Circular reasoning ( Latin: circulus in probando, “circle in proving”; [1] also known as circular logic) is a logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with.
The D.O.J. Must Be Insane
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has used a regimental application of Abuse of Process to sustain a predetermined illusion of guilt for Barbie & Ken, which has been grossly evidenced by the repeated display of their “Circular Reasoning.”
“Circular Reasoning” is a common problem in the appraisal industry where an appraiser, who is limited in the scope of their assignment, begins with a pre-drawn conclusion (or premise) and then only considers information that will support the original premise. Such has been the case with all of the so-called investigators, litigants, prosecutors, and judges in the Case against Barbie & Ken Cromar. GUILTY AS CHARGED – DON’T BOTHER US WITH THE FACTS, OUR MINDS ARE MADE UP!
Sadly, it is those who have learned to master the “Art of Circular Reasoning” who have been licensed to lie by the DOJ.
It was an Obama Appointed Federal Judge, Robert J. Shelby, who began this travesty of Injustice when he stole Barbie & Ken’s Dream Home by denying them of their constitutional rights to Due Process of law, to satisfy a fraudulent tax lien by the IRS. This iconic duo fought back, sued the IRS, and won!
Barbie & Ken want their DreamHouse, Life,
Liberty and Reputation back!
To my knowledge, Barbie & Ken are the only ones, who have ever prevailed against the IRS, whose victory is not under a non-disclosure agreement. A fact that makes Barbie & Ken dangerous to the IRS’s legitimacy and vulnerability. – So, it comes as no surprise to us that the DOJ was weaponized against Barbie & Ken as an effort to silence them. – But Now the Collusion and Orchestrated Abuse of Process has been thoroughly documented and exposed for all the world to see.
Barbie & Ken’s battle has not been a political one, but rather one of an American couple trying to protect and defend their home. Yet, what they revealed is the complete corruption of the Department of Justice, which as General David Berger says, the DOJ is enemy and We Are At War.
If this can happen to our beloved, Barbie & Ken, think about what they can do to you, a President of the United States, or anyone who might be seen as having a political agenda. It is a sobering thought indeed! – Tom Fairbanks, Author of the Friend of the Court Brief in behalf of Barbie & Ken.
Tom Fairbanks
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation
(435) 512-1053