NOTE: This is a re-posting of the July 30, 2018 article. It is interesting to note that “Barbie & Ken” were served a Complaint from US DISTRICT COURT about five-months Earlier in “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. PAUL KENNETH CROMAR, and BARBARA ANN CROMAR, et all”. Then even more interesting to consider how Councilman Rob Crawley’s report to the City LINK below about five months BEFORE may have impacted the lRS false claim was made in federal court. Was the full-force of the lRS unleashed by “anonymous reports to lRS”, using and weaponizing the lRS against political enemies in CH? Any connection? Hmmmm…
Then see a previous article explains about a $12 Million Whistle-blower REWARD. It’s not right to Weaponize the lRS against good CH friends trying to warn their neighbors about Cedar Hills city golf corruption?
IF IT COULD happen to “Barbie & Ken”, it could happen to you!
Just in time for INDEPENDENCE Day — 4th of July!
FINALLY! The Cover-up is being blown open!
The records EXPOSING details on the FREE GOLF
have been freed!
The following 6 pages of the CUSTOMER COUNT are scanned / exactly as Cedar Hills Recorder Ms. Mulvey and Cedar Hills defense attorneys provided in the public hearing of the Utah State Records Committee on June 14, 2018, scanned into the following PDF…
SRC 2018 06 14 Mulvey Book – Customer Count
The following 6 pages of the GREEN FEES BY CUSTOMER BY DATE are scanned / exactly as Cedar Hills Recorder Ms. Mulvey and Cedar Hills defense attorneys provided in the public hearing of the Utah State Records Committee on June 14, 2018, scanned into the following PDF…
SRC 2018 06 14 Mulvey Book – Green Fees by Customer by Date
More information and analysis regarding the importance of FINALLY getting these documents, will follow ASAP in future posts.
Other Golf corruption articles
November 2, 2017 report on the all the FREEEEEE Golf – FINALLY!
Three weeks later US v Cromars filed on Nov 22, 2017 in US District Court on false charges by DOJ / IRS …
July 30, 2017 – Councilman Exposes GOLF Course Financial Fiasco on way out ….
See original posting July 4, 2018 here…
And this posting of July 4, 2018 …
City Recorder Mulvey FAILS to provide “COMPLETE” history of CH GRAMA Requests – Twice!