The Birth of the Greatest Nation in the History of the World
When this nation was born, it was established on a foundation that acknowledged God as the Great Creator of the Universe and this world, and Author and grantor of ALL Life, Liberty, Property and Pursuit of Happiness — and that governments were established only to serve and protect the People in their God-given un-a-lien-able rights.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”. Declaration of Independence – July 4, 1776
Our Founding Fathers did NOT kick out the British so they could become new kings, queens, princes and princesses, or become tyrants over the colonists in this “New World”. Instead, they were determined to create a new form of government designed specifically to protect the rights of the INDIVIDUAL above government power.
They recognized that IF government were designed to vigorously protect each person’s rights , then the rights of ALL “We the People”
“Lucifer Inc.” = Government is god
EVERY DAY our once great nation, along with the rest of the world, seems to be slipping deeper and deeper into dark chaos. Each news report grows more and more INSANE.
People everywhere are sliding into FEAR, anxiety and insecurity. We seem to live in a day that the prophet Isaiah warned against:
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.”
BIBLE – Isaiah 5:20
Satan is the all-time BIGGEST LOSER, Narcissist, and Pathetic Parasite!
The scriptures tell us that before this life there was a “War in Heaven”. There Satan was jealous, and wanted to be above God, and esteemed and loved by all of us. God’s greatest gift to his Heavenly children — each and every one of us — is our freedom to choose good or bad. Christ offered himself to serve as the Savior of the World to come to earth to pay the price for sin, and win the victory over sin and death. Satan fought against God and was an “angel cast down from heaven” to earth where the spiritual War in Heaven did not end – but continues here on earth.
Examples of the Lucifer Inc’s insanity has taken over our country, with plans to take over the world, by literally INCORPORATING everything and everyone into a One-World government.
Kill all that God Loves, especially His Children
To Satan’s way of thinking he genuinely cares for nobody, uses his evil minions to do his will (he can’t do it himself because he has no body) — but will abandon ALL, even his most loyal followers. He’s that pathetic! What a loser. His “crash & burn” is certain and coming. It’s will be spectacular and unforgettable.
This NEW series of articles called, “WW3 – World War Wicked”, intends to expose more of Satan’s “Useful Idiots”, barbecue a few sacred cows, and generally highlight many concepts and Satanic strategies MOST people have never heard of or even considered, including:
- GOV INC. – All governments — federal, state, county and cities — are now all for-profit Corporations. Did you know that?! (for example STATE OF UTAH has a Dun & Bradstreet #009094301, and an #EIN #87-6000545) This includes USA Inc. – yes it’s a REAL thing – and all corporations in the US are based in Washington DC.
JUSTICE INC. – The courts have become for-profit “commercial courts” that monetize the people and cases, really acting more like Banks; with the Clerk of the Court serving as the “bank manager”, the “judges” more like “bank tellers”, with BAR attorneys serving as “account managers” there to fill the “Bank” with money stealing from and denying Constitutional rights and justice.
- JUST US INC. — Similar to Justice Inc. above, however, this for-profit federal court actually rewards “judges” (bank tellers) and other “officers of the court” for every conviction, with every transaction and filing having a monetary value — which may explain why the DOJ has “out performed” Hitler’s notorious 90% conviction rate, with the Dept of IN-Justice which touts a 98-99% conviction rate.
HEALTH INC. — Is anything but about curing illness and disease. There’s no on-going revenue flow if you cure cancer — for example. By now most folks are waking up to the fact that COVID 19 and the “safe & effective vaccine” were all based in deceit. The hospital protocols of Remdesivir with a ventilator all but guaranteed death 80% of the time. BUT, it was a $$$ windfall for hospitals who were paid for every positive COVID test, every ventilator & Remdesivir patient and “COVID death” even if it was more likely the car accident that crushed the patient’s head.
STARVATION INC. — GMO seeds, vax-laced foods, Chinese and Bill Gates buy up of farmlands, over 100 food production plants destroyed by mysterious fires, explosions, and plane crashes. WEF Klaus Schwab (Nazi cartoon villain) want everyone to “eat the bugs” instead of beef. Famine via an intentionally manufacture food shortage is coming!
- GREEN RELIGION INC. — The “Elites” flew all around the world to conferences in private fuel burning jets, but preach mass transit, battery run cars (which require fossil fuel created electricity) requiring more energy to produce the battery than saved by the batteries made with slave labor in China who also have their organs harvested (hearts, lungs, kidneys, etc. from the Wiegars) from living for the elite high paying customers. Insanity.
ENERGY INC. — In the name of “no fossil fuels” the pipeline was shut down, and America’s energy independence was sacrificed, so we could import fossil fuels from nations who do NOT process oil with the quality and clean standards here. Results: Higher prices. Energy dependence on our enemies. Dangerous to national security.
BORDERS INC. — No national security. No idea who, what and why is crossing our border, except that the Mexican cartels are profiting in human trafficking, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, Chinese produced fentanyl to kill America’s young – with bonus payoffs to Biden Inc. and others.
- WAR / EUGENICS INC. — Ukraine is a bio-weapon manufacturing mecca, and dirty money laundering corrupt cesspool of corruption. A US journalist has all but proven in an undeniable report that Biden ordered the destruction of the Russian pipeline to Europe which is an act of war that could lead to use of Nukes. Doesn’t seem smart does it?, unless you’re one of Satan’s useful idiots and that’s the outcome of death and destruction you’re after.
Remember that in Satan’s motto is, “You can buy anything in this world with money.”
To Satan and his followers and “useful idiots”, it’s all about the promise of money, power, sex, and glory, etc…
Lucifer Inc. LOSES!
Many believe that Jesus Christ’s promised Second Coming will finally bring true PEACE on EARTH – of such majesty that the Messiah will rule & reign for a long and loving 1000 years – in what is called “The Millennium”.
With the world seemingly spinning out of control, it appears hopeless. The exact opposite is true. Keep calm. Babylon is falling.
But, in the meanwhile, Satan – the Prince of Darkness – is enjoying the Day of his Great Power — reigning with “blood and horror”, imposing pain and suffering wherever he can in devious delight! However, he’s all flash and completely impotent. (no Blue pills can help his dilemma) In fact scripture warns us that Lucifer’s fall will be so horrible that after it’s over and we look at him, we’ll see how pathetic he really is (a Golam type character I imagine) and we’ll say:
“But you will be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. Those who see you will stare; they will ponder your fate; “Is this the man who shook the earth and made the kingdoms tremble? – Isaiah 14:16
FEAR, pain, anxiety, starvation, disease and death are NOT what God planned for us His Children. He only wants for our Life, Liberty, and Happiness. Father God inspired the men & women who establish this nation with a Constitution designed to limit government a few specific functions.
Remember, GOD WINS in the end.
1000 years of PEACE is coming after World War Wicked is resolved with the wicked swept off this land of promise.
We are all offered the opportunity to fight to preserve and protect the freedoms, life and liberty God has given us — and in so doing we are invited to join GOD’s victorious KINGDOM.
Be there!