Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
Last week Oliver Anthony has maybe a few hundred followers for his music.
As of the moment of this posting, Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men North of Richmond” as posted on YouTube has “only” 13 million views! Millions more when counting other platforms.
Talk about “viral”. Anthony may have just redefined it.
Anthony has hit a nerve. TRUTH. People love it. We’re attracted to it.
One man, out in the woods, playing his guitar, and singing from the heart has started a national patriotic FIRE that is still spreading.
The MSM (main stream media) is falling over themselves with heartless cynical “analysis” of the a genuine phenomenon they don’t understand. For example, so-called “Reason.com” wrote:
Fun, Silly Anti-Tax Ballad ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Goes Viral for Some Online Reasons
If you don’t take Oliver Anthony’s surprise hit song too seriously, it’s a lot of fun. Regrettably, a lot of people are taking the song much too seriously indeed.
…Conservative personality Matt Walsh praised it for supposedly injecting some flesh-and-blood beauty into this sterile world. “The main reason this song resonates with so many people isn’t political. It’s because the song is raw and authentic. We are suffocated by artificiality,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.
This song has created quite the stir and lots of gushing within our family. And the fire continues to spread.
People are trying to figure out how turn the newly ignited fire in their hearts into action — and how to become a newly reborn American patriot.
The following “Patriot” Pop Quiz may spark ideas AND help to figure who the real patriots are vs. the Patriot Wannabees”
The 21 Question “True Patriot” Pop QUIZ:
How to know you’re talking with a real American Patriot or at least true Patriot wannabe…
A true Patriot NEVER uses the term “Democracy” when talking about America and Freedom.
- A true Patriot has read the Declaration of Independence.
- A true Patriot has a pocket Constitution, has read and understands it.
- A true Patriot understands the Law of the Land – which is the state & US Constitutions — and obeys them.
- A true Patriot calls out anyone who uses the term “democracy” the moment they use it — and reminds them America is a Constitutional REPUBLIC.
- A true Patriot has written, published and filed on the public record (county recorder) a personal or family Declaration of Independence. (see sample at: http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/happy-independence-day-do-you-have-a-family-declaration-of-independence/ )
- A true Patriot has taken a solemn oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the united States against enemies foreign and domestic” – and can tell you when they took that Oath. (Note: Being a government official is NOT necessary to take the Oath)
- A true Patriot has run for public office and/or served on, and donated to Constitutionally worthy candidates and their campaigns.
- A true Patriot regularly attends City Council meetings, and other government meetings.
- A true Patriot has regularly delivered fliers door to door to inform his friends and neighbors about important local issues, candidates, City Council meetings, community celebrations, etc.
- A true Patriot understands that despite taking the Oath of Office to defend the Constitution, they break their oath by acting as employees of the local city, county, state, federal which have all become “for profit” corporations, instead of FIRST protecting the individual’s God-given unalienable rights every single one of We the People.
A true Patriot understands that the courts are now “for profit” incorporated entities, NOT acting under the Constitution, and instead are acting under Admiralty “slave” law.
- A true Patriot understands that spending his money with Corporations ultimately finances quasi-government that endangers the freedoms of ALL of the People.
- A true Patriot is willing to intelligently, wisely, carefully, but BOLDLY stand up to ALL tyrannical, un-Constitutional actions by any government official.
- A true Patriot respects the blood of fallen heroes enough to hold Oath-breaking officials responsible for trespasses and damages done to them by working to remove them from office AND Invoice for damages — knowing that they have NO IMMUNITY when they break their Oath “Contract with the People”.
- A true Patriot is willing to die for his country/Constitution/fellow Patriot wannabe — and LIVES like he means it.
- A true Patriot understands that FEAR is the main tool of the Devil, and that FEAR is a form of worship of the Devil that empowers him — and that the true Patriot will have NO FEAR because his only “fear” is an awe, reverence and worship of God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ who is the one true God of this Land.
A true Patriot, once learning that innocent children are being sex trafficked (as in the blockbuster movie “Sound of Freedom”), their blood harvested as “adrenochrome”, are victimized by demonic Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), and too often offered as blood sacrifices on altars to their loser god Lucifer — now does EVERYTHING within their power to RESCUE, HEAL and RESTORE these child victims to family safety — and brings swift, fair and appropriate Justice to the perpetrators.
A true Patriot has determined that NOT ONE PENNY MORE of his money will go the federal government UNTIL indictments, arrests, prosecutions, trials, convictions and hangings for TREASON have been accomplished at the highest levels of government — or heavy millstones for those government officials discovered protecting & promoting pedophilia & child trafficking. (US Open Border policy) This must take place in all three branches; Executive (White House), Legislative (Congress – both House & Senate), and Judicial (Supreme Court and on down).
A true Patriot understands that he must do his part to DEFUND the “for profit” US government INC. or he is part of the problem. This includes DEFUNDING the incorporated “alphabet agencies” like the FBI, CIA, EPA, NSA, NEA, DEA, etc., which has in both action and deed declared WAR on We the People. The true patriot exposes anyone trying to hand over our Freedom (“sovereignty”) to international United Nations one world government, and that anyone who pays into that system is financing the destruction of our county, and has blood on their hands for whatever evil it does with that money and are now part of the TREASON.
- A true Patriot understands that GOD is the sovereign Ruler of the Universe, and that God gave His great gift of Freedom and Unalienable Rights to Man, and that Man is the Master over government, servants. Patriots know that when government tyrants exceeds their limited Constitutional “Contract” in a “long train of abuses”, that as the Declaration of Independence says, it is the “right” of the People, and “it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” Patriots understand that the penalty for the most serious Breech of Contract REQUIRES the penalty of Death by Hanging on the public square.
(see The Declaration of Independence, of 1776 at: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript)
And, now dear friends, THAT’s how you can learn for yourself if YOU qualify to be a Patriot or at least a Patriot Wannabe — or anybody else for that matter.
Thanks again Anthony Oliver
for setting the Nation on FIRE with TRUTH!
SONG Request: Oliver, please write a new song about the “Repair Kit” below. PLEASE Oliver!
REMEMBER: This “Repair Kit” is 100% Guaranteed to Restore Oath-keeping by Government “Servants”. We owe this service to all those who sacrificed their own blood, and never came home, and were buried in far away lands — who fought and died for the Constitution they swore to protect. No less should be required of those who destroy or selfishly profit while standing on their graves.
It is 100% GUARANTEED it won’t take but a handful of high level government traitors from the White House, Congress and Courts, and each of the three-letter alphabet agencies (FBI, CIA, etc.) to STOP corrupt government literally DEAD in its tracks. The sooner, the better. Consider the new Fairy Tale based on a true even in history which 100% Guarantees the INSTANT honesty and justice in the courts. Hint: Every judge should have his own “skin in the game”. See the Fairy Tale at: http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/100-guaranteed-to-insure-the-end-of-corrupt-judges/
Sadly, our nation has been systematically dumbed down, to make our destruction easier.
Our nation will not be saved in ignorance. Knowledge is power. God promised…
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:
because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,…:
seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God,
I will also forget thy children.” – Bible: Hosea 4:6
God has said He will REJECT those who “reject knowledge”. Yikes! No one wants to be rejected by God, right?
Friends, it’s Time to GET “Knowledge” or be “forgotten” by God!
If you know that you need “knowledge”, but you don’t know where to get it, you might consider the following menu of Donation opportunities. These liberty materials are designed to inspire respect for the sacrifices and freedom principles that were bled and died to found of this nation.
Note: We are NOT in business to sell stuff and get rich. But we are here to bless you with “knowledge” and educational materials — made possible accept your kind DONATIONS — so we can that may help you and your children NOT BE DESTROYED or FORGOTTEN by God.
Do your part to awaken yourself, your family and a sleeping People. It’s a WIN – WIN and WIN situation.
REMEMBER: The People you AWAKEN to their God-given freedoms, may become the people who help SAVE the nation!