser god Lucifer — now does EVERYTHING within their power to RESCUE, HEAL and RESTORE these child victims to family safety — and brings swift, fair and appropriate Justice to the perpetrators.
  19. millstone    A true Patriot has determined that NOT ONE PENNY MORE of his money will go the federal government UNTIL indictments, arrests, prosecutions, trials, convictions and hangings for TREASON have been accomplished at the highest levels of government — or heavy millstones for those government officials discovered protecting & promoting pedophilia & child trafficking. (US Open Border policy)  This must take place in all three branches; Executive (White House), Legislative (Congress – both House & Senate), and Judicial (Supreme Court and on down).


  20.   A true Patriot understands that he must do his part to DEFUND the “for profit” US government INC. or he is part of the problem. This includes DEFUNDING the incorporated “alphabet agencies” like the FBI, CIA, EPA, NSA, NEA, DEA, etc., which has in both action and deed declared WAR on We the People.  The true patriot exposes anyone trying to hand over our Freedom (“sovereignty”) to international United Nations one world government, and that anyone who pays into that system is financing the destruction of our county, and has blood on their hands for whatever evil it does with that money and are now part of the TREASON.

  21.   A true Patriot understands that GOD is the sovereign Ruler of the Universe, and that God gave His great gift of Freedom and Unalienable Rights to Man, and that Man is the Master over government, servants. Patriots know that when government tyrants exceeds their limited Constitutional “Contract” in a “long train of abuses”, that as the Declaration of Independence says, it is the “right” of the People, and “it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”  Patriots understand that the penalty for the most serious Breech of Contract REQUIRES the penalty of Death by Hanging on the public square.

(see The Declaration of Independence, of 1776 at:  https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript)


And, now dear friends, THAT’s how you can learn for yourself if YOU qualify to be a Patriot or at least a Patriot Wannabe — or anybody else for that matter.


Thanks again Anthony Oliver

for setting the Nation on FIRE with TRUTH!


SONG Request:  Oliver, please write a new song about the “Repair Kit” below.  PLEASE Oliver!

REMEMBER: This “Repair Kit” is 100% Guaranteed to Restore Oath-keeping by Government “Servants”.  We owe this service to all those who sacrificed their own blood, and never came home, and were buried in far away lands — who fought and died for the Constitution they swore to protect.  No less should be required of those who destroy or selfishly profit while standing on their graves.


Hanging for treason - Government Repair Kit


It is 100% GUARANTEED it won’t take but a handful of high level government traitors from the White House, Congress and Courts, and each of the three-letter alphabet agencies (FBI, CIA, etc.)  to STOP corrupt government literally DEAD in its tracks.  The sooner, the better.  Consider the new Fairy Tale based on a true even in history which 100% Guarantees the INSTANT honesty and justice in the courts.  Hint:  Every judge should have his own “skin in the game”.  See the Fairy Tale at:  http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/100-guaranteed-to-insure-the-end-of-corrupt-judges/






Sadly, our nation has been systematically dumbed down, to make our destruction easier.

Our nation will not be saved in ignorance.  Knowledge is power. God promised…


“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,…:

seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God,

I will also forget thy children.”       – Bible: Hosea 4:6


God has said He will REJECT those who “reject knowledge”.  Yikes!  No one wants to be rejected by God, right?



Friends, it’s Time to GET “Knowledge” or be “forgotten” by God!

If you know that you need “knowledge”, but you don’t know where to get it, you might consider the following menu of Donation opportunities.   These liberty materials are designed to inspire respect for the sacrifices and freedom principles that were bled and died to found of this nation.

Note:  We are NOT in business to sell stuff and get rich.  But we are here to bless you with “knowledge” and educational materials — made possible accept your kind DONATIONS — so we can that may help you and your children NOT BE DESTROYED or FORGOTTEN by God.

Do your part to awaken yourself, your family and a sleeping People. It’s a WIN – WIN and WIN situation.

REMEMBER:  The People you AWAKEN to their God-given freedoms, may become the people who help SAVE the nation!


Click the DONATE button now!







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* Why would Home Land Security, Utah AG Reyes, and Utah County Sheriff cover for Leavitt?

Written By: admin - Aug• 14•23


Shortly  Non-English-speaking family was rescued by the Juab County Search and Rescue from David Leavitt’s cabin in October 2022, David Leavitt and his wife fled to Scotland and purchased the castle, which they have been talking about for the last twenty years.

IRA Investigates Leavitt’s Federal Connection

Over the past month, Investigations in Ritual Abuse received information from three separate sources that the Department of Homeland Security instructed the Utah County Sheriff’s Office to back off of their original target in the Hamblin case, none other than Utah County Attorney David Okerlund Leavitt. Despite Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith’s public assertions to the contrary, David Leavitt was the original and primary target of the current UCSO investigation into allegations of ritual abuse. Leavitt’s June 2022 press conference was allegedly spurred by his receipt of a 150 plus page victims’ statement from a reporter who asked him about the allegations within that statement.

The reality is that David Leavitt’s name appears in the police reports from the Provo Police Department’s 2012 to 2014 investigation of David Lee Hamblin as a person of interest. The original GRAMA release by the Provo Police is incomplete, in that it omits the sections of police reports referring to David Leavitt’s role in the allegations against Hamblin and the alleged LDS Church of Satan. Additionally, the Victims Statements clearly have omissions, as subject matter is missing between paragraphs. IRA has filed GRAMA requests with various law enforcement agencies to recover the omitted sections.

The sources IRA has spoken to are in agreement that David Leavitt was the target of the investigation, and that David Hamblin’s arrest was a strategic effort on the part of the UCSO and the prosecutors to potentially flip Hamblin on Leavitt. However, the Department of Homeland Security interfered and ordered UCSO to back off of David Leavitt as a target of the criminal investigation, and two of the sources reference David Leavitt’s work in Ukraine as the stated reason for DHS’s interference.

David Leavitt and his wife Chelom Eastwood Leavitt proceeded to purchase Knockderry Castle in Scotland for $1.4 million. The couple left the United States to remodel the castle, and they now have a blog entitled whatthehelldidwedo.com documenting their renovations of Knockderry.


WARNING:  Stealing a Someone’s Castle brings BAD KARMA

Knockderry Castle has its own sordid history, beginning with a disputed £230 bill its former owner, Marian Van Overwaele, claimed she had already paid. Over 22 years, Van Overwaele’s battle over that bill grew to a mammoth £1.4m in legal fees and outlays incurred by sequestration trustees, who had been put on the property when Van Overwaele’s £230 bill for property repairs had grown to £1,500, which triggered sequestration, or bankruptcy, under Scottish law. Her creditor, the property factor who had performed the repairs, put Van Overwaele and Knockderry into sequestration.

After 22 years’ worth of legal wrangling, the trustees involved in the dispute over the £1,500 sequestration amount incurred a staggering £800,000 in legal bills out of the £1.4m in legal fees and outlays they reported to the courts. Van Overwaele’s debts plus interest constituted a mere £52,000. Throughout the battle, Van Overwaele insisted she had paid the original £230 bill. She also claimed that there had been an ongoing conspiracy to take her property.

Knockderry Castle was said to be “unsuitable for secured lending in its current condition” due to the extensive repairs the property needed. David and Chelom Leavitt purchased it regardless, left the United States, and now reside in Scotland. They were able to depart the U.S. in part due to the direct intervention of Homeland Security in the UCSO’s investigation into allegations of ritual sexual abuse.

David Lee Hamblin is represented by Michael Petro and Leah Ashton, and Petro has ties to David Leavitt’s nonprofit, having served as a visiting criminal and constitutional law professor in 2006 and 2007 for the Leavitt Institute for International Development in Kiev, Ukraine. The question of who paid for David Hamblin’s legal fees is as yet unanswered, because Hamblin claimed that he could not afford to retain Leah Ashton and Michael Petro during his last hearing in Manti, while simultaneously indicating that he could pay for a private company to monitor his GPS and geofencing if he were to be granted bail.

In light of these developments, David Leavitt’s press conference put the UCSO on the defensive. Someone made Leavitt aware of the current investigation, and David Leavitt knew exactly how to color the investigation by referencing the 2012 to 2014 investigation against David Lee Hamblin. The present investigation does not involve Hamblin’s children, who have abstained from commenting to IRA and others who have reached out. The current allegations against David Hamblin originated from two entirely new victims. The male victim was a patient in Hamblin’s therapy practice. The female victim was the child of a family named in the 2012 to 2014 case as being members of the LDS Church of Satan.

By connecting the current case to the prior case against David Hamblin, David Leavitt managed to paint the UCSO’s investigation as part of the Satanic Panic. Leavitt also openly campaigned for Sheriff Mike Smith to be fired, an effort that was ultimately unsuccessful. David Hamblin’s attorneys are currently seeking records related to his daughters’ allegations against him, even though his daughters are not in any way affiliated with the present two cases. The reason is obvious: Leah Ashton and Michael Petro hope to muddy the allegations of the current two victims by connection those allegations to the 2012 to 2014 case against David Hamblin, which centered on his daughters’ accusations against him.

David Leavitt’s prior involvement with illegal adoptions related to James Webb, the disgraced owner of the Adoption of Center of Utah. According to the sources IRA spoke with, James Webb and David Leavitt had one other common connection: they both visited Ukraine. Ukraine has a long history of sex trafficking and adoption fraud. Leavitt used his purported relationships with Ukrainian government officials and businessmen to compel the chief of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe in Montana to fast track his illegal adoption of an Indian girl from the tribe.

A video interview of Leavitt discussing the adoption of the Indian girl was entered into evidence in a Homeland Security investigation into human trafficking. Leavitt also raised eyebrows when he took a 2022 trip to Ukraine for the purposes of finding 500 families an anonymous donor could financially support.

IRA will continue to investigate David Leavitt’s alleged involvement in human trafficking, sexual abuse, and his connections to the Department of Homeland Security. If you have any tips or information, please contact us @Goel1830 on Telegram. https://1830goel.substack.com/p/why-did-homeland-security-protect

Where there is smoke, there is fire!


Tom Fairbanks
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation




* Guess who Bought “Barbie & Ken” a Castle in Scotland?



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* For BUNDYS: Proposed “Notice of Breach of the Public Trust & Unlawful Imposition of Private Contract”

Written By: admin - Aug• 14•23

Patriot Friends are all around us.  We are not alone.

Two trusted friends offered this NOTICE for Ammon Bundy’s family consideration.

Good folks everywhere help their neighbors any way they can.  Thanks to Andy & Jeff for offering their proposed NOTICE of Breach of the Public Trust & Unlawful Imposition of Private Contract”.  (as a template – you change the words to make it your own)

Disclaimer: While CHCRG (this website) are not BAR attorneys, and cannot legally endorse the following NOTICE, it is offered to you and the Bundy’s — and is posted here for educational purposes only.

We the People – is made up of each of us.   We massively out number “them” — the Deep State.  Enjoy the education.  If everyone helps – the load is light.

Enjoy the education!




Ammon-Middle: House of Bundy

One of the people

Your Address Here [Zip]

Notice of Breach of the Public Trust/Notice of Unlawful Imposition of Private Contract

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal; Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Applicable to All Successors and Assigns

This document is presented in good faith and with honorable and peaceful intentions. It is not intended to harass, intimidate, offend, conspire, blackmail, coerce, or cause anxiety, alarm or distress.

August 14, 2023


COUNTY OF GEM? men and women acting for and in behalf of the Public Trust embodied in the Federal and State Constitutions.

ST. LUKES HEALTH SYSTEM, Ltd men and women acting as corporate officers of the same.

Addresses here

Notice of Breech of Public Trust

Requisite for officiating in a public office a solemn oath of fidelity to the Public Trusts known as the Constitutions (State and Federal) for and in behalf of the people (beneficiaries). I acknowledge and accept your mandatory Oath of Office, Bond and the duty you have assumed, to acknowledge and protect me, the man, Ammon, one of the people, from any infringement of my God given unalienable rights to life liberty and my pursuit of happiness as enumerated in the Declaration of independence, the Bill of Rights and embodied within the Constitutions of the United States of America and Idaho. A strict interpretation and application of the terms and conditions of these Trust Indentures is demanded. Any deviation from that oath will incur the liability outlined in the law and or consequences as outlined herein.

The founders of this nation assembled, for and in behalf of the people of their respective States/colonies, in their representative capacity declared that “We the People do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of America (a Public Trust Indenture) in order, among other reasons, to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. My ancestors, those ancestors having been represented by their duly elected representatives (Founders), were part of that group and this is my heritage and have claim to this and all derivatives therefrom. I therefore lay rightful claim as one of the posterity (people) to whom the “Blessings of Liberty” were thereby secured and therefore am I not one of the people? There appears to be a presumption that I am not one of the people. Let it be known unequivocally that I am one of the people, and that any presumption to the contrary is hereby rebutted. Is it not written, “A presumption will stand good until the contrary is proved.”? Further, I, Ammon, have been found by my peers to be living, of the age of majority, and competent to manage my own affairs.

The People (Settlors/Grantors) created the Constitution (a Public Trust) which granted certain enumerated powers from the People to the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches that these servants (Trustees), such as yourself, by oath, swear to uphold. These servants, such as Presidents, Governors, Sheriffs, Judges, Clerks, etc. (Trustees) are oath bound to perform their duties for the benefit of the People and their Posterity also known as people (Beneficiaries) from whom they received their power in the first place. All Power is vested in the People/people! Article 1 Section 2 of the Idaho Constitution states, “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit [beneficiaries] .” Is it not written, “The derivative power cannot be greater than the original from which it was derived. Noy, Max.; Wing. Max. 66; Finch, Law, b, 1, c. 3.”? As Trustee, by oath, do you not have a duty to protect me, the beneficiary, and my property? Is it not written, “Power cannot be delegated which the authority said to delegate never possessed itself. N.J. Steam Co. v. Merch Bank, 6 How. (47 U.S.) 344, 407.” Where and from whom did you get your power and authority to damage the beneficiary for whose benefit you are acting as Trustees? Did you not swear an Oath of fidelity to the Constitution(s) in behalf of the beneficiaries? It is said that the Measure of a man is the integrity of his word. Does your word (oath) mean nothing to you?

Article 1 Section 1 of the Idaho Constitution states, “All men are by nature free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing and protecting property; pursuing happiness and securing safety.” Does not the Declaration of independence state that all men are created equal and that God gave man dominion over all things? How did you attain an unequal and superior position over the man and beneficiary, Ammon that allows you, a Trustee to wield authority over him? Where in the Constitutions does it allow for you as Trustee of the Public Trust to convert a living, breathing, sentient man and one of the people, Ammon-Middle: House of Bundy into the fictional entity AMMON BUNDY? If there is a claim upon me, the man, one of the people, for trespass or harm against another man, then the law requires an affidavit sworn under pains and penalty of perjury asserting the same, and sealed by a wet ink signature. You are hereby given 10 days from the receipt of this Notice to provide such an affidavit or forever forfeit any right, claim, or remedy, without argument or demur, hold, possession, easement, appropriation, administration, control, use, charter, right, ability to tax, jurisdiction or claim on, over, or to the man and beneficiary, and one of the people Ammon-Middle: House of Bundy. Have you not violated your sworn duties to the beneficiaries, Ammon being one of those beneficiaries? Is not breach of Trust a most serious offense? Are you not warring against the constitution and the beneficiaries? Is this tantamount to treason?

Notice of Unlawful Imposition of Private Contract

Given the massive volume of legal documents issued to one AMMON BUNDY a name incompatible with “one of the people”, it appears that private corporations known as the COUNTY OF GEM? (Dunns #???????), and ST. LUKES HEALTH SYSTEM, Ltd (Dunns #832676899), and perhaps others, are attempting to get me, the man and one of the people, Ammon-Middle: House of Bundy, to commit perjury by using a name that could not belong to me as I did not create it. Is the man Ammon-Middle: House of Bundy the same as AMMON BUNDY? Who is this AMMON BUNDY character anyway and who owns that name? Is this not the crime of personage and is there also not barratry going on here? Furthermore, based on the nature of the demand for money, as well as terms and conditions, there appear also to be elements of conspiracy, extortion, and racketeering present. (Punishable under state and federal criminal law 18 USC 241 and 242 etc.) Are not both COUNTY OF GEM? and ST. LUKES HEALTH SYSTEM, Ltd Corporations operating in commerce as evidenced by the Dun and Bradstreet numbers mentioned above? How can fictional corporate entities have standing to sue a man and one of the people in whom in all power is vested? Is it not true that the only way these corporations can interface with the man and one of the people is via a contract?

Please note: “Governments descend to the Level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen…where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned. … For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.” – Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 (1942) “When governments enter the world of commerce, they are subject to the same burdens as any private firm or corporation” — U.S. v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242 See: 22 U.S.C.A.286e, Bank of U.S. vs. Planters Bank of Georgia, 6L, Ed. (9 Wheat) 244; 22 U.S.C.A. 286 et seq., C.R.S. 11-60-103

I know of no contract that the man and one of the people Ammon-Middle: House of Bundy, has with these corporations nor does he wish to contract with them. Ammon’s law is the Holy Word of God known as the Bible, and his right to live, work, and move absent harm against another sentient being has been decreed by God and is supported by divine law. Is a corporation a living, breathing sentient being?

The Trustee(s) (judges and court officers) appear to be giving standing to a fictional corporation at the peril of one of the people and beneficiary, Ammon, who is of the House of Bundy, in violation of their solemn oaths. By what authority does any corporation through any instrumentality, absent a fully disclosed mutually agreed upon contract, impose rule over any peaceful self-sustaining man speaking the truth as God gave it to him? Furthermore, where is the damaged party who has sworn an affidavit under pains and penalties attesting to the same? What possible damages could amount to $52 million? Is this not an attempt to enforce unjust enrichment? Additionally, it appears these corporations, in concert with one another, are attempting to silence and subdue the man, one of the people, Ammon, of his God-given right and duty to speak out about possible crimes that are being committed. Is it not written, “It is not just and proper that he who speaks ill of a bad man should be condemned on that account; for it is fitting and expedient that the crimes of bad men should be known.” Dig. 47, 10, 17; 1 Bl. Comm. 125.

When Ammon discovered St Luke’s corporate crimes in collusion with CPS, would not failure to speak out have been misprision of felony. Is it not criminal for those in position of public trust to fail to investigate when accusations are made and prosecute when crimes have occurred? Is it not a common practice for Child Protective Services (CPS) to remove children from their parents under the guise, real or imagined, of protecting the child, placing them in foster care, and then collecting fees from the Social Security Administration? Does not the enabling act of the Social Security administration, forbid children from being removed from the parents without the parent’s permission? It appears that St Luke’s was in collusion with CPS to take baby Cyrus from his parents against the wishes of the parents. It appears that all adversarial parties are working to protect and obscure child trafficking and defrauding the Federal Government under false pretenses. Are these not criminal acts that should be investigated? Should not the “whistleblower” be protected and extolled for demonstrating tremendous courage by bringing this matter to public attention instead of being sued and silenced and subdued, aided by the very trustees that should be protecting him? Is it not written, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” KJV Mathew 18:6


Have not COUNTY OF GEM? officials, including the Sheriff, breached the Public Trust, and have not the same committed Trespass against me? For this trespass and Breach of Trust, do I not, and should I not, have claim upon their bonds and is not this breach of the public trust a form of treason?

Anyone with a valid claim against the man, one of the people, AmmonMiddle: House of Bundy is given ten (10) days from the date of this notice to come forward and state a claim, under oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury, or forever forfeit any right, claim, or remedy, without argument or demur, hold, possession, easement, appropriation, administration, control, use, charter, right, ability to tax, jurisdiction or claim etc..

All mailings fictitiously addressed to AMMON BUNDY, not my proper name, will be regarded as improper mailing and will be returned to sender as unacceptable mail per 18 USC 1341-1342.

Silence is Acquiescence and Dishonor. “When circumstances impose duty to speak and one deliberately remains silent, silence is equivalent to false representation.”Fisher Controls International, Inc. v. Gibbons, 911 S.W. 2d135 (1995).

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven.”

Ammon-Midlle: Bundy verifies, ordains, establishes, executes, signs all contained herein this _____ Day of August in the Year Two-thousand twenty-three.


State – Idaho )

) Jurat

County – Gem? )

Before me, _____________ a Notary appeared AmmonMiddle: House of Bundy this ________ Day of _________, 2023 and affirmed to me that he executed this Notice of Breach of the Public Trust/Notice of Unlawful Imposition of Private Contract.


Notary Public











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* BUNDY HEROES: Won despite Triple-Jeopardy – NEW Wooton II Memo = more PROOF of Innocence

Written By: admin - Aug• 14•23

NEW: Wooton II – more Whistle-blower PROOF of Innocence – and Damning evidence of DEEP STATE Government TREASON.

Could this explain Ammon Bundy’s recent arrest while at HS football fundraiser banquet?

LATE BREAKING:  Ammon Bundy released from Gem County Jail after posting bond following weekend arrest.  



EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell New Whistleblower Document Reveals Multi-Agency Criminal Conspiracy To Spy On Atlend Entrap Law Abiding Americans


Finally, There’s Proof.


(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — Bombshell new documents have recently come to light revealing how the U.S. Government illegally spied on and entrapped citizens during the 2014 “Bundy Ranch Standoff,” and beyond.

The document, which was authored by Larry Wooten, a former Special Agent with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), reveals the terrifying extent to which the Federal Government is willing to go to ensnare patriotic Americans who stand up to government overreach.

Wooten first made waves in 2017, after sending an 18 page whistleblower document (available in full here) to Washington State Representative Matt Shea chroniclinga widespread pattern of bad judgment, lack of discipline, incredible bias, unprofessionalism and misconduct, as well as likely policy, ethical, and legal violations among senior and supervisory staff at the BLM’s Office of Law Enforcement and Security.”

This document directly led to dismissal of the case against Cliven & Ammon Bundy and several people involved with the 2014 “Standoff” because BLM and FBI agents “shredded documents at dispatch,” withheld “texts and emails that make officers look unprofessional,” and omitted evidence during the trial that proved the innocence of the Bundy family and their supporters.

At the time of the document’s release The Oregonian reported that:

“Wooten accused Dan Love, the former special agent-in-charge of the cattle roundup for the Bureau of Land Management, of intentionally ignoring direction from the U.S. Attorney’s Office and his superiors ‘in order to command the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale and militaristic trespass cattle impound possible.’

“Wooten said he learned from other agency supervisors that Love had a ‘Kill Book’ as a ‘trophy,’ in which he essentially bragged about ‘getting three individuals in Utah to commit suicide,’ following a joint FBI-BLM investigation…”

Not mentioned in press reports at the time was how BLM Special Agent Love referred to the Bundy’s as “retards,” “red-necks,” “douche bags,” “tractor-face,” “idiots,” “in-bred,” and that he:

“sent photographs of his own feces and his girl-friend’s vagina to coworkers and subordinates. It was also reported by another BLM SAC that former BLM SAC Dan Love told him that there is no way he gets more pu$$y [sic] than him.” (p. 64)

Now, thanks to a recently released FOIA request originally made by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch Inc., 252 new pages of Wooten’s whistleblower evidence and testimony are now public, and the contents of this document are damning.

The Document, which is being called Wooten-II expands on allegations made in his 18 page memo, and details the tactics used not only against Bundy Ranch protestors, but also outlines the ongoing warrantless “military style” surveillance operations and “social media misinformation campaigns” being conducted by the Federal Government against U.S. Citizens.

These never before publicized surveillance operations are detailed on page 120 of the new Wooten document.


Corrupt Judicial Quadruple-Jeopardy “JUSTICE”?

Friends, the corruption at the highest levels of government.  Three times the Feds tried to convict the Bundys — in violation of “double-jeopardy”  — and lost all three times and were chastised by the judges for their corruption.
The DEEP STATE players are still furious?  They cannot allow a nobody (Ammon) defeat their multi-million dollar power grabs.  THEY MUST MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF AMMON.


More and more of Government Gone Wild!

It is as if they’re saying, “We’re the government.  We’re in control.  You have no rights.  And you will SUBMIT, or YOU WILL BE DESTROYED.”
No wonder that an apparently demon possessed St. Luke’s hospital CORP has apparently being used to finally “get” Ammon Bundy.
PRAY for the Bundys.  Pray for the Brunsons.  Pray for us “Barbie & Ken” Cromar from right here in Cedar Hills. We lived 7 houses away from Loy in Cedar Hills, before had to flee for our lives.

And now, from Honest Journalism – to MSM propaganda

In the following article they label Ammon a “Far right activist”?   No.  Isn’t the Constitution the “Dead Center” of the Law of the Land?  That’s where ALL patriots stand – dead center on the Constitution — just like ALL government “servants” swear to do in their Oath of Office.



Ammon Bundy released from Gem County Jail after posting bond following weekend arrest

Story by Gabe Barnard, The Idaho Statesman

Ammon Bundy posted $10,000 bond at the Gem County Jail early Sunday, releasing him from custody after his arrest Friday night in Emmett.

Bundy posted bond at 1:30 a.m. Sunday, a Gem County Sheriff’s Office sergeant said in a call with the Idaho Statesman.

The far-right activist was arrested at a fundraiser for his son’s high school football team on an outstanding warrant for contempt of court. An Ada County district court judge issued the warrant in April after Bundy violated an order not to harass or intimidate witnesses in a civil lawsuit filed against him by the St. Luke’s Health System.

Bundy did not respond to a voicemail left on his cellphone by the Statesman Sunday afternoon requesting comment about his arrest.

For complete story…https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ammon-bundy-released-from-gem-county-jail-after-posting-bond/ar-AA1fdZ1M


Back to real journalism – The Idaho Tribune concludes with the following:

Ultimately, Wooten’s document paints a picture of a multi-agency criminal conspiracy to spy on law abiding Americans, commit crimes and fraud on the courts, and now, its publication opens the Federal Government up to new litigation from every single person who was wrongfully imprisoned at the Bundy Ranch Standoff.

When new information surrounding a case comes to light, it restarts the clock on the statute of limitations.

The Idaho Tribune is still processing all of the information in this new document, and more reports on the contents of this document will be released in the coming days.

In the meantime, you can read the entire document below, and you can support our work by subscribing or donating to our outlet.


PLEASE read the ENTIRE Idaho Tribune and see if you don’t think this article worthy of “Pultizer” level and other award consideration.  If you can, please consider making a donation to them for journalism brilliance.











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* When Will Utah County Actually Protect the Abused Children?

Written By: admin - Aug• 13•23

Just Playing Politics?

More Media Discrepancies in the State of Utah

There were multiple news reports about the arrest on August 9, 2023 of Roselle Anderson (Hamblin) Stevenson, “Rosie”; who was accused last year of ritualistic child sexual abuse dating back to the 80s claim that her ex-husband David Hamblin, who was previously charged in September 2022 multiple felony charges of rape and sexual abuse of a child.

Many news agencies inaccurately reported that David Hamblin was in jail without bail.  A report dated March 22, 2023 by Investigations in Ritual Abuse (IRA) stated, David Lee Hamblin’s attorney, Leah Aston, argued that the State had not presented clear and convincing evidence in either the earlier American Fork hearing or today’s hearing that David Lee Hamblin constituted a current danger to the community or a threat to the victim or the community. 

Juab County Attorney Ryan Peters then proceeded to do just that, presenting the following:

  • Evidence that David Lee Hamblin had administered peyote to a 16-year-old girl at one of his healing circles in 2020.
  • Evidence from Hamblin’s Custody Hearing in his divorce case, in which the court found by clear and convincing evidence that he had sexually abused two of his daughters.
  • Proof in the form of Hamblin’s own confession to abuse of patients in his therapy practice, for which Hamblin lost his license to practice psychology.
  • The American Fork case, which details allegations of a more serious nature than those in the Manti case.
  • Hamblin’s ongoing use of peyote and his administration of peyote to children, including the fact that he had a history of administering peyote to children, including all four of his daughters, plus the 2020 16-year-old.

Judge Larson found that the State had carried its burden of presenting substantial evidence of David Lee Hamblin’s guilt, but that evidence was not sufficient to establish that he was a current danger to the two victims in his present cases or the wider community.

It is entirely likely that Hamblin knows, and his accomplices know, who he abused over the past forty years. It would have been a prudent tactical move to mention this, given that Peters also said there was at least one other victim whose case would be brought in the future. Sources have informed IRA that the Utah County Sheriffs have a list of twenty perpetrator names they are investigating.

Given that your average pedophile has anywhere from 150 to 180 victims over their lifetimes, the extrapolation would indicate that at minimum, the Hamblin CS group being investigated by the UCSO has at least 3,000 victims. Given that many of those named in the original Hamblin allegations from 2012-2014 are licensed therapists who treated children, and they are in their sixties and seventies, that number is likely higher.

In the end, Judge Larsen blew right past the 2020 allegation to rule that the State had failed to establish that David Lee Hamblin was a current danger to the victim or the community. Her chief concern appeared to be avoiding any ruling that would overrule or undercut Judge Griffin, who she repeatedly took great pains to show deference to throughout her hearing and her ruling.

Judge Larsen ordered bail of $100,000 cash or bond for David Lee Hamblin, with the following conditions:

  • GPS monitoring and geofencing to ensure that Hamblin does not leave his residence except to attend meetings with his legal counsel.
  • Home confinement.
  • The surrender of his passport and passport card to his attorneys.
  • The surrender of any medical marijuana card and prescription.
  • Abstinence from drugs, including peyote and marijuana, as well as alcohol.
  • No contact with the victim.
  • No contact with anyone under the age of 18, including no minors in his home.
  • No criminal violations other than minor traffic violations, which presumably might occur while Hamblin was in transit to meetings with his attorneys.

Even though six months have elapsed since Hamblin’s arrest, Aston claimed that the defense has not received the complete discovery file. This is despite the fact that both victims have requested a speedy trial, which they are entitled to under the Victims Bill of Rights in Utah. There is simply no conceivable excuse for the prosecution to have failed to turn over the complete discovery file six months after Hamblin’s arrest in either case, because the essential allegations and much of the evidence is clearly already assembled.   https://1830goel.substack.com/p/david-hamblin-gets-bail


Utah County Sheriff Office and Other Officials Involvement?

The 50-man FBI team who stormed the home and orchestrated the assassination of 75-year-old Craig Robertson, hours before Joe Biden arrived in Salt Lake City, looks eerily similar to the 75-man SWAT team who stormed Barbie & Ken Cromar’s home to forcibly remove the 57-year-old grandmother, Barbie. Check out the video footage at: https://youtu.be/L9-XhokiqW4



The claim that Robertson had threatened a President of the United State doesn’t line up with the alleged facts that have been presented through the media including the suggestion, “No doubt others will look to him (Peterson) as a martyr,” made by former US Attorney John Huber who clearly is  promoting the assassination attempt narrative.  https://www.deseret.com/2023/8/10/23827335/fbi-utah-shooting-provo-biden-threats-social-media-maga-trump

John Huber, Sheriff Mike Smith, David Leavitt, and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, each have a documented history of corruption, abuse, and excessive force in the case of Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath IRS.   https://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/flashback-example-of-good-journalism-abc4-tells-both-sides-of-75-man-swatstory-fairly/  



SMOKE  = “F.B.I. agents”?     &

FIRE  =  Utah County Sheriff & Deputies?

The fact remains, if there was actually an assassination threat made against Joe Biden, the Secret Service would be the agency with jurisdiction, yet news reports specifically claim that it was the FBI who breached the home belonging to Robertson. However, my sources indicate that the majority of the team members were actually from the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, which is consistent with UCSO’s presence in the 75-man SWAT team who removed grandma Barbie from their home. Not everything is as it appears, and Where there is smoke, there is fire!


Leavitt & Smith & AG Reyes play politics at while Children are being Abused?

Utah County Attorney David Leavitt, who was vying for re-election, said on June 1, 2022 following the reopening of a decades-old case naming Leavitt in allegations of ritual child abuse claiming Sheriff Smith was making a political attack.

Leavitt called for a review of the case and of Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith, one day after Smith’s office announced an investigation of reports of ritualistic child sexual abuse that occurred in Utah, Juab and Sanpete counties between 1990 and 2010.

The vague announcement from the sheriff’s office doesn’t name Leavitt. Rather, Leavitt was the one to confirm he’s named in a victim statement contained in hundreds of pages of police investigative reports he said are tied to the investigation.

Leavitt said the investigation is tied to a case that was dismissed in 2014 and said an outside review could ferret out whether Smith dug up old documents for political reasons.

As for the timing of the news release, Smith said the investigation got to a point where his employees believed there were other victims and wanted to gather information from them.

Smith would not name any suspects or confirm Leavitt was connected to the current investigation.

“I believe that Leavitt is using his authority and his pulpit to bully, distract and mischaracterize the facts of an ongoing investigation,” Smith said.

Leavitt said he only learned that a witness statement tied to the 2012 investigation contained disturbing allegations against him and his wife.

“I learned that my wife and I were part of those allegations, alleging that we were guilty of cannibalizing young children and murdering young children.” He vehemently denied them.

Leavitt noted that prosecutors filed charges against one man roughly 10 years ago but said the case was subsequently dismissed “because the evidence was so outlandish and so unbelievable.”

Leavitt said the man ultimately charged in connection with the allegations was his neighbor for a time and someone he knew from church. Leavitt said he testified against the man at a divorce proceeding because he believed the man to be a danger to his children.


EVIDENCE?  Just READ the Horrifying 151-pages of Victims’ Statements

Leavitt provided copies of a 151-page document labeled as a “victim statement” that describes the alleged crimes in detail. The statement names Leavitt and more than a dozen others as part of a group that practiced ritual sexual abuse of children.

Leavitt called the report “151 pages of utter baloney” and described the woman who reported the allegations to authorities as “tragically mentally ill.”

While Leavitt mentioned cannibalism and murder, Smith said the investigation is focused on ritualistic child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking. The sheriff’s office investigation began in April 2021, and their digging led them to similar crimes that investigators believe took place between 1990 and 2010 in Utah, Sanpete and Juab counties.

Smith said his deputies are working with the sheriff’s offices in Juab and Sanpete counties, along with the Nephi and Provo police departments and the FBI to investigate. An FBI spokeswoman confirmed the agency is assisting in the effort.

Since asking for anyone with knowledge of the alleged crimes to come forward on Tuesday, the sheriff said at least 20 people have gotten in touch to say they were either victimized or know someone who was.

Leavitt, a Republican, was elected county attorney in 2018. He and the sheriff’s office have previously sparred over Leavitt’s decision to dismantle the Special Victims Unit in the county attorney’s office. They’ve also been at odds over Leavitt’s plans to move away from offering plea deals in favor of more trials and prosecute fewer low-level drug crimes.


Is anyone in Utah County Really Trying to Protect the Children?  Or, is it a Hunter Biden-styled DOJ Cover-up?

However, a prosecutor made a motion to dismiss charges of child rape and sexual abuse “due to trouble getting discovery to defense counsel,” according to court records. The case was dismissed without prejudice, meaning it can be refiled at a later date. Now that the case has been refiled a similar pattern has emerged. There is simply no conceivable excuse for the prosecution to have failed to turn over the complete discovery file six months after Hamblin’s arrest in either case, because the essential allegations and much of the evidence is clearly already assembled.   https://ksltv.com/494626/utah-county-attorney-calls-for-outside-review-of-sheriff-over-ritual-child-abuse-investigation/

Clearly there is something that those in power from the Utah County Attorney, Utah County Sheriff, Utah State Attorney General, and former US Attorney John Huber, do not want out in the light of day.

Where there is smoke, there is fire!


Tom Fairbanks
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation






Was it “a Barbie & Ken MIRACLE” in Cedar Hills in 2020 at the DANGEROUS 75-man SWAT?

In light of this latest example of “Government Gone Wild” event in Provo, Utah where a 75-year old virtual cripple is murdered  by “FBI” in Utah County — we, “Barbie & Ken” Cromar AGAIN declare they consider our survival of the quasi-military 75-man SWAT a miraculous Divine intervention, that somehow saved their lives.  

The Cromars believe the promoters of the 75-man SWAT — including County Attorney David Leavitt working with Sheriff Mike Smith — anticipated two dead bodies under sheets in front of Barbie’s Dream House.  

Is someone disappointed they did NOT get the result they paid for with their 75-man SWAT?


* BREAKING: 75-year-old senior citizen, with limited mobility, shot dead by “FBI agents”








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* BREAKING: 75-year-old senior citizen, with limited mobility, shot dead by “FBI agents”

Written By: admin - Aug• 10•23

Major Media Distraction in Provo, Utah


The news headline out of Provo Utah shows what the media would like you to believe was an assassination attempt on the “Pretender in Chief,” Joe Biden. “FBI agents” stormed the home of a 75-year-old senior citizen, with limited mobility, and shot him to death. Craig Robertson allegedly made statements on his social media pages, which we have been told, were considered to be threats against a President of the United States.

CBS News reports reported it was told by law enforcement sources that the man engaged FBI agents in a gunfight when they tried to serve a warrant. News sources also reported that Joe Biden arrived in Salt Lake City on Wednesday afternoon stating Senators Lee and Romney will not visit with the president during his trip to Utah, Gov. Spencer Cox’s office has confirmed he will greet Biden at the airport and will also attend Thursday’s VA event. https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/biden-set-to-make-first-visit-to-utah-as-president

“Neighbors described Robertson as the “teddy bear” of their neighborhood congregation. They say he was “barely mobile” to the point where he would drive to church, which is hardly 200 yards away from his home. He was known, they said, for his talent as a woodworker. He would let neighbors borrow his tools, and build intricate coffee tables, rocking chairs and more. Neighbors said he would occasionally make “off-color” political remarks, but nothing that sounded violent. Some neighbors were surprised to learn the specifics of his Facebook posts, and said that his online persona was different from the man they knew.”   https://www.deseret.com/utah/2023/8/9/23826196/fbi-shooting-provo-utah-one-dead

The timing of the threats against Joe Biden and the subsequent death of Robertson appears to be suspiciously timed distraction as a media event to obscure other breaking news in the State of Utah as the ex-wife of Utah former therapist, David Hamblin, who has been accused of ‘ritualistic child sexual abuse’ was arrested.


The Obscured News in the State of Utah

Roselle Anderson (Hamblin) Stevenson, an LDS church member in Utah; who was accused last year of ritualist child sexual abuse dating back to the 80s was arrested on a related charge Wednesday, August 9th. Roselle is the daughter of renowned LDS scholar Richard Lloyd Anderson and granddaughter of Gerrit de Jong, who is the namesake of LDS apostle Gerrit Gong.

Roselle “Rosie” Stevenson was arrested and charged with a sex crime – one felony count of sodomy on a child on August 9, 2023. A judge has ordered that she be held without bail. Rosie Stevenson was booked into jail on one count of sodomy on a child, a first-degree felony, for an offense against a girl under age 13, in an incident that happened 30 years ago. The incident occurred in Spring City, Utah in or around the year 1994.

This case is directly related to charges that were previously filed against David Hamblin. In September 2022, Hamblin was arrested for multiple felony charges of rape and sexual abuse of a child as the Utah County Sheriff’s Office (UCSO) was investigating a ritualistic child sex abuse case.

According to FOX investigative reporter Adam Herbets, investigators say David Hamblin forced a child to perform oral sex on Rosie Hamblin and according to KUTV, a female victim came forward to the Utah County Sheriff’s Office in April 2022 and told investigators that she was sexually assaulted on her 13th birthday by David Hamblin at the Hamblin home in Spring City. Rosie Hamblin was allegedly involved in the abuse on that occasion.

FLOODLIT.org has obtained the police probable cause affidavit in this case, dated 2023-08-09:

Detectives with the UCSO Special Victims Unit said the alleged crimes and sex trafficking occurred between 1990 and 2010 in Utah, Juab, and Sanpete Counties. Their investigation began in April 2021 and “discovered that other victims had previously reported similar forms of ritualistic sexual abuse and trafficking,” according to a previous UCSO press release.

In this investigation several victims have come forward to report being sexually assaulted by the defendant. This investigation has been going on for more than a year with several different witnesses, suspects, and victims, from all over the state of Utah and further.

In the police probable cause affidavit in Stevenson’s case, the “husband of that time” was David Hamblin. Rosie and David Hamblin are both alleged to have taken part in ritualistic sexual abuse of multiple children over a period of multiple years.

The victim in this case (who is currently 42 years old) reported being sexually assaulted by the defendant and her husband of that time, from the time she was six years old until she was approximately 12 or 13 years old. In one incident she described being taught by an adult female and adult male, whom she identified as the defendant and her husband, how to perform oral sex on a female.

“The victim reported this occurred at a home in Spring City, Utah, that was owned by the defendant and her husband at the time.

“The defendant and her husband took the victim into a bedroom where the defendant stripped nude and got onto her bed.

“The victim was then forced to get onto the bed and forced to perform oral sex on the defendant.

“The victim recalled the defendant sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard and her legs were spread.

“The victim was then forced to lay between the defendants’ legs and to perform oral sex on the defendant while her husband gave the victim instructions.

“The defendants’ husband told the victim to “lick everything,” and to suck on the defendants’ labia.

“The victim described what she saw, describing the defendants’ nude body in detail, and the noises the defendant made during this incident.” https://floodlit.org/a/a636/

KSLTV.com reported in June 2022, former Utah County Attorney David Leavitt asked for an outside review of the investigation after the Utah County Sheriff’s Office named him in the case. Leavitt also asked for Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith to resign. The now defeated Utah County Attorney David Leavitt is residing and renovating (hiding out) his recently purchased castle in Scotland having been assisted by Homeland Security in his departure from the US.    https://ksltv.com/575904/ex-wife-of-former-utah-county-therapist-arrested-in-connection-to-ritualistic-child-sex-abuse-case/

Where there is smoke, there is fire!


Tom Fairbanks
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation





Additional research and related stories….

* UTAH COUNTY: Ritualistic child sex abuse investigation “continues” – Leavitt associate Roselle Hamblin arrested



Government Gone Wild again?

Victim of FBI murder – his body was left on sidewalk for two-hours – distressing locked-down neighbors


Glenn Beck – 1.5 million subscribers


EDITORS NOTE:  In light of the latest “Government Gone Wild” event in “Barbie & Ken’s” own Utah County — they AGAIN declare they consider their survival of the quasi-military 75-man SWAT a miraculous Divine intervention that somehow saved their lives. 

We. “Barbie & Ken” Cromar believe the promoters of the 75-man SWAT — including County Attorney David Leavitt working with Sheriff Mike Smith — anticipated our two dead bodies under sheets in front of “Barbie’s Dream House”.  

Did somebody not get the result they paid for with their 75-man SWAT?




* BREAKING IRA REPORT: “Why did Homeland Security Protect David Leavitt?”



* COMING SOON: “Sound of Freedom” & Justice for Utah Pedos, Human & Sex Traffickers, and Satanists







* WW3 – World War Wicked! – #4 – Five Police “Brutally Murdered” Young Patriot Chase Allan at “Traffic Stop” Ambush at Post Office





betrayal traitor



Is it too late to save America?

do you believe in miracles






* UTAH COUNTY: Ritualistic child sex abuse investigation “continues” – Leavitt associate Roselle Hamblin arrested

Written By: admin - Aug• 09•23

Roselle “Rosie” Hamblin arrested today.

Affidavits regarding couples David & Chalom Leavitt and David & Roselle Hamblin’s documenting pedophilia, trafficking, kidnapping and Satanic Ritual Abuse have long been in the hands of the Utah County Sheriff.

Today’s arrest of Roselle Hamblin, while considered progress, is long overdue.  And, the question regarding her former husband David out on bail seems soft considering the crimes described by their own three daughters in the Affidavits.



Posted at 1:49 PM, Aug 09, 2023
and last updated 4:47 PM, Aug 09, 2023

UTAH COUNTY, Utah – Nearly one year after a former Utah County therapist was arrested as part of an ongoing child sex abuse investigation, his ex-wife has also been arrested.

Roselle “Rosie” Stevenson was booked into jail Wednesday afternoon on one count of sodomy against a girl under age 13. A judge has ordered that Stevenson will be held without bail.

Police say the incident occurred in Spring City in 1994.   [Editor Note: This was documented in affidavits FOIA-ed and released to the public months ago. “Sodomy” is the least of the crimes documented. See below.]

Stevenson is the ex-wife of former therapist David Hamblin, who was arrested on multiple charges including rape of a child, two counts of sexual abuse of a child and three counts of sodomy on a child.

Stevenson’s case is directly related to charges previously filed against David Hamblin and are part of an ongoing investigation involving sexual abuse of children in Utah, Juab and Sanpete Counties during the 1980s and 1990s.

Earlier today, the Utah County Sheriff’s Office made its second arrest in the David Lee Hamblin case, picking up Hamblin’s ex-wife Roselle Stevenson. Multiple law enforcement sources have confirmed this, and Fox’s Adam Herbet has tweeted it out. IRA will report more details as they become available. Sgt. Spencer Cannon, the Public Information Officer for the UCSO, was unable to confirm or deny the reports. However, other sources have confirmed that UCSO has arrested Roselle Stevenson, formerly known as Roselle Hamblin, maiden name Anderson, in the ongoing criminal investigation of David Lee Hamblin and his alleged accomplices in the ritual sex abuse investigation.

For complete article see Fox 13 article at… 




Based on GRAMA-requested  (Utah’s version of F.O.I.A.) Affidavits — previously posted here on this Cedar Hills website — it appears that the Utah County Sheriff’s Dept. in coordination with AG Sean Reyes appeared to use the known evidence long enough to have political effect against David Leavitt – then Utah County Attorney who challenged Reyes’ AG job, and who prosecutor of “Barbie & Ken” Cromar including the 75-man SWAT — and have Leavitt voted out, while getting an AG Reyes staff attorney Jeff Gray elected.  But then they seemingly dropped the ball.

It’s particularly odd, that Leavitt and wife Chalom show up prominently in affidavit testimony by the three Hamblin daughters, but then — despite our November 2022 challenge to AG Reyes to “Either Indict or Exonerate Leavitt by Christmas”.   Instead, they did NOT indict him while in office (more severe crime), but rather let him finish out his term and then apparently flee to Scotland, where they now literally live in a castle!


* Guess who Bought “Barbie & Ken” a Castle in Scotland?


WHO is really protecting the children?

Who really cares about the innocent children?  Who is prosecuting, convicting and locking up for life sexual predator Satanists and their blood sacrifices including humans — and getting them off the streets to protect Utah children — sending the message “NEVER again in Utah”? 

Not Utah County “law enforcement”.  Not the Utah AG office.

A made for TV “Perp walk” giving the appearance of law enforcement, to publicly embarrass old friends/associates, does not appear to be genuine Justice. If it’s all for show and the criminality is not punished under the law, the real crimes amongst these former friends / associates seems to be swept under the rug — and thus protecting all the deeper more sinister crimes.  Think the Hunter Biden sweetheart deal, that was designed to embarrass him, but in reality was designed to protect Hunter from ever being prosecuted again for the greater crimes.

Fortunately, that “sweetheart deal” fell apart in real time in a court room in front of an intelligent, justice minded judge wouldn’t allow the injustice.


We NEED a Tim Ballard-type to help

Clean-up our own Utah County!

Read the affidavits for yourself.  But WARNING – The testimonies are explicit and could cause distress for the reader.

* COMING SOON: “Sound of Freedom” & Justice for Utah Pedos, Human & Sex Traffickers, and Satanists

* WARNING: Statements by three Sisters – Victims of Child Sex & Satanic ritual abuse EXPOSED

 The facts do NOT add up for the Leavitts, AG Reyes, Sheiff Mike Smith and the Hamblins.

Utah’s children deserve better!





See related FOX 13 story from October 2022 here…


First arrest made in Utah County ritualistic child sex abuse investigation

Posted at 11:13 AM, Sep 28, 2022
and last updated 12:16 AM, Oct 03, 2022

UTAH COUNTY, Utah — The Utah County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a suspect in an ongoing ritualistic child sex abuse investigation.

Former therapist David Hamblin, 68, was previously charged with 18 counts of sexual assault. He was taken into custody Wednesday morning and booked on the following:

  • 3 counts of sodomy on a child
  • Rape of a child
  • 2 counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child
  • Lewdness involving a child










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