Before fastening your seat-belt for this ride – especially the UNIDROIT section towards end…
[As per the previous posting of “part 3” first an EDITOR’S NOTE of INTRODUCTION] Kendal Anderson is relatively new to the blog-world, but his deep and thorough research, along with his clear-headed writing is proving formidable, compelling and helpful to people who care about God and Jesus Christ.
Like me, editor Ken Cromar, he is a lifelong member of the “predominant religion of Utah” officially called “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” – or as nicknamed “The Mormons”.
This is an over simplification, but with Kendal’s permission I can characterize him as one who writes from a “believer’s” concerned perspective about how worldliness has crept into our Church, and is causing compromise to the Church as established by the prophet Joseph Smith and the book of scripture called “The Book of Mormon – Another Testament of Jesus Christ” – hence the title of his blog While I certainly do not agree with all of his writings, he definitely provoked my deeper thinking.
For this reason, I can for the most part, heartily recommend the two articles (part 4 and part 3 was posted earlier) referenced here specifically because they lend support to a CHCRG article here, “WW3 – World War Wicked #1 – The Kingdom of God vs Lucifer Inc LLC“. (both links at bottom) This article is provided in it’s entirety with Kendal’s permission.
Fasten your seatbelt! Enjoy the ride.
The Beast is Coming to Utah IV: Smashing Cockroaches
Sunday April 19, 2023 – by Kendal Anderson
And now whoso readeth, let him understand; he that hath the scriptures, let him search them, and see, and behold if all these deaths, and destructions by fire, and by smoke, and by tempests and by whirlwinds, and by the opening of the earth to receive them, and all these things are not unto the fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets. (3 Nephi 4:11, RE, emphasis added)
What exactly was Mormon trying to show us?
- God always spares the righteous.
- God always sends prophets to warn of impending destruction.
- Secret combinations are usually in control and seek to kill those prophets.
And as one generation hath been destroyed among the Jews because of iniquity, even so have they been destroyed from generation to generation according to their iniquities. And never hath any of them been destroyed save it were foretold them by the prophets of the Lord… (2 Nephi 11:4, RE, emphasis added)
Nephi uses the word never, which is an absolute term, like its antonym, always. This should also give us hope. We are always warned of impending destruction. This is another manifestation of God’s mercy. His patterns remain constant over time.
Now on to theme number three. This one has ominous implications for prophets that the Lord may call in the future. If and when the last vestiges of freedom fall prey to Agenda 2030, elites will have no qualms about killing those who attempt to call them to repentance. And just like in Christ’s day, those elites will occupy high positions in churches claiming to be God’s true church.
It has happened in the past, do we think we are immune?
The bad news is that God does allow the wicked to kill the righteous because of agency, which will stand as a testimony against them at the last day. Alma and Amulek witnessed this first hand.
But there is a silver lining.
In addition to those martyrs being received in heaven, God does not tolerate the killing of His prophets and saints for very long. He can only take so much of the blood of the innocentcrying from the dust for vengeance upon those who build up… what?
Secret Combinations.
Now, we know that Jacob-ugath and the other four cities were destroyed because of secret combinations. The Lord makes that very clear:
And behold, that great city Jacob-ugath, which was inhabited by the people of king Jacob, have I caused to be burned with fire because of their sins and their wickedness, which was above all the wickedness of the whole earth because of their secret murders and combinations, for it was they that did destroy the peace of my people and the government of the land… (3 Nephi 4:6, RE, emphasis added)
The Lord then proceeds to list the other four cities (Laman, Josh, Gad, and Kishcumen), and explains that they had cast out and stoned the prophets, and were destroyed because “there were none righteous among them.”
There is the theme again.
Now, the Lord lists a bunch of other cities at the beginning of that verse that were also destroyed because they had similarly cast out and killed the saints and the prophets. However, Jacob-ugath and the four cities listed after in are a different category. I believe the Lord is differentiating them to show you that these cities were totally controlled by secret combinations, and that their wickedness was “above the wickedness of the whole earth.”
The other cities mentioned before them are in a different class of wickedness. They were divided into tribes that established different laws and modes of government, yet despite their differences they managed to maintain peace with one another… that is until the prophets came to convert them. They killed Nephi’s brother whom he raised from the dead, and they were angry with him because of his power.
They were probably good-intentioned people who were blinded by crafty leaders and propagandizers, who got them to cross that threshold of participating in the collective murder of saints and prophets the Lord sent to them.
And one has to wonder how they justified it?
Were the saints and prophets called religious extremists? Were they labeled conspiracy theorists? Were they railing against the status quo?
Did the people let their tribal leaders arrest these good folks, and condemn them to death after a kangaroo court? Did they let their city-state municipalities take care of business for them? Did they delegate the murdering to their political leaders for “the good of the tribe”?
These folks, although well-intentioned, were deceived, and because of that they DID NOT escape destruction. Well-intentioned people have committed some of the most egregious atrocities in history. A great libertarian philosopher described this phenomenon as it relates to nationalism and war. In such conditions, he proclaimed that:
Society becomes a herd, seeking to kill its alleged enemies, rooting out and suppressing all dissent from the official war effort, happily betraying truth for the supposed public interest… (Albert Jay Nock, War is the Health of the State)
Mobocracy, it seems, is also a qualifier for destruction. God’s mercies only extend so far.
We have one more link to make involving Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you really believe that those cities were destroyed because of homosexuality? Has God ever destroyed a city for that particular sin alone?
I don’t think so.
Much more was going on in those cities. If God followed the same pattern that is in the Book of Mormon, then those cities’ wickedness was probably comparable to that of Jacob-ugath. If they were not, then why did Mormon tell us to search the scriptures? He told you the pattern. He gave you the clues. (Watch the video for the full explanation).
If you want to know what the Sodomites were really doing, read chapter 116 of the Book of the Order of the Ancients, an apocryphal text including the Writings of Abraham. I can summarize some of what was going on:
They were engaging in wife and daughter swapping, kidnapping outsiders, stealing their goods, then torturing, raping, and leaving them to die, naked and hungry in the streets. It didn’t matter whether they were men or women. And to make sure they starved to death, a city ordinance was passed making it a crime for anyone to help these victims by feeding or clothing them.
They were also engaging in idol worship and “abominations.” And remember in the Book of Mormon abominations are associated with secret combinations.
Mormon has given us the chance to catch ourselves before we get swept away in the propaganda and are forced to regrettably say, “Well that escalated quickly!”
Now is the time to wake up!
Because, as per our conversation in this series, Salt Lake City is on the fast track to becoming a city like unto Jacob-ugath. The Salt Palace has already been annexed by the United Nations; a headquarters is being assembled. Check out the first three minutes of this video:
Port-entious Bastards!
“Generations of Utahns planned and sacrificed to put us on the map as the Crossroads of the West,” said Jack Hedge, the port authority executive director, in a Thursday news conference presenting the plan. “We think this inland port plan really gives us the guideposts and the framework to be the Crossroads of the World.”
While presenting the plan, Hedge repeatedly emphasized the port authority’s goal is to position Utah as a leader in “revolutionizing global logistics for the next generation” while also creating an environmentally sensitive, green port unlike anything that currently exists in the world — all while reducing impact to air quality and the environment in the port’s 16,000 acre jurisdiction west of Salt Lake City International Airport. (Electric Trucks, ‘clean cargo’: Utah Inland Port unveils 5-year business plan)
“Crossroads of the World?” Pretty pretentious plans for little ol’ Utah don’t you think?
His comment about “a green port unlike anything that currently exists int the world” is laughable. Ironically, there will be nothing green or “sustainable” about it. The port will drastically increase semi-truck traffic on Salt Lake City freeways causing jams and increased emissions (the very thing Agenda 2030 is railing against). This will require tax-payers to foot the bill for the necessary freeway upgrades.
Air quality around the port will become insufferable, as smog mixes with the air borne pesticides necessary to reduce mosquito populations and other pests. This will affect the millions of insect-eating migratory birds who use the Great Salt Lake as nesting grounds each year (didn’t the Earth Charter say something about animals having souls and rights?).
This added air and water pollution will mostly effect the lower classes who live on the west side of the city, as winds and drainage water carry pesticides into homes and schools, while the richer classes will continue to enjoy the fresher air they get from their mansions overlooking Salt Lake from higher elevations.
But what about jobs? Won’t this create a boon of employment for the lower classes? Actually, no, the wages are low and the work is redundant, which means few people will desire the jobs. Moreover, public works projects (such as the Hoover Dam), only provide jobs for a few workers, while the tax dollars required for the projects are forcibly taken from free market capital. Thus, many potential jobs never come into existence at all (see Bastiat’s Broken Window Fallacy). Furthermore, there are already labor shortages artificially created by past Covid restrictions that make finding workers almost impossible. I know because I am a business owner myself.
One of the reasons Hedge cites that underscores the need for an inland port was the fragility of global supply chains. This “fragility” was created by government restrictions in the first place, so we have another example here of government creating the problem and then coming up with the solution… which is more government intervention.
And speaking of business, the proposed business plan of UIPA is not only unsustainable, but completely impractical in the current import market.
Have any of you seen the movie Office Space? Do you remember the scene when Tom Smykowski is being interviewed by the Bob’s who were brought in to downsize the company? Do you remember what they asked him when he accidentally revealed the redundancy of his job?
What would you say… you do here?
Here is the hilarious movie clip to refresh your memory (caution: language use):
Well the same could be said about the inland port. Marine containers from the Far East are shipped into the San Pedro ports at Long Beach and Los Angeles, and are there de-vanned, reorganized and redistributed onto freight cars and semi-trailers before being shipped into other regions. There are no pallets on marine shipping containers, just boxes upon boxes of packaged goods. The laborious process of de-vanning, organizing goods into pallets, and re-loading them onto trailers and freight cars is expensive. It has to be done manually.
This is already being done in large sea ports where it makes sense to do so before shipping the goods to other inland regions. Furthermore, once the goods have been reallocated and shipped to Salt Lake City, they arrive on freight cars at the Union Pacific terminal, where the pallets are quickly loaded onto trucks that go to distribution centers.
Why would they ship the un-de-vanned marine containers all the way to Salt Lake City, and then redistribute them to other regions around the West? It makes no sense. (At least the Kansas City port is on the Missouri River where they can receive barges, Utah is in an isolated desert).
Well, it just so happens that one man, much smarter than the Bob’s on Office Space, actually did an evaluation essentially asking the same rhetorical question to the now retired Jack Hedge and the new director Ben Hart:
What would you say… you do here in Utah?
If you’re bored and have spare time you can read the fifty-plus pages of the study detailing the likelihood of the business plan ending in dismal failure. The man’s name is Dr. Robert C. Leachman, a professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California in Berkeley. Click hereto read the paper.
But again, these are only the superficial debates going on about the port. As always, there is a much more nefarious agenda at play here.
Hedge, in this interview, described three signed agreements he made with some public-private organizations to help UIPA keep the port green. The first one is with Dominion Energy, a natural gas company, who contracted to only sell them “renewable natural gas” harvested from landfills and other methane sources.
The second agreement is with Rocky Mountain Power, who will guarantee that only power from wind, solar, or geothermal sources will be used at distribution plants in the port area. (By the way, windmills are not a very efficient source of power, here in Idaho farmers are paid huge sums by the government to place windmills on their land. The power harvested from them costs more than the free market is willing to pay so the government subsidizes the remaining costs and grants the power to places like California).
I say public-private because companies like Dominion Energy and Rocky Mountain Power have been granted government-sanctioned municipal monopolies.
Also, Hedge failed to mention that Dominion Energy got in trouble with the EPA in the early 2000s for releasing millions of pounds of gastrointestinal, liver, and musculoskeletal toxicant emissions into the air. But don’t ask don’t tell.
The third agreement mentioned by Hedge is the most telling as to who is behind this inland port. This one involves the National Audubon Society out of Washington D.C., a front group for you guessed it, the Rockefellers.
A few posts ago I brought up the fact that $40 million was allocated by the speaker of the House in Utah to non-profit organizations seeking to preserve the Great Salt Lake. This money went to the Nature Conservatory and National Audubon Society, both Rockefeller groups. And what are they doing with the Great Salt Lake?
Lithium mining.
Now, obviously, judging by the port alone they care little for the environment or the birds that nest there. But lithium mining is many times more harmful to the environment than spraying pesticides and even fracking, contrary to popular propaganda. Here is the process:
The lithium extraction process uses a lot of water — approximately 500,000 gallons per metric ton of lithium. To extract lithium, miners drill a hole in salt flats and pump salty, mineral-rich brine to the surface. After several months the water evaporates, leaving behind a mixture of manganese, potassium, borax, and lithium salts which is then filtered and placed into another evaporation pool. After between 12 and 18 months of this process, the mixture is filtered sufficiently that lithium carbonate can be extract. (See article: The Environmental Impact of Lithium Batteries)
The article goes on to reveal that toxins such as hydrochloric acid are released into the environment as a result of lithium mining. Other toxins affect air and water quality in the surrounding areas, poisoning both humans and animals. Toxins have been discovered as far as 150 miles downstream of mining sites.
The batteries are used for cell phones, electric cars, and all things smart, and it is smart technology that will become our new wardens in smart-city prisons. For the last few years, while politicians in Utah were telling residents to conserve water, they have been diverting water into the Salt Lake basin and evaporating it to the tune of hundreds of billions of gallons yearly. To get the whole sleezy story watch the second half of this video:
Now, when you begin to look into Rockefeller activity in Utah you find their money and influence everywhere. For instance, there is an organization called World Trade Center Utah that is heavily backing the inland port. Their stated purpose is as follows:
To lead Utah’s international business development and elevate Utah’s global status to promote prosperity and economic resilience.
What? Global status? International business development? What are they talking about? This is in Utah, not New York City. Just what exactly is going on here? The Rockefeller Brothers Fundhas been involved in financing “world trade” since the 1950s, let’s find out what out else they are up to in Utah.
The Roach-efellers Come Out of Utah’s Woodwork
She will show you the board members of some NGOs in Utah, mainly Envision Utah, what bills they are sponsoring, and how they also sit on boards of private corporations like Zion’s bank. The same people who run the World Trade Center Utah also run the inland port authority, and they are involved in inside real estate deals, enriching themselves while the rest of us suffer through this recession caused by, well, their buddies in Washington.
Jon Huntsman Jr.:
Spencer Eccles:
The Leavitts Brothers – Mike & David
Mike Leavitt:
BEWARE!: Inclusion of any information here is not to be presumed as endorsement by Cedar Hills Citizens for Responsible Government of the information, nor it’s writers, researchers or sources. Do your own research before coming to any conclusions — however, PLEASE KEEP A WATCHFUL EYE over your children and grandchildren as the predators are to be assumed to be EVERYWHERE including trusted leaders in government, church, family, friends and neighborhood:
Utah County Ritualistic Abuse Case Files – Concrete Conspiracy – Sept 27, 2022 – at
WARNING: Victim Statement #4 that specifically mentions David Leavitt in three places, pages pg 31, 34 and 51, is very painful to read, and can be found here. Though we were denied the same privilege, Leavitt is to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
Also, this article which requires a similar reader discretion WARNING, etc …
Vipers VI: Offending the Little Ones
“If you’re wondering what the large stones are in the picture above, they are millstones. The heavens reserve these stones for those who hurt little children, whether it is sexual or physical abuse, mind control and manipulation, or outright murder (usually in the form of ritual sacrifice). You need to realize that the elites of the world all engage in this debauchery, Jeffrey Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg. They do unspeakable and utterly detestable things to children.”
- Mike O. Leavitt, Honorary Co-Chair
- Gary Herbert, (Vice Chair), former Utah governor
- Kem Gardner of the Kem Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah
- M. Russel Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve

UNIDROIT – the Dirty Secret
Importing the Lex Mercatoria
- A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the District of Columbia.
- “(h) The United States is located in the District of Columbia.” (Uniform Commercial Code Sec. 9.307. LOCATION OF DEBTOR)
Tell me, how can the entire continental United States fit into the 63 square miles that comprise Washington D.C.? Well, it doesn’t, but a corporation called the United StatesTM does.
A 1953 court case described this very thing:
There has been created a fictional federal State (of) xxxxxx within a state. (See Howard v. Sinking Fund of Louisville, 344 U.S. 624, 73 S. Ct. 465, 476, 97 L. Ed. 617 (1953); Schwarts v. O’Hara TP School District, 100 A 2d. 621, 625, 375, Pa. 440)
One of the items governed by UNIDRIOT is called “negotiable instruments.” This is referring to fiat currency, specifically Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). They are debt instruments which merely discharge, or transfer debt. They do not pay for anything because they are not backed by gold or silver. A dollar bill therefore, is a bill of credit, so when you pay for merchandise with dollars you are using a bill to pay a bill.
In 1966, just two years after the U.S. entered the UNIDRIOT agreement/treaty, the Federal Tax Lien Act was passed. This was an attempt to bring the internal revenue laws (Revenue Act of 1913) into conformity with the Uniform Commercial Code. Basically, it gave the government more power to collect taxes from delinquent “persons,” i.e., little corporations with ALL CAPS names.
Payments are discussed in Article 6 of the UNIDROIT Principles, and it uses legalese such as “transfer” and “discharge” when referring to “monetary obligations.”
Do you know what the word discharge really means?
Its prefix Dis means “Roman underworld god,” usually in reference to Pluto, or a demon. Charge means a “load, burden, imposition,” or “responsibility.” Thus, discharge literally means “charged up demon.” Is our current monetary system infused with sorcery?
But there’s more… Charge is also associated with the words entrust, command, and accuse. And who is the great Accuser? Satan himself. So discharge also means “demon accuser.”
And who is being accused when a debt is discharged? Why, you and I, because we are using the bankers play money. And remember, we are the security that is leveraged against it. We are the surety, we are the real asset backing the fiction.
Now, how is UNIDROIT being implemented in Utah? Through the Uniform Law Commission, the national version of UNIDROIT, established in the U.S. in 1892. The ULC publishes a yearly legislative report for states that are implementing international law. Utah has passed several laws that qualify for the report (SB 121, HB 94, SB 188, and SB 18 are some examples).
They are doing this in every state.
And by the way, the UN has an International Maritime Organization (IMO)that governs the law of the sea for the entire globe. Like UNIDRIOT, this was a multilateral agreement reached in the 1950s to protect the “biodiversity” of the oceans. This organization regulates all shipping on the high seas once ships leave port.
Although nations and states maintain control over sea and inland ports, they are subject to international regulations prescribed by the IMO. Is the Utah Inland Port now a back door for this organization to reach its tentacles onto the mainland?
Only time will tell. But judging by who is behind the Inland Port and who sits on its boards, it has globalism written all over it anyway.
And speaking of maritime law, before I end I want to leave you with some interesting verses from the Old Testament book of Zephaniah. His short record is a prophecy about the coming destruction that will precede the Lord’s coming. Before that day God will “punish the princes,” the “king’s children,” and the merchants:
And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and a howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills. Howl, you inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the merchant people are cut down. All they that bear silver are cut off. (Zephaniah 1:3, RE, emphasis added)
The Hebrew word Maktesh, means “mortar” or “deep hollow.” In the context of the verse above it has reference to silver merchants in Jerusalem. This part of the city, it was conjectured, was called the “Phoenician Quarter,” the place where the merchants resided.
Is Zephaniah using Jewish imagery to write about the modern city-states of London, Washington D.C., and Vatican City?
Perhaps. These cities are definitely “deep hollows” or strongholds that merchants control and are independent of any nation on earth.
But there’s more.
Zephaniah also tells us that God will one-day restore a pure language:
Therefore, wait upon me, says the Lord, until the day I rise to the prey. For my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them my indignation, even all my fierce anger. For all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then I will turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent. (Zephaniah 1:11, RE, emphasis added)
This is a fascinating concept, especially in light of the stark reality that our language has been corrupted and is being used to enslave us.
There is a recent book published by Bryan Lang and Dr. Brian Zang that expounds upon this very thing, entitled, The Ancient Cosmic Language.
As it turns out, that pure Adamic language may have had a lot more to do with the stars and constellations than many of us have previously realized. I highly recommend the book. You can follow Bryan here.
Stay tuned for Part V, it’ll be a deep-dive into the Rockefeller dynasty…
Part 3 is found here…