* BRUNSON BROTHERS update: Raland’s case dead – Loy’s case now in Circuit Court

Written By: admin - Apr• 07•23

…Next Stop the Supreme Court of the United States  v. 2

Wednesday, April 5, 2023, Loy Brunson successfully filed his case at the Tenth Circuit Court (Denver) and has a new case number 23-4042.
Loy’s case orginally began the Brothers’ march towards the Supreme Court, but the US District Court bogged down and stalled his case.  That’s when Raland volunteered to basically refile the same case, and to their surprise, Raland’s cases move swiftly through the “Denied” process smoothly and got to the Supreme Court first and became a nationally famous case #22-380.
However, that case is now officially “dead”.  “Coincidentally” Loy’s case got it’s delayed “denial”, and hence was able to file his appeal to the Tenth Circuit April 5th.
As found at Brunson Brothers SCOTUS telegram page at: 
This puts Loy’s case one step closer to the Supreme Court.
Now with an official Tenth Circuit Court  then sets the stage for his RULE 11 Emergency Appeal to SCOTUS on the 388 Oath-breakers who unlawfully Certified the 2020 election and shall be removed from office.
Raland Brunson’s case being DEAD is not a bad thing.  Raland’s case provided a great trial run (pun intended – haha) and created opportunities to learn various nuances of how to tweak to process into a winning Appeal to SCOTUS as a national emergency.

USC 18 § 2382  – Misprision of treason

WE, Barbara & Ken provided a KEY argument they’ve added under USC 18 § 2382. Misprision of treason, which SCOTUS won’t hear their case, by statute – would mean that SCOTUS is in a state of TREASON.


Oath-Keeping Champions of Freedom  – OR –  Traitors to the Constitution.


The question before the SUPREME COURT still stands:  Do we have a functioning United States Constitution protected from “enemies foreign or DOMESTIC” by SCOTUS Justices, or not?

If the Brunson Brothers’ case is NOT heard by SCOTUS, we will know that that court is LOST, and that the Justices should be subjected to charges of Treason, arrested and be prosecuted and if convicted, pay the ominous but appropriate penalty — death by hanging.







The Mystery of the 17th – Israel’s escape from Slavery

Written By: admin - Apr• 06•23

April 6, 2023

Passover begins on the 15th day of Nissan  (Representing Israel’s escape from Slavery) and ends on the 22nd day of Nisan.

The Mystery of the 17th

The day that Noah’s ark touched the earth again is on the 17th of the 7th month. But you will see, in Exodus 12:1 the Lord changed the Israelite’s calendar. What had been the 7th month since creation was now to become their 1st month. To this day the Jews have these two calendars (usually known as the civil and religious calendars). So, the 17th of the 7th month (when the ark came to rest and a new life dawned for Noah and his family) is exactly the same day as the 17th of the 1st month (called Nisan) in the religious calendar. So, what is significant about this day then?

New birth and the feast of first fruits

There are a surprising number of key events in Israel’s history that occurred on this exact date. The 17th day of Nisan (the first month in the religious calendar) is a very key date associated with resurrection! Here is a list of the events that occurred on this day:

  • Noah’s ark comes through the waters and rests on the earth for the first time bringing new life to Noah and his family on the 17th day of Nisan.
  • The feast of firstfruits (symbolizing new life) would occur on the first Sunday after Passover (Passover was on the 14th of Nisan (Exodus 12) so any time this falls on a Thursday, the feast of firstfruits was on the 17th day of Nisan).
  • Israel came through the Red Sea on the 17th day of Nisan having left at Passover on the 14th. For them this was death to their old life (with the drowning of the Egyptians) and resurrection to a new life in God on the 17th day of Nisan!
  • The manna which had fed the nation of Israel for the 40 years in the wilderness stopped on the 16th of Nisan and from the 17th onward Israel feasted on the new grain of the promised land (Joshua 5:10-12). This again is a picture of the new life that came on the 17th day of Nisan!
  • The death sentence hung over the entire Israelite nation as their sworn enemy, Haman, had convinced the king to sign a decree to destroy them (Esther 3:1-12). The decree went out on the 13th day of Nisan (Esther 3:12). Esther then proclaimed a three day fast (Esther 4:16) for the 14th, 15th and 16th. On the 3rd day (Ester 5:1) Esther approached the king saying to herself ‘If I perish, I perish!’ (an attitude of death or resurrection… it’s in God’s hands!) On the 17th Nisan, the tables were turned on the enemy Haman and instead of the Jews being destroyed, his own life was taken!

Events leading to the greatest 17th….

Now I’m sure you will agree that God has placed some key ‘resurrection’ type events on the 17th day of Nisan. All of these were of course but a small picture of the greatest event that would occur on this day… the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

If you read the Exodus 12 passage mentioned earlier, you would have noticed that God told the Israelites to take a spotless lamb on the 10th day of Nisan and to inspect it up until the 14th day of Nisan where it would be killed in the Passover sacrifice. The 10th day of Nisan, in the week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, was Palm Sunday. It was on this day that He presented Himself to the Israelites as their Messiah to be openly adored and worshiped. On Thursday the 14th day of Nisan, in direct fulfilment of the Exodus 12 passage, the true Passover lamb was slain for your sins and mine.

The greatest 17th by far!

  • Before crossing the Red Sea on the 17th day of Nisan, it looked like it was all over for the Israelites. The whole Egyptian army was bearing down on them and they were utterly trapped. And yet, in the face of death, God brought resurrection life to His people and death to their enemies!
  • Before going to the king unannounced, it looked to Esther and the rest of her people that Haman’s evil decree would bring the death of the Jews. And yet, it a twist of fate, the 17th day of Nisan came and it was Haman himself that faced the gallows and was defeated!
  • With the death of Jesus all looked lost to His disciples and followers. Their Messiah was dead! The one they had placed all their hope in was gone. And yet strange events in the sky and in the temple at the time of His death gave a flickering hope that the end of the story had not yet come! The disciples, being Jewish, knew that God had told Moses that the first Sunday following the Sabbath after Passover would be the feast of Firstfruits. (See Leviticus 23:9-14). It was on this day that they were to offer to God the first fruits of the harvest. And yet, even the disciples didn’t see that God was starting a new ‘first fruits’ on this day, the 17th day of Nisan. A ‘first fruits’ of those that would be raised from the dead! Read again the events that happened on that great day!

Luke 23:1-8 ‘On the first day of the week (17th day of Nisan), very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!  Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:  ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.” Then they remembered his words.’


1 Cor 15:20-23 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.

  • Like the defeat of the Egyptians and the death of Haman on this same day previously, this Sunday morning (the 17th day of Nisan) saw the resurrection of Jesus and the defeat of Satan! Death had been turned into life and defeat into victory! (See https://jesusplusnothing.com/series/post/genesis8)

Is 17 Another Coincidence?

President Trump was Indicted on March 30th (10th Day of Nisan in the week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. Similar to Palm Sunday where the people recognized Jesus as their leader)

The Epoch Times: Trump Raises Over $4 Million in 24 Hours Since Indictment – Is this a similar acknowledgement of who the people believe their leader is?

This is not an indictment of a crime—there was no crime—instead, this news is the indictment of a failed nation. President Trump is promising to peacefully end the war in Ukraine, dismantle the deep state, and save our country by putting America first. For that, the political elites and powerbrokers have weaponized government to try and stop him. They will fail. He will be re-elected in the greatest landslide in American history, and together we will all Make America Great Again.” …Trump Team – False accusations from the political leaders. – Sound familiar?

This Nation Under God shall have a new birth of freedom – and government of We The People, By The People, For The People, shall not perish from the Earth.”…Trump Database, Telegram Fri. 31 March

The Entire World Economy Could Collapse at Any Moment, Gregory Mannarino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c3-KFvS7K8

The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial institutions. Governments have been trying to foist this on the people. Revolution will be the result. This is why unprecedented unrest is overtaking France, Germany, Pakistan, Israel and many other places.

This financial crisis will inevitably lead to the collapse of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS and most international financial institutions as well as many governments.

The World appears to be weeks, days, or perhaps hours away from a Global Financial Collapse, Nuke Scare & activation of the Emergency Broadcast System worldwide 10 Day Lockdown & Blackout that carried with it, Diana-JFK Jr.-Caroline-Michael Jackson Come-backs. The EBS- Emergency Broadcast System will run for 72 hours (3 days) to inform the peoples of the world about these changes.

Clearly, there is a lot happening at this very moment. But I can’t help wondering what might just happen between now and the 17th day of Nisan (April 6th)? God has a miraculous way of turning the tables. NCSWIC – WWG1WGA


Tom Fairbanks
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation






* One word… F A M I N E ! * – and a WARNING for our Cedar Hills friends

Written By: admin - Apr• 05•23

by CHCRG Editor and former Cedar Hills Councilman and victim of weaponized lRS – Ken Cromar


Please forgive me publicly sharing a very personal, sacred and clear message received one early, early morning in about January 2022 — about 14+ months ago — well before it was talked about publicly.  I didn’t think I would ever be sharing this, but it now feels important to do so.

Anyone who has ever received a heavenly message knows that it’s sacred — so much so — that it’s too hard to find words to explain — but you just KNOW, and cannot deny when you hear a heavenly “whisper”.  It permanently changes you.

In this case, it came in the form of one word….

F A M I N E !


Though it was only one word, the meaning to my heart was significantly more and dripping with significance.  If you have ears and heart to hear — you too may understand it’s meaning.  You too will do what you can to act now — while you can.  There is a deep darkness and starvation coming.

I would humbly and earnestly invite all readers to do whatever it takes to plant a garden this Spring — in the next few days.  Even if you have to cut off the tops of 1 gallon plastic milk jugs, fill them with soil, and grow a few seeds from your kitchen window.

There is a beautiful connection to God to be made through eating the fruits / vegetables that result from working in harmony with His soil, seed, and sunshine.  And delicious too.

May God bless you and your garden this Spring!




A Second WARNING Message — Specifically for Cedar Hills, Utah

Literally six months later, at around 7:00 pm on Thursday evening June 30, 2022 Cedar Hills experienced a strange, strange heavy rain storm.

The exact time and situation is unforgettable to me personally because it was the 4th evening of a five-day FAKE trial – with a FAKE judge Christine S. Johnson – and a DISHONORABLE Utah County prosecutor Jared Perkins, who coincidentally unbeknownst to us lives in Cedar Hills, and was NOT interested in insuring JUSTICE, who had withheld requested exculpatory Brady material he was required to give, convinced the judge to NOT allow us to present our winning lawsuit against the commissioner of the lRS to the jury, and committed other oath-breaking acts of malicious prosecution and Abuse of Process, etc., in his pursuit of a win-at-all-cost kangaroo court orchestrated by him under the direction of a ousted County Attorney now David O. Leavitt being investigated for years of pedophilia, human trafficking, and potentilly Satanic Ritual Abuse.  That judicial farce was declared a “mistrial” (by us and the “public defender” who quit) two weeks before the so-called “trial” officially began even before  started June 27, was to end the next day July 1, 2022.

Nope.  I will never forget this exact day or circumstance.  It is forever etched into my mind & heart.

I was stressed and exhausted by 4 full days of grueling court injustice in front of a 8-person jury.  The next day was to be the jury’s decision on the case.  I just had to get out on a run, but the rain was pelting down hard.  It was relentless and wouldn’t stop, so I ran anyway along a bike path along a canal that runs along the southern edge of the Cedar Hills boundary.  On the way back towards Cedar Hills I was shocked to see that this strange storm was ONLY over Cedar Hills.


Highland and Alpine are seen on the bright far left, and Pleasant Grove in the bright area to the right.  Cedar Hills fills the dark area in the middle.  American Fork is to the South behind the photographer (me).

There was no thunderstorm over Highland City to the west, Alpine City to the north, American Fork or Pleasant Grove to the south.  I was in shock.  Pouring down ONLY over Cedar Hills!  (Note: This had happened only once before in our 30 years – a story for another time.)

There was a message that came in that shocking moment.  It is too personal to share.

However, it now feels right to share that the second message was, “…And there will be a retribution in Cedar Hills.”   Amongst other thoughts came the idea that someday there will be extensive damage, suffering and even death on Cedar Hills’ east bench (running north & south) via earthquakes and related debris flow and slides.  I dare say no more.  I took these two pictures right where I stood on the path.



However, it will be noted here for the record that while I was a city councilman from July of 1994 to January 2000, I think it was sometime in 1999 that a geological survey study was commissioned to determine if it was safe to build homes along the steep east bench at the foot of  Mahogany Mountain / a national forest.  The substantive (1″ thick report as I recall) made it clear there were numerous areas where it would be dangerous to build any homes whatsoever.

However, when I retired from the Cedar Hills City Council, I later learned that another geological study was commissioned.  When it came back it was only 14 or so pages as I recall — very light on substance, but, as the then mayor Brad Sears characterized it, “Well, this geological study doesn’t say specifically that we should not build in these areas on the hillside — so we will.”

The hillside proved incredibly profitable and density and special deals ultimately ended in a HUGE financial mistake in our City being convinced by deceitful profitability studies that a golf course would be immensely profitable at $400,000 per year.  When in fact for many years the golf course needed $580,000 per year to stay open — sucked from the Cedar Hills taxpayer.  That’s almost a one million dollar difference.

I no longer have copies of those geological studies because our home was falsely stolen from us through identity theft, and a weaponized lRS — and all of our possessions were either stolen OR discarded in one of 7 or so large long dumpsters with most all of our worldly possessions.  My copies of the geological reports are in some landfill somewhere.  If you care to read them they can be GRAMA requested (Utah’s version of F.O.I.A.) — and please send me a copies please?

Additionally, much later an avid golfer land developer Mike Geddes ran for Council and while on the council received / receives unlimited FREE golf, and also managed to get the zoning changed on land he bought on the same hillside directly east of the Fire Station where there are a remarkable FOUR overlapping earthquake fault lines.

How he managed to apparently convince the various city officials to support him in getting the zoning changed I can only guess — because there are now a number of homes stacked in terraces of super high and steep cinder block walls, which IF and when an earthquake comes  — is clearly a DISASTER waiting to happen.

Now THAT’s the most expensive kind of unlimited FREE golf for government employees and friends, that I’ve ever heard of.


What will be the result of Government Golf Graft?  And other PARASITES?

How many homes will be destroyed?  How many lives will be destroyed?  How many will die?  All just so a few elitists could get unlimited FREE golf and make a bunch of extra money — all off the backs of and at the expense of the people of Cedar Hills?  Only God knows.

My stomach was sick with the understanding that came.  I felt no desire to see this happen, in fact, there was, and is, a yearning to be no where near this event when it happens — and to be far, far away.

May God protect and bless the good people and all victims of corrupt elements of Cedar Hills government.










Expose’ on Many Soros-linked Prosecutors around the Country – plus SPECIAL REPORT

Written By: admin - Apr• 05•23
George Soros

Map shows how many Soros-linked prosecutors there are around the country — and how many have been removed


The United States has 70 prosecutors in office linked to left-wing billionaire George Soros after 12 left office last year.

A map from the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund shows the prosecutors scattered across the country. Over the past year, 12 were defeated in elections, resigned, departed, or were removed, such as in the case of Andrew Warren, who was directly removed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).



A report from the group found that Soros-linked prosecutors oversee 20% of the U.S. population, including half of the country’s most populous cities, but more than 40% of all murders.  [CHCRG Editor Note:  Please find this IMPORTANT report below – download it and share it with your local Sheriff and County Attorney and state AG.  Also, as usual, all memes are NOT from articles but added as commentary by CHCRG Editor Ken Cromar] 

Soros poured $40 million into getting his candidates elected, many without any previous prosecutorial experience. In 10 races alone, he spent $13 million, by far the biggest spender in the race, and with some candidates constituted 90% of campaign funding. The funding was directed through affiliates, pass-through committees, and “shell corporations,” according to the report.


Two of his most notable candidates are controversial Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx, on whom he spent $2 million and who manages the second largest prosecutorial office in the country, and New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg, on whom he spent $1.1 million. Bragg recently gained the national spotlight for bringing the first criminal indictment against a former president in U.S. history.


George Soros and his Minions have young patriot Chase Allan’s BLOOD on their filthy Hands

The Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund – group who produced the following REPORT (referenced in paragraph #3 above) are to commended for their Expose below.  “Defund the Police” is the wrong attitude.  However, there are bad cops who willingly or accidentally make mistakes — as in the “Brutal Murder” by 5 Farmington Utah police who unloaded their weapons into a 25 year old, law-abiding patriot Chase Allan wherein THEY created a problem that they “solved” (for their police chief? others who had a case against them by the Allans in federal court) by killing the young man.
Cedar Hills’ own “Barbie & Ken Cromar vs. Goliath lRS” (Ken was a Councilman from Jun3e 1994 to Jan 2000) were hit by a 75-man SWAT that we have reason to believe was a weaponized lRS indirectly connected to George Soros & his demonic Southern Poverty Law Center.
If there is an evil somewhere in the world – George Soros is likely near by funding it through his army of Satan’s “useful idiots” willing to also trade their souls for power, glory, sex, influence, etc.  BTW, all of whom sell their souls CHEAPLY and who will in eternity suffer immensely for their temporary “happiness”.  The scriptures teach us, “Wickedness never was happiness.”
The men in blue should be respected and honored — but ONLY after each officer proves he is honorable.  ALL others are parasites that must be eradicated through charges of TREASON, and MiSPRISION OF TREASON.
We here at CHCRG support ALL honorable police who actually “serve and protect”, and look forward to help all noble effort like those of the LELDF in this report to ROOT out evil from within “law enforcement” — especially that of Lucifer Inc. LLC’s favored minion CFO George Soros.
The above are highlight pages 1, 2, and 10.
The full PDF of this special report is here….
For our recent CHCRG expose’ on Soros please read….

* WW3 – World War Wicked! #16 – ZERO George Soros – World’s Most Sinister Villain & Biggest Threat to Humanity



* WW3 – World War Wicked! #25 – OFFICIAL: US Dollar is DEAD! – While you were sleeping America fell off Cliff

Written By: admin - Apr• 01•23

Our arrogant, corrupt Government Officials have finally done it!

Last night, while we were all sleeping, a simple little news story was published… “End of the Dollar: India Uses Rupees Rather Than US Dollars for International Trade – 18 Countries Agree to Trade in INR” at TheGatewayPundit.com .

The Federal Reserve — a foreign international Banking cartel — (which is neither “federal” nor does it have any “reserves”), has finally finished its 110-year sucking America dry of its wealth — all done under our noses while we were sleeping.  Wake-up!  We are now officially BROKE and just starting a financial FREE-FALL.

And with the death of the dollar, the nation’s LIBERTY is next on the chopping block.

Are you ready?


The HIROSHIMA Financial Atomic Bomb has been DROPPED!

It seems appropriate that this series of 25 postings under “WW3 – World War Wicked!” end with this historic posting.

You may say, “Didn’t you mean Nuke?”  No.  A nuclear bomb is much worse than a atomic / hydrogen bombs.  Unfortunately, the NUKES are still coming.

Next up? 

MASSIVE INFLATION, which experts have warned will be far, far, far worse than the “Great Depression”.  Be wise with whatever resources you now have.  How you spend what you have now may very well determine if and how you and your family survives.

What does this mean?  Soaring prices.  Food shortages.  Gas shortages.  Famine.  Disease.  Gang wars.  Etc.

Too dramatic?  Conspiracy theory?  Nope.  Students of history knew this was coming, and they also know what’s coming — unless something dramatic happens to save us.

Jesus said, “Fear not.”

Are you ready?  It is certainly coming.  Have you planned to planted a garden this Spring yet?  It’s time!







End of the Dollar: India Uses Rupees Rather Than US Dollars for International Trade – 18 Countries Agree to Trade in INR

End of the Dollar: India Uses Rupees Rather Than US Dollars for International Trade – 18 Countries Agree to Trade in INR

Here’s the news story….

Following the US Federal Reserve’s sharpest tightening in monetary policy in decades, India has offered its currency as an alternative for trade to nations that are experiencing a shortage of dollars, Bloomberg reported.

As a result of Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies, there are now coordinated efforts to weaken the global reliance on the U.S. dollar

India’s new foreign trade policy took effect on April 1, according to Reuters.

The outlet reported:

The South Asian nation is prepared to trade in rupees with nations facing a shortage of dollars so as to “disaster-proof” them and effectively boost its exports, Commerce Secretary Sunil Barthwal told a news conference in the capital, New Delhi.

The measures include industry-specific targets to reach a goal of $2 trillion in exports of merchandise and services by 2030, said Santosh Kumar Sarangi, head of the directorate-general of foreign trade (DGFT).

That represents a nearly three-fold jump from expected exports of $770 billion in financial year 2022/23, he added, despite global uncertainties that make the export scenario slightly challenging.

India is also launching a new amnesty scheme for one-time settlement of defaults on export obligations, Sarangi said.

The scheme, which aims for faster resolution of trade disputes, will run until September 2023, but will not apply to cases involving fraud investigations.

India’s new policy will also automate some trade approvals and cut charges for medium-sized and small businesses to secure some government-backed benefits.

Bhagwat Karad, India’s minister of state for finance, said that the Reserve Bank of India had approved the opening of special rupee vostro accounts (SVRAs) of correspondent banks from 18 countries in 60 separate cases.

The countries include Botswana, Fiji, Germany, Guyana, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Oman, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United Kingdom.

Also, according to a senior Russian official, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are in the process of developing their own currency that will be presented at the organization’s upcoming summit in South Africa.

Below is recap of countries stepping away from reliance on the US dollar in the last few weeks:

  • Saudi Arabia enters trade alliance with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and four Central Asian nations to step further away from reliance on the US dollar.
  • China and France complete first LNG gas trade using Chinese Yuan, ending reliance on the US dollar for energy trades.
  • China and Brazil to settle trades in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar.
  • Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) are developing a new currency, State Duma Deputy Chairman says.
  • Saudi Arabia partners with China to build a Chinese oil refinery for 83.7 billion yuan ($12.2 billion).
  • Kenya signs deal with Saudi Arabia and UAE to buy oil with Kenyan shillings instead of US dollars.
  • President of Kenya tells citizens to get rid of US dollars.
  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations considers dropping the US dollar, euro, yen, and British pound for local currency financial settlements.




Today’s Gold & Silver Prices – April 3, 2023




Every American will Understand very Soon

First step is to understand what the above story means, and why this day is a landmark that will be remembered as one of the worst days in American history.  More details are provided in the Zerohedge story below.  These news stories seem boring, right?  However, very soon EVERY AMERICAN will understand who, what, when, where and why this day came.

Start making a list of the evil culprits.  That should list should become the arrest list.  That’s the prosecution list, and if convicted for the financial TREASON that it also the list of individuals who should be publicly hung on the steps of state capitol buildings across the nation.

The federal level crime hangings should be on the US Capitol steps.

In the case of White House level criminals, it would be appropriate for the High Treason that those hanging take place on the White House lawn.

As WARNED by former Rep. Ron Paul – who was IGNORED year after year after year as he BEGGED Congress to audit “the Fed”.  It never happened.  The US government drove the dollar off the cliff in slow motion with yearly deficit spending beyond existing budgets.  (Too often with kickbacks, bribes and treachery — as with the Biden Crime Family’s decades of government grifting — including the payoff of “winning” the 2020 election — so China’s interests could be furthered — which is the destruction and submission of America to Beijing as their slave.








Warning: Inflation is About to Explode Higher Again…

by Phoenix Capital Research
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 – 5:54

By Graham Summers, MBA


OPEC shocked the world by announcing oil production cuts of 1.6 million barrels per day starting in May.

This is a big deal for inflation.


Because as I have noted previously, the ONLY inflation data that had come down in the last 12 months was in energy prices. And that was due to the Biden administration dumping 250 million barrels of oil in the open market while OPEC was maintaining its regular production rates.

See the data for yourself… literally everything but energy prices and used car prices continues to rise…


For the rest of this story, which includes numerous graphs, etc, please see…




For research & videos on Sound Money vs. Federal Reserve paper see below…



SOUND MONEY: Utah’s 2011 Gold & Silver Success!



* BABYLON is Falling #3 – Tucker Carlson: W.E.F. – World Economic Forum Exists to Destroy National Economies?








* WW3 – World War Wicked! #24 – NO JOKE – Only April Fools pay Federal income taxes they don’t owe

Written By: admin - Apr• 01•23

On this April Fool’s Day 2023 the questions must be asked…

Do you support the EVIL your government does in your name and with your tax money?


Does paying federal income tax you don’t owe, that then pays for the murder of the unborn via abortions — leave blood on your hands too?


The Restraints on Taxation

“The privilege of giving or withholding our moneys is an important barrier against the undue exertion of prerogative which if left altogether without control may be exercised to our great oppression; and all history shows how efficacious its intercession for redress of grievances and reestablishment of rights, and how improvident would be the surrender of so powerful a mediator.” 

Thomas Jefferson: Reply to Lord North, 1775. Papers 1:225




What is it you REALLY know about federal income taxes… ?


The best one is the amazing 2-min TEASER #2 of 5 below:


#1 of 5 — How the secret takeover of the American government began:


#2 of 5 – Former IRS agents who quit because… !   This one is the BEST.


#3 of 5 – People have been brainwashed to believe that taxes are needed to run the government


#4 of 5 — Includes then Congressman Ron Paul explaining who owns the Federal Reserve


#5 of 5 — Edwin G. Griffen – author of Creature from Jekyll Island



For the full feature PLEASE watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNNeVu8wUak


Were you ready for the dose of TRUTH?

How do you feel about how your country and freedom were stolen from you and your children — and that you PAID them to do it?








* WW3 – World War Wicked! #23 – NO JOKE – Free speech joker faces 10 years for “trolling” Hillary

Written By: admin - Apr• 01•23

It may be April Fool’s Day but…






Social media ‘troll’ convicted of election interference for posting misleading memes

The Justice Department announced Friday that a jury convicted social media “troll” Douglass Mackey over internet memes posted during the 2016 presidential election.

Legal experts raised concerns about the trial of the 33-year-old Mackey, who posted under the alias “Ricky Vaughn 99,” earlier this year on First Amendment grounds. The Department of Justice indicted Mackey in January 2021, claiming he conspired “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person … in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution.”

“Between September 2016 and November 2016, Mackey conspired with other influential Twitter users and with members of private online groups to use social media platforms, including Twitter, to disseminate fraudulent messages that encouraged supporters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to ‘vote’ via text message or social media which, in reality, was legally invalid,” the United States Attorney’s office in the Eastern District of New York said in a release.

Mackey faces up to 10 years in prison.


“Mackey has been found guilty by a jury of his peers of attempting to deprive individuals from exercising their sacred right to vote for the candidate of their choice in the 2016 Presidential Election,” United States Attorney Breon Peace said in the release.

“Today’s verdict proves that the defendant’s fraudulent actions crossed a line into criminality and flatly rejects his cynical attempt to use the constitutional right of free speech as a shield for his scheme to subvert the ballot box and suppress the vote,” Peace continued.

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.



Can you say we’re in pre-WW2 Nazi Germany?

Can you say FBI & DOJ are Biden’s Gestapo?

NOPE – because if you do – you might face 10-years in Federal prison!






Tucker Carlson weighs in on this…..






18 U.S. Code § 2381 – TREASON






The solution is SIMPLE.

Any questions?

It may be April Fool’s day – but NO joke.




* WW3 – World War Wicked! #22 – NO JOKE – “I Changed My Mind About God – Here’s Why”

Written By: admin - Apr• 01•23

Laughter can be the BEST medicine.

And with our world so sick and getting sicker by the day, we need MORE medicine!!

Is there a science to the art of comedy?  YES!  The best comedy is based TRUTH.

The Bible gives examples of when to laugh and when not to laugh. The Bible also gives us the strength to be able to laugh at the wicked.

“The wicked plot against the godly; they snarl at them in defiance. But the Lord just laughs, for he sees their day of judgment coming”   (Psalm 37:12-13)


AwakenWithJP (JP Sears) has “only” 2.83 million subscribers.  MANY people have laughed with JP.  What a talent.

But Mr. Sears takes a twist with the following as he shares his evolution and genuine feelings towards God.  Deeply sincere but he can’t help but do it with laughs.  Enjoy…


CLICK above to play.



Not even wiki can do much harm… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JP_Sears

JP Sears loves takes Sacred Cows (especially leftist insane cattle), slaughter and barbecue with high heat burning them to a crisp!

Here’s a few of our TRUTH based favorite gut-busters….























* WW3 – World War Wicked! #21 – HEROIC Shasta County Cancels DOMINION Voting Machines Ron Gibson on LAND PATENTS – with Kate Dalley

Written By: admin - Apr• 01•23

Congratulations to Shasta County

THANKS for leading the way in returning to the PROVEN vote hand count

For decades elections have been safely, effectively, and honestly counted on paper ballots.

The counting and election winners were often identified and announced by the 10:00 pm TV news.  Rarely did it take until morning.

Everything from start to finish was basically done in one day.  People TRUSTED elections.  Not anymore.

Shasta County boldly and bravely decided to step back, return to paper ballots, hand counting, and RESTORATION of trust of the PEOPLE in honest elections — and turn away from proven fraud, election counts that suddenly stop in mid-count and when they start back up suddenly the front runner (example:  Trump in 2020) and the loser (Biden) positions magically swap.

We’ve had many questionable elections in Cedar Hills.  Much has been reported on this website www.CedarHillsCitizens.org specifically to fight corruption and questionable elections.  Do a search

Read all about the Shasta County success AND Share with your City, County and State leaders.  Help encourage them to see if they too can grow some courage….







Shasta supervisors elected with Dominion machines opt to hand-count ballots in local races

Damon Arthur

Redding Record Searchlight


Driven by distrust in the election process, Shasta County’s Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted to scrap machine counting ballots and go back to hand counting votes during elections.

Tuesday’s decision affirms the board’s action in January to break the county’s contract with Dominion Voting Systems and develop a process to tally votes by hand.

The board did not vote on whether to replace Dominion.

The board’s vote directed the county elections department to develop a process for hand-counting ballots rather than using machine tallying, which has been employed for decades.

“The fact remains that these proprietary systems, without us looking into them, there is no trust for me. And most Americans, the majority of Americans, do not trust these machines,” Board Chairman Patrick Jones said.

 To read the complete article see…





GOAL:  To END Vote Fraud and Stolen Elections

If any news organization deserves the RIGHT to tell this news story it is Mike Lindell’s FRANK SPEECH.  This man has poured millions of dollars of his own money into investigating the various states election counts in 2020.  He has provided solid proof of election tampering — but the DEEP STATE has blocked him, the facts, the proof, the affidavits.  He has continued to help Arizona Governor candidate Kari Lake with legal help to get her election properly investigated.  They are now WINNING the process to secure investigation via AZ Supreme Court.  THANK YOU Mike Lindell!

Thanks Mike for this story….


Shasta County, CA Dumps Machines and Goes to Paper Ballots







Additional reading from our archives on Cedar Hills’ questionable elections…


City’s Policy of intolerance, nepotism, & election manipulation – like it or “Move out of Cedar Hills!”



CH Recount: Vote results changed again, again, and again… TIE!



RECOUNT – Press Release / Open Letter to CH Voters from Candidate Crosby



An open letter to The Gygi, Augustus, Rees Campaign



Press Release – Vote Recount Requested






* WW3 – World War Wicked! #20 – China’s global quest found unlikely friend in Utah

Written By: admin - Mar• 31•23

From Backward China, to Friend, to Trading Partner, to goal of Communist Chinese Global Control and crushing of America…


BYU Lamanite Generation performing group during national tour of CHINA in 1982 at Temple of Heaven – Ken Cromar (blond) 4th from right on front row.


In 1982, while a student at BYU in film production, a roommate in a cultural performing group was in need of Tech Crew members who could travel to China.  I volunteered to help.

Back in 1982, we were only the third BYU performing group to visit China, and back then, with little TV (two channels I think), our Lamanite Generation (Native American, Latino, and Polynesian) cultural performances aired each night, making us “national celebrities” of a sort.


BYU Lamanite Generation performing group walking streets in CHINA 1982 – Ken Cromar (blond) second from right in background


China was a VERY backward country in 1982.  The billboards at the city center round-abouts sold not Coke or Pepsi, — but rather tractor parts!!

I guess we played a part in helping to open up China to a “modern world”.  Utah’s roll was new in ’82, but now it appears to have evolved in an “interesting” manner.

The two articles highlighted here are a contrast; the first reminds of China’s CCP leadership’s diabolical objective to subject America to them!, and the second highlights UTAH’s unique connection to China.

For example, our former Utah Governor John Huntsman had served a Chinese speaking mission, and then went on to serve as Ambassador to China under Obama.  Now China seems intent on killing off our military aged youth with fentanyl poison Biden allows to cross the border and kill tens of thousands of young American — of course AFTER getting his golden YUAN parachute!

You decide who China was, is now, and if they’re buying up and controlling our politicians — and even influencing the 2020 election (reported by DNI John Ratcliff) — and which has resulted in the last two years of the systematic destruction of America by our own government — with out ever firing a shot.



But don’t be fooled.  Those Chinese gunshots are very likely coming to America — and may be even prophesied in Isaiah.

So, China went from backward “brother” who had just sacrificed 45 million of its own people to the cause of Communism — to friend — to partner — to now killing our youth with fentanyl poison — as they seemingly prepare to eventually come in and take over our country.

BTW,  Communism has NEVER worked.  It has always made great promises, but has ALWAYS resulted in the heartless suffering, starvation, and death in the name of “equality” — for it’s elite few on the backs and blood of the people.









Wake Up America: Communist China Is our Enemy

AP Photo, File

Befriending the World’s Greatest Mass Murderer

In 1972, President Richard Nixon visited mainland China, opening the door for diplomatic relations between the two countries. It was a dramatic visit, as Nixon became the first United States President to visit the communist nation.

Nixon met with Chinese dictator Mao Zedong, who is considered the world’s greatest mass murderer. During the “Great Leap Forward,” between 1958 and 1962, over 45 million Chinese were killed of starvation, torture and other barbaric methods.

After Nixon opened the door to better relations, President Jimmy Carter formalized diplomatic relations in 1979 and adopted the “One China” policy, ending normalized ties with the independent and free country of Taiwan.


Real Freedom has Never Developed in China

In 1989, the Tiananmen Square massacre showed the world what the communist Chinese really thought of freedom. An unknown number of student demonstrators were brutally killed. While the United States and other countries froze relations and ended military sales to China, no concrete actions were taken to stop their oppressive policies.

During the Bill Clinton administration, Chinese efforts to steal our military technology were finally recognized, but the country was not penalized for their actions. In fact, they were rewarded by the United States normalizing trade relations and allowing China to join the World Trade Organization in 2001.

Since that time, trade has flourished between the two countries, but the Chinese have been the major beneficiary. Our trade deficit with China ballooned to a record high of $418 billion in 2018. The country has used our massive trade deficit to bolster not only their economy, but also their military.

After aggressive trade policies, including tariffs, were implemented by President Donald Trump, the deficit dropped to $310 billion in 2020, the lowest in a decade. Unfortunately, President Joe Biden did not adopt those tough policies. His administration has a much more conciliatory tone toward the communist dictatorship.

Biden embarked on this approach despite the harsh reality of what China did to the world over the past two years. In late 2019, evidence is overwhelming that China unleashed the COVID-19 virus, either purposely or by accident, from a biological laboratory in Wuhan.

China is preventing conclusive proof from being established about the origins of the disease by refusing to work with investigators from the World Health Organization. This investigation is necessary to determine conclusively how COVID-19 started and what can be done to prevent future pandemics.

China’s refusal to participate speaks volumes about their involvement in this disaster. The pandemic has caused the deaths of 5.3 million people across the world, including almost 800,000 people in this country. It has also led to trillions of dollars in economic damages worldwide.

Along with the responsibility for the COVID-19 carnage, China is the major manufacturer of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic prescription opioid that is illegally sold in the United States. In the twelve-month period ending in April 2021, over 100,000 Americans died from drug overdose deaths. This was an increase of 28.5% from the previous year. Sadly, many of these deaths were from fentanyl overdose.


The CCP Cares NOT for it’s own People – let alone Americans

China supplied both the pandemic and the drugs which have killed almost one million Americans in the last two years. In addition, an untold number of people in China are being killed by their brutal communist government.

China has continued to oppress the Tibetans and the Muslim Uyghurs. The government also crushed the recent freedom movement in Hong Kong, imprisoning the leaders of the human rights campaign.

China is also regularly invading the territorial airspace of Taiwan by flying their military planes over the country. This is sending an unmistakable message that China intends to invade the island nation. When that happens, the worldwide response will be weak, exactly what China has experienced for decades.


Selling our American soul Cheaply to the Chinese

As China engages in these reprehensible behaviors, Americans continue to buy goods manufactured by slave labor in China. Any inspection at a typical Walmart store will find countless items manufactured in China.

Instead of benefiting communist dictators, Americans should buy products made in this nation. We must start to show allegiance to our workers and our companies and economically punish those corporations like Nike and Apple which have moved so much of their manufacturing to China. These corporations are not alone; for decades, American factories have been closing and Chinese companies have been manufacturing a, increasing number of our consumer goods.

We must buy American, because in communist China workers are not free. There is not only slave labor, but a continuation of child labor.  In China, citizens enjoy no religious or political freedom. There is no opportunity to assemble or protest. There is only one political option, the communist party. Citizens have no choice in elections. A free press does not exist in China. In fact, there is no free flow of information on the Internet, which is heavily censored by the Chinese government.

Unfortunately, major institutions in the United States have sold their souls to the communist dictators….


READ the remainder of the article here…  https://townhall.com/columnists/jeffcrouere/2021/12/13/wake-up-america-communist-china-is-our-enemy-n2600484







China’s global influence campaign finds an unlikely friend in Utah, and it may serve as a blueprint for ‘New York and elsewhere’

March 27, 2023 at 2:17 PM MDT

Salt Lake City’s skyline.
George Frey—Bloomberg/Getty Images

China’s global campaign to win friends and influence policy has blossomed in a surprising place: Utah, a deeply religious and conservative state with few obvious ties to the world’s most powerful communist country.

An investigation by The Associated Press has found that China and its U.S.-based advocates spent years building relationships with the state’s officials and lawmakers. Those efforts have paid dividends at home and abroad, the AP found: Lawmakers delayed legislation Beijing didn’t like, nixed resolutions that conveyed displeasure with its actions and expressed support in ways that enhanced the Chinese government’s image.

Its work in Utah is emblematic of a broader effort by Beijing to secure allies at the local level as its relations with the U.S. and its Western allies have turned acrimonious. U.S. officials say local leaders are at risk of being manipulated by China and have deemed the influence campaign a threat to national security.

Beijing’s success in Utah shows “how pervasive and persistent China has been in trying to influence America,” said Frank Montoya Jr., a retired FBI counterintelligence agent who lives in Utah.

“Utah is an important foothold,” he said. “If the Chinese can succeed in Salt Lake City, they can also make it in New York and elsewhere.”

Security experts say that China’s campaign is widespread and tailored to local communities. In Utah, the AP found, Beijing and pro-China advocates appealed to lawmakers’ affiliations with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, better known as the Mormon church, which is the state’s dominant religion and one that has long dreamed of expanding in China.

Beijing’s campaign in Utah has raised concerns among state and federal lawmakers and drawn the attention of the Justice Department.

A state legislator told the AP he was interviewed by the FBI after introducing a resolution in 2020 expressing solidarity with China early in the coronavirus pandemic. A Utah professor who has advocated for closer ties between Washington and Beijing told the AP he’s been questioned by the FBI twice. The FBI declined to comment.


Beijing’s interest in locally focused influence campaigns is not a secret. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, said during a trip to the U.S. in 2015 that “without successful cooperation at the sub-national level it would be very difficult to achieve practical results for cooperation at the national level.”

A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington told the AP that China “values its relationship with Utah” and any “words and deeds that stigmatize and smear these sub-national exchanges are driven by ulterior political purposes.”

It is not unusual for countries, including the U.S., to engage in local diplomacy. U.S. officials and security experts have stressed that many Chinese language and cultural exchanges have no hidden agendas. However, they said, few nations have so aggressively courted local leaders in ways that raise national security concerns.


READ the remainder of the FORTUNE article here…  https://fortune.com/2023/03/27/china-global-influence-campaign-utah-lawmakers/




Editor’s Note:   The Biden Crime Family says that they cannot be bought.  We don’t disagree.  Of course the Bidens cannot be bought — China bought and paid for the Bidens long ago….



