Press Release – Vote Recount Requested

Written By: admin - Nov• 10•11


DATE: November 9, 2011

RE: Cedar Hills Council candidates announce intent to request a ballot recount.

2011 Cedar Hills City Council candidates Jerry Dearinger, Paul Sorensen, and Ken Cromar announce that they will be respectfully requesting a recount of the ballots in last night’s election, due to signed reports by their certified and legally authorized poll count watchers of questionable circumstances during the counts.

This hotly contested campaign saw high voter turnout…

2011 Cedar Hills City Council candidates Dearinger Cromar Sorensen



The following email was sent out by Gretchen Gordon a long-time city employee, who is also a member of The Cedars HOA board, who also counted the votes which were not allowed to be watched by candidate vote-count watcher designees, and who hasn’t declared this clear conflict of interest.Voting instructions by Cedar HOA from Gretchen Gordon - 2011 11 07










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